Good Morning, Quilters! Happy Tuesday! I am thoroughly enjoying all of the Downton Abbey quotes in our Five Yards of…
Good Morning, Quilters and Dog-Lovers! My two Australian Shepherds, Ruby and Roxie, have been rather frustrated that I have a…
Good Morning, Quilters! You know what they "Apple a Day..." Winter apples...well...sometimes it's easier to quilt an apple a…
Good Morning, Quilters! BRRR!!! ('nuff said!) Now that I have a grandson...(don't you love his Olympic 2016 outfit?) My quilting has…
Good Morning, Quilters! The Winter Wind has arrived and brought the snow... Time for Snowmen! THE SNOWMAN-A FREE MOTION QUILT…
Good Morning, Quilters! It's Tuesday and time for another Free Motion Quilt and Long Arm Quilt tutorial. All of the…
Good Morning, Quilters, Homemakers and Doodlers! Are you frequently drawn to certain motifs? Some people like butterflies (I do not…) or…
Good Morning, Quilters! Thank you, Thank you! Thank you for all the well wishes related to the release of my…
Good Morning, Quilters, Doodlers, Bakers, and Pie-Eaters! Welcome to another Tuesday Tutorial for free motion or long arm quilting! Last…
Good Morning, Quilters! Do YOU prefer sweet or sour cherries? My family is split…but one of our favorite places to…
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