Vision Boards

April 11, 2018
Vision Board, April, Lori Kennedy

Lori Kennedy, Vision BoardGood Morning, Quilters!

Yesterday,I found my sewing room was such a disaster that I couldn’t work.

Why oh why can’t I keep my sewing clean!?

Vision Board, April, Lori Kennedy

One of the biggest problems was all the paper clutter.  All those scraps and doodles and cards and other items that I want to save, but really don’t have a good home for….

So I started pinning them on my bulletin board.  With a little rearranging, I realized I had created a vision board!

Vision Board, April, Lori Kennedy


There are certainly themes in my collection!

What about YOU?

Do YOU save scraps and papers and other inspirations?

How do YOU store them for future reference?

Have YOU ever created a vision board?

We’d LOVE to hear!

YOUR Clutter-free Quilter,


PS…BUY ANY TWO books and the second book ships FREE!!  (Etsy)

Signed copies of MORE Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 are available NOW!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!

More Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3







  • Amy W

    Thank You Lori, a Vision Board is just the right thing for a space on my wall in my sewing room. I am collector of stuff, LOL., fabric, patterns, photos, cards, postcards, sayings, nic-naks… a good phrase is: A Sentimental Pack-Rat. LOL
    It is about time to sort through my stuff again. The Vision Board will be a big help. I am also learning to doodle, thank you for the lessons.

    Can you tell me what kind of bird is in the picture you posted for Silent Sunday on April, 8th, 2018? I love taking pics of birds also.
    Thank You!!

  • I do have some inspiration/drawings on the sides of my design wall, But I started years ago to save pictures/photos/etc that inspired me some way – could be color or composition or subject. I bought a cheap tablet and glued them on the tablet pages. I consider it a journal of sorts as I jot notes on the tablet pages, too. I keep quilt blocks and other quilt related material in binders – I have a blocks binder, an art quilt binder, a pattern binder, etc. I use them all fairly regularly and I occasionally purge. My bulletin board is full of photos of people, origami, buttons, ornaments, leaves, beads, and other flotsam that have sentimental connotations.

  • Dee by the Sea

    Wall space is an issue for me as well. My fabric is organized in large plastic stackable units that have opaque drawers for access. The things I like to have visible for inspiration are placed inside the face of each drawer so I can see them. Multiple images fit inside each drawer face.The front piece of fabric in each drawer acts like a frame around those images and holds them in place. If the project that I hope to make from one of these ideas is specific to a fabric color way or type/theme of fabric, it is placed in front of that drawer so the fabrics that will eventually be used are there right behind it. Examples would be the drawer that holds my red, white and blue fabrics have American flag graphics in front and the drawer with my batik fabrics has lots of purse images showing from that drawer!
    There are family photos mixed in as well so my work space is both inspirational and personal.
    I love my sewing room …

  • GrrannyH

    I like the small quilt in the lower left of VisionBoard.April.LoriKennedy002
    Published April 10, 2018 at 640 × 428 in Vision Boards. I don’t recall seeing it in any of your tutorials.
    And yes, I often have to clear a space to work on something. I have too many projects in a variety of crafts. Right now, I am trying to time a serger; I’ve already replaced the looper gear (Whoop, whoop!!!), so if I can get it timed, I will have saved the $269 the repair man wanted, more than a new one (different make and model) for $199!

  • I love having inspiration up on my wall(s).

  • I haven’t created my Dream Sewing room YET! When I do, my plan is to use this beautiful large photo frame I’ve been saving in my closet and place cork or fabric or something behind it and use for doodles, ideas etc. Out of sight, out of mind. If it’s hanging up, it will inspire me!

  • No vision board for me because I simply do not have the space. But I do try to have all my quilt kits or upcoming projects in open-ended storage so they “look” at me so I don’t forget them in a drawer somewhere. I’ve discovered that once I enclose something, it is sadly forgotten. My quilting space is an enclosed back patio with lots of windows that have roll up bamboo shades. If the shade is down, I pin up an un-quilted panel project to it so it looks like art work. It makes for a happy and fun place to spend hours and hours. I use an office binder clip to snap the remainder of the items for the panel (binding, backing, etc) in a zip bag to the back of the shade so I know what goes with the panel when I get the urge to complete it.

  • CJ Green

    The wall in front of my sewing machine is mostly windows, with a space between them just big enough for a tall skinny cork board. Recently I needed to quilt clouds on an airplane quilt. I found an easy quilt pattern & blew it up to fit 2 pages,taped them together & pinned it up, turning it to face the same way as the quilting I was doing. It worked so well! After I show the quilt at Guild Saturday it’s going to the air museum for their fundraiser.

  • I have a bulletin board in my sewing room, but it has become cluttered with random pictures and old ideas tacked under the newer ones. I see myself pulling it all down and organizing it like this very soon! Thanks.

  • Ann Lindquist

    I have had a bulletin board for years and placed it behind the open door, but on the door might work too for those with limited wall space, like me. BUT, like others have mentioned, I need to clear it occasionally as it too can become cluttered, like today LOL

  • Helen

    I keep my doodles for reference in binders. I’m up to 3 now so need to find time to weed them out. Current doodles or inspiration get pinned to the corners of my design walls or sometimes in the project box for the project they refer to.. I have a large design wall in a bedroom adjacent to my sewing room and a smaller portable one in my sewing room. I have a small cork board but find I am not very good about keeping it current. Fabric scraps go into a box labeled “to be sorted”????????. Who am I kidding? That time for weeding out and sorting never seems to come available. I try to be organized but my challenge is too much stuff and too little space which I am sure is true for all quilters. I too find my space often so messy I have to do something with it before I can sew

  • Lori Hope

    It looks like you are ready for spring! 🙂

    I need to hang one of those, too!

  • Rosemaryflower

    I do have a drawer and a place for just about everything…. but yes, the creative flotsam….
    I do have a tray hidden in the cabinet that is my cutting table, for some of that, and some ring binders for others….. not organized but put away.
    I have a piece of sheet metal I found in the basement. I think my older daughter used it as a magnet board in college. It measures about 24×15. I stick pictures and inspiration on there,

    I am like my dad, I think, images and such are important to keep.

    The clutter still flows. I think ring binders help, and inexpensive photo albums with the peel back paper. I found a bargain on those years ago and bought some to make look books for my grand kiddos. So, lots of pictures and inspiration goes in those.
    I also have limited wall space.

    It is a great thought, Lori. It is good to have a vision board, but we need to change it, and sort through the sea of paper.
    It is a task I must address.

    …. I will put it on my list of things to do????
    Have a fun Wednesday.

  • Karen Ishii

    Good morning Lori:
    I actually have three, one in my sewing room, two in my larger cutting, long arm room.
    I find that they are very helpful, in keeping clutter in order, but I also look at them for inspiration. I put up things occasionally that I want to try, pictures of quilting, (some of yours) and events to go to.
    They help quite a bit.

  • Jacqui VMS

    LOL….YES, I get so much clutter! I pin them to my design wall and when I have a large quilt to arrange, they all get piled up and moved from here to there! I need a dedicated ‘vision board’. Love that idea…but now where to hang it. Wall space is at a premium in my sewing room!

    • Terry Vance Sheldon

      Due to limited wall space, my vision board covers a wall in the bedroom, which abuts the sewing room. It would be more convenient in the sewing room, but we do what we have to do!

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