Violets are Blue-Machine Quilting Tutorial

February 21, 2017
Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting, Violets


Violets, Machine Quilting, Lori Kennedy

Good Morning, Quilters!

Violets are the Flower of the Month. (Read more HERE)  They represent humility, faithfulness, love and modesty.

Humble though it may be, the Violet looks charming on any quilt.  Use a single Violet in the center of a block or stitch a vine of Violets and Heart Leaves to add love to any border…


Begin by stitching a short, curvy vine.  Add two small loops to the left.

Add two more small loops to the right.

Notice that all of the loops come together at the center.  You may have a build up of threads here–creating a focal point.  In this case, at the center of a flower, the focal point is appropriate and adds to the dimension of the motif.

Add a large petal to the left–stopping just short of the center of the flower.Then add a large petal to the right…again stopping short of the middle of the flower.
Add two smaller petals on the right side of the “stem”.

Add the final petal on the left side of the “stem”. Stitch through the center of the Violet to begin the next motif in the design.

NOTE–You can stitch through any of the petals to begin the next motif–It may be more convenient to stitch through the side of the Violet if you are using the flower in an allover or background design.

I like to combine the Violet with the Heart Leaf.

Sugar is Sweet and…

So are YOU!

Your faithful friend,


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!

PS…Check out my Craftsy videos–50% OFF—Limited Time Only–Offer Expires April 15, 2017

(Click photo to link to special class prices–discount applied at checkout)

Doodle to Design, Craftsy, Lori Kennedy

Craftsy Title Card

PPS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to reblog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!



  • I think this one is so pretty!

  • Marta

    If mine turn out pretty, I want to try doing the flowers on white fabric in violet thread and then go back and do leaves in green…or maybe leaves first. Their leaves outside by our deck have really flourished the past 5 days. I need to go rake the fallen brown oak leaves away from them so the blossoms can peek out already!
    PS I’ve never joined Flickr because I don’t want to put my birth date online..Do they still require that, does anyone know? Name and birth date can allow your ID to be taken.

  • Marta

    Agree with Cyndi ! Sweet is the word I applied immediately.

  • Leslie in MN

    This is so cute, Lori! I love it. Thank you.

  • Michele

    I love violets (my favorite is “Freckles”) and yours are awesome. My husband’s grandmother was a gardener, and one day in her elder years she fell, landing in her ferns and violets. She decided that if that “was going to be the way she went” she would be content. (She didn’t). There is still a set of sheets around with a violet print, and one of the first quilts I made myself is shades of violet and green with violet, hydrangea, lilac, and butterfly fabrics. Thanks for reminding me of “Grandma the Great”.

  • Kristin Sykes-David

    Perfect gift for my birthday today!

  • Anne Thacher

    This flower will probably find its way into more than one spot around here….. Love it! Look forward to more flower motifs in the future.

  • Maureen B. in B.C.

    Those are just lovely. Many years ago I made a quilt for a dear friend incorporating violet fabrics. I wish I’d had that sweet little design for the borders. I’ll have to check the stash and see if there are any scraps left I could do something with. You’ve inspired once again. Kudos, Lori!

  • Rosemaryflower

    Oh these are adorable. I love violets!

  • Marlys in Indiana

    Absolutely adorable. When I grow up (LOL) I want to be able to quilt as beautifully as you do. You are my idol. Love all of your designs. They seem nearly unattainable – for me, that is.

  • Oh, Lori, violets may be the flower of the month, but “sweet” is the word of the day. What a wonderful design! And, as usual, thanks for the clear, concise, well-illustrated tute.

  • Nothing says “spring” like a violet. Thanks again and again.

  • Vanessa

    L. O. V. E!!! Lori this is so very cute!! Will use this one a lot!!!

  • Thank you, they look so cute, exactly as they look in the forest.

  • Martha

    BEAUTIFUL! Can’t wait to find a place to use this one!

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