It’s a New Year–New Resolutions

January 1, 2013
Free Motion Quilting Motif--2013

Goals for 2013

Happy New Year to all my friends and family in the blogosphere!  I love New Year’s Day.  We always take down the Christmas trimmings so we can start the new year with a clean house.

I also love lists, so the new year gives me a chance to write a new list…Usually my list is more like a “To-Do” list (and is longer than a grocery list), but I have included a few highlights here.  The obligatory health resolutions:  10,000 steps and fruits and veggies….

New Year's Resolutions: 10,000 Steps (Non-negotiable)

Then a few for the brain:  read more fiction and conquer gold level Sodukos….

2013 New Year's Resolutions: Read More Fiction

and then my favorites:  finish six quilts, and work on my Baltimore Album Quilt (see new banner)…

2013 New Year's Resolutions: Finish Six Quilts

Learn something new:  pasta (perhaps I should increase resolution #1 to 20,000 steps?)

2013 New Year's Resolutions: Learn to Make Pasta

And as I’m writing this, I just thought of another major goal:  Learn to photograph quilts.  I have SO MANY quilts I would like to show you, but photographing quilts has been quite difficult for me…the lighting, the color, displaying large items…. I guess I should start where I always start…by Googling it!

On another note…I would like to sincerely thank all of those who have joined me in this blogging journey over the past six months.  We have had more than 10,000 views from 66 countries with nearly 200 followers… .. I truly appreciate your support and kindness…and hope to bring you lots more quilting, photography, family and jaunts in 2013!



  • Lori, I wish you all the best for your 2013 goals. Enjoy the pasta making – it tastes so much better fresh. And please do share your insights on quilt photography – I’m eager to improve my photos as well!

    • Thanks, Nicole. Wishing you a happy and productive 2013! I hope I have some quilt photography insights to share…!

  • For photographing quilts, if you could do it outdoors, it makes it so much easier… On a clothesline, a fence, or even draped over a swing or chair. Have a happy new year, and may you accomplish that list! 🙂

  • I like the fact that you use a fountain pen. You know there are people at my husband’s work who had never seen one until my husband took one to work and when he mentioned the words “fountain pen” they had no idea what he was talking about!

  • Have a great year! Making your own pasta sounds yummy!

  • Looks like you’ll be busy this year. :0) I think the pictures you’ve taken of quilts have been lovely, but I can’t wait to see more!

    • Thanks! I haven’t posted photos of most of my quilts because I haven’t been happy with the quality of the photos…That’s the fun, though…learning a new process. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!

  • Jeanne Crea

    Lori, I will email you our family recipe (with photos!) on how to make homemade ravioli. That is our delicious Christmas Eve tradition with the Crea’s. Thank you for your beautiful jaunts and for sharing them! Many blessings to you and your family in 2013!

    • I was just saying to the girls that I would really like to learn how to make ravioli! I can’t wait to get your recipe! Could I also get your recipe for the dough? Our first pasta was rather eggy….Do you use a pasta maker? How do you shape the ravioli!

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