Why We Live in Minnesota

June 7, 2013
Snapping turtle

Snapping turtle

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of complaining about Minnesota’s weather (and I am not alone in this–it’s become our state’s Official Conversation).

However, living here does have its compensations…

In the last few days, we’ve had the pleasure to host a small zoo’s worth of creatures great and small.

First, this snapping turtle came ambling up our driveway…(probably to lay eggs in our neighborhood pond).

Snapping Turtle, Minnesota

It is fierce-looking–and we gave it a wide berth…

Snapping Turtle, Minnesota

Next, this Tom turkey came strutting through the yard…

Snapping Turtle, Minnesota

I believe he was “showing off” for his…

Snapping Turtle, Minnesota

Rafter of girlfriends

Snapping Turtle, Minnesota

Later, a dozen deer came to feed off our apple tree…

Snapping Turtle, Minnesota

Turkey, turtles, deer, three baby raccoons…and more birds than I can name (including a really cool pileated woodpecker–)

Snapping Turtle, Minnesota

All provide us with constant entertainment…(and Ruby and Roxie with constant agitation!)



  • Come live here in Auckland New Zealand, very temperate and nothing to hurt or bite you except the odd amorous husband! Blue skies mostly, very mild winters although I moan when it rains more than two days and its the bottom of the world so no one knows where we are, nice and peaceful, only 4 1/2 million inhabitants and mostly mixing in peacefully with each other!

  • I love it! That turtle looks ferocious! Glad you gave him a wide berth. 🙂

  • Spring has at last sprung in your neck of the woods. A true treat to see all the wild life. That Tom turkey was definitely in his glory. Very cool photos.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  • oh – the entertainment right outside your back window! Lucky you!

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