Good Morning, Quilters!
Today, we are going to expand on last week’s quilting motif, The Welsh Leaf, with two easier variations. All of the motifs have the same basic shape and spirals, but we’ll change the spirals to create different leaves. In the design world, they call this “repeat and vary”! It’s a great way to add interest to any design-whether it is a quilt or a garden!
The Welsh Leaf
In our first Spiral Welsh Leaf, we added spirals that curled in and then out again. Check out my very first tutorial ever: Four Steps to Perfect Spirals HERE-I didn’t even stitch it! LOL! and Four Secrets to Better Spirals.
It is challenging to get the spacing right for this type of spiral. In addition, the right and left version are like two totally different motifs in terms of motor learning.
Welsh Leaf with Messy Spirals
For an easy version, try the Welsh Leaf with messy spirals like the spirals in the Christmas Rose.
Simply stitch in to the center and out again, without worrying about spacing.

I LOVE the quirky look of this motif!

Welsh Leaf with Silly Spirals
For another variation, try the leaf with Silly Spirals
The goal is to keep the spacing even, but it doesn’t need to be perfect!

Echostitching the Welsh Leaf
After you complete the leaf, it looks better if you add a row of echo stitching. You can echo stitch one leaf at a time, or echo stitch a row of leaves all at one time. Once you begin to stitch the leaves in rows or patterns, this will become clearer.
And now that we know a few variations of the Welsh Leaf we will be combining them! Stay tuned!
Baby Chick Winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the Facebook and Instagram Baby Chick contest!
The winners are: Helen Seidel, Valerie Campbell, Ann Thompson, Cate.Sans.Eraser, Amanda Trask and Vintage Buttons! Please send your address to to claim your mini prize!
More on Instagram and Facebook
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram--more photos everyday!
and if you like Welsh Quilting, follow my Pinterest board!
Just wondering….
If YOU were a spiral what would YOU be?
Which do YOU think I would be?
PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to Lori Kennedy Quilts. For all other purposes, please contact me at! Thank YOU!
If you like this tutorial, you may also like my books:
Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3
and More Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3
Signed copies available from my Etsy shop–and come with a little prize!
I would be classic 99% of the time. The other 1% I would be silly or messy.
I forgot to add that I think you do and would entail all three.
Chris Reeske
I’m torn between silly and messy. I’m both most of the time. Thanks for the leaves, they’re gonna get used.
I would be messy, and practicing to be classic. I think you would be classic! Lol
Thank you for all you do.
I would be classic. You would be any one of the three depending on your mood.
Marge Yarnall
AWESOME! That’s what you are, so glad you share your talent. Enjoy your posts and your book. I am getting there spacing/size are progressing and I feel I will get there, then I will be challenge as to what to use on my finished quilt etc.
Doreen Sherk
You are amazing and so talented. I enjoy your e-mails.
Jolie cette nouvelle version des feuilles.
J’aime beaucoup le petit poussin.
Je ne trouve plus la fonction” traduire” sur cette nouvelle page, dommage.
Bon 1er Mai à vous
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