Machine Quilting: Eight Halloween Patterns

September 24, 2019
Machine Quilting Halloween Patterns
Good Morning, Quilters!

It’s time for our annual round-up of machine quilting halloween patterns! Machine quilting shouldn’t be scary, though I know many of us still fear FMQ.

One of the ways to overcome this fear is to find a machine quilting motif that is so much fun you can’t resist the urge to try.

Doodle first, of course. Follow the step-by-step instructions and photos and practice the motif many times.  I often practice a pattern more than 100 times before I begin stitching.  Doodling helps our brains create the muscle memory for a pattern, but it also helps refine the design and make it our own.  Quilting is like handwriting. Even if you follow step-by-step instructions, your motifs will look different than mine.  That’s exactly how it should be!

So my treat today is eight machine quilting halloween patterns,

YOUR trick today is to pick one, doodle it, and stitch it!

So grab a bag of candy corn, stir in a few peanuts and enjoy a quiet quilting moment–before the doorbell rings!

Your Friendly Ghost,

Lori Casperennedy

PS… For more seasonal motifs and  doodling tips, including the Six Essential Doodles you might like my second book:  More Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3

How to Quilt a Ghost

How to Quilt a Ghost

How to Quilt a Spider Web

How to Quilt a Spider Web

How to Quilt a Spider Pattern

How to Machine Quilt a Spider Pattern

How to Machine Quilt Candy Corn Pattern

How to Machine Quilt the Candy Corn Pattern

How to Machine Quilt a Halloween Bat Pattern


How to Machine Quilt a Halloween Bat Pattern



How to Machine Quilt a Jack-o-Lantern Pattern

How to Machine Quilt a Jack-o-Lantern Pattern

How to Machine Quilt a Pumpkin Pattern

How to Machine Quilt a Pumpkin Pattern



How to Machine Quilt Halloween Candy Pattern

How to Machine Quilt Halloween Candy Pattern



  • Juanita

    Hi Lori,
    These are so cute but I wasn’t able to get the links to the Jack-o-lantern or the Perfect Pumpkin tutorials to work.
    The links for the other Halloween tutorials you posted worked just fine… just wondering if there was a glitch in system or just on my end…..
    Thanks for the inspiration you provide for so many!

  • Kathy Price

    Love your patterns!!
    However spiders have 8 legs!!

  • Suzanne

    These designs are such fun!
    I love Halloween because as a child we had a great time always. Those were the days when it was safe for children to go out without parents (sigh!) We’d walk for miles, even after dark, and collect pounds of candy – most of which Mom confiscated, but that was OK, she left us plenty.

    As an adult, I used to carve lots of pumpkins, hang out purple lights and other decorations then wait for the kids to come around. My husband would shake his head, laugh, and call me an overgrown child. Then the neighborhood changed, the children grew up and none come around anymore. So sad, I miss it.

    You are so clever with your designs! One of these days, once I finish all the UFO’s I have lying around, I’m going to make a Halloween quilt using them. Well, some year anyway 😉

  • Rondalyn

    Love, love, love how you break everything down. You make it so doable.

  • Kathleen Rahe

    This came just in time for a challenge project! Thank you! I love all of your designs of course.

  • Cheryl is right. You are such an inspiration.! You make it all doable. I’m an fan!!!

  • Cheryl Smith

    You, by far, are my quilting soul sister! I love your style, touch of humor, sharing attitude, …well, just about everything about you! I often use your designs as springboards for creating my own designs. You were the inspiration for quilting several of my fundraiser quilts for our granddaughter’s Montessori school ( two of which raised over $5000 at the fundraiser). The first creative one I did for them was a large tree with the class members handprints as the leaves. I knew I would get bored just quilting clouds and…needed a twist to increase bids. Your quilting was my springboard for monofilament stitched animals…one for each class member. A bear climbing the tree, a grasshopper boinging (is that a word) in the air, a coiled snake at the base of the tree…. What fun for my daughter to listen to the comments as parents, grandparents, and teachers discovered them. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your inspiration and teaching…you make it so easy for the rest of us…💕

  • Martha O.

    “The Perfect Pumpkin” IS perfect!!

  • Judy Reves

    Thank you. Have tablerunner and placemats these will be fun and perfect use on.

  • Lori Hope

    I used several of these in my calendar temperature quilt. I love them! 🙂

    Also, now I need candy corn, stat!

  • Thank you, like them all, now to decide!!

  • Dee Henry

    I just love the Halloween patterns, they are so great.. I don’t have a project right know, but I look forward to using one of the in the future.

  • Jacqueline Hale

    Thank you! These are wonderful!

  • Lorraine Doyno Evans

    OOhhhh, I have a quilt that would be great for spiderwebs…and it’s not a halloween quilt!

  • Marta

    Pumpkins ? Yes! Bats, Yes!, Candy, Yes! Candy Corn, YES! Jack O Lanterns, Yes! But, but, ghosts and spiders….YEEKS… Noooooooo thanks ! By the way, the first ever drawing I did about 35 years ago was of the batch of pumpkins on our porch..fond memories…launched an art career.

  • Thank you for being so generous. I have both of your books and two of your classes but I still need your encouragement. Thanks again for the pretty pictures and tutorials.

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