25 Week QAL

Better Machine Quilt-a-long
This page will include all of the posts related to the quilt-a-long and will be updated regularly.
Welcome to the 25 Week Quilt-A-Long based on my book, 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting.
The Quilt-a-long is 25 Weeks! We will take an in-depth review of each of the “Days” or Lessons from the book, one Lesson per week. Take your time and learn at your own pace!
All of the lessons will be found-in the form of daily blog posts- here on my website, LoriKennedyQuilts.com and will include links to helpful information.
You might also enjoy my motif books: Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 and More Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3

Week One (Lesson One): Organizing for Quick Quilting
The Quick Quilt Sandwich, Mark Your Sewing Machine Manual
Pace Yourself, Start Doodling Flower Power
The Twelve Step Set Up for Better Machine Quilting
Week One, FAQs: Stitch Regulators, Gloves
Week Two (Lesson Two): Get Started Quilting!
Start Quilting without Thread Jamming
Try This Easy Handwriting Design Project!
Refining Flower Motifs for Better Quilting
Week Three (Lesson Three): Start a Doodle Habit
Why Every Quilter Should Doodle
Paper, Electronic and Other Doodle Options
Week Four (Lesson Four): Quilting Horizontal Designs
The Doodle Alphabet for Quilters
Free Motion Quilting Speed Control
Gallery of Horizontal Sampler Quilts
Week Five (Lesson Five)
How to Quilt a Posy Medallion Quilt
Week Six (Lesson Six)
Proper Tension for Machine Quilting
Finding Good Tension for YOUR Machine
Week Seven (Lesson Seven
What is the Best Stitch Length for Machine Quilting
How to Achieve Even FMQ Stitches
Four Ways to Grip Your Quilt Better
Week Eight (Lesson Eight)
Four Fun Motifs Every Quilter Should Learn
The Square Flower Table Runner Set up
Doodle and Quilt the Square Flower Quilting Motif
Week Nine (Lesson Nine)
How to Create a Smooth Glide for Quilting
American Quilter Magazine Giveaway
Week Ten (Lesson Ten)
Which Direction Should I Quilt This?
Six Tips for Directional Quilting
Week Eleven (Lesson Eleven)
The Easiest Machine Quilting Knot
How to Divide and Conquer a Quilt Border
Week Twelve (Lesson Twelve)
Ten Essential Tips for Choosing Machine Quilting Thread
My Favorite Threads for Machine Quilting
Week Thirteen (Lesson Thirteen)
How to Stitch the Sunburst Quilt
How to Choose Quilt Batting, Sunburst Quilt Variations
Lesson Fourteen
The Best Marking Tools for Quilts
Lesson Fifteen
Basic Divide and Conquer Quilt Design
More Ways to Divide and Conquer Quilt Design
Lesson Sixteen
How to Add Pop to Your Quilt Designs
The Fish Sampler Quilt, Part One
The Fish Sampler Quilt, Part Two
Lesson Seventeen: Designing with Stencils
Designing Quilts with Stencils
Lesson Eighteen: Basting
Four Ways to Baste a Quilt, Pros and Cons of Each Method
How to Baste a Quilt with Pins
Lesson Nineteen
Stitching in the Ditch, When, Why and How
Make Stitch in the Ditch Samples
Lesson Twenty: Travel Stitching
Travel Stitching: A Whole Cloth Medallion Quilt

Lesson Twenty One: Outlining Basic Shapes
Machine Quilting: Outlining Basic Shapes
Video: Four Ways to Outline Quilt Blocks

Lesson Twenty Two: Specialty Thread
Tips for Using Specialty Thread
Create a Bug Jar Sampler of Specialty Thread

Lesson Twenty Three: Machine Quilting Applique Blocks
How to Machine Quilt Applique Blocks
Set Up a Simple Applique Block to Quilt
Quilting Your Raw Edge Applique Project
Lesson Twenty Four: Design Tips
Design Tips
Lesson Twenty Five: Custom Quilting