The Spiral Lollipop Flower–A Tutorial

November 16, 2012

If you can “do the spiral”...there are a number of different motifs that are fun to use in Doodle Quilts.

I call this the Spiral Lollipop Flower (read more here) and it’s easy…One step at a time:

1.  Start at the base, sew a stem and begin the spiral:

2.  Continue spiraling inward and stop in the middle.

3. Reverse directions and spiral outward until you are back at the stem.

4.  I often make a complete circle around the spiral flower, then return down the stem to make the leaves.

The Basic Spiral Lollipop Flower

The Messy Spiral Lollipop   (I actually prefer the messy version)

With added embellishments-EASY!

With more EASY embellishments….

These are all easy flowers! Messy is just as good (if not better) than the basic flower, so don’t worry–just keep stitching.

Practice, practice, practice…the key to creating the motor planning in your brain for FMQ.

Next Week-I have a small project planned employing these darling flowers!



  • Oh. My. Goodness. I think i can do this. Thanks for showing me how.

  • Awesome. I am very much a novice at FMQ and often find it rather frustrating. I just tried swirls this week, but mine were one directional. I started inside and swirled out. Will have to try the in-then-out variety next!

    • It is worth trying “the in-then-out” variety-because then you can travel to the next motif. When you start in the middle every time-you must knot off to form the next motif. Does that make sense? Also, check out my “spiral tutorial” (under Quilts in the header) I think that will help you.

  • How cute are these flowers! Great tutorial! I’ll have to give these a try. Thanks for sharing.

  • I just have to ask – what type of machine do you create this beautiful quilting with?

    • I have two Berninas. I use the Virtuosa 150 for smaller projects and I have a Bernina 820 for queen and king sized quilts. The 820 has the larger harp space, but it is a bit temperamental about threads.

  • Brilliant!! Avis x

  • Great tutorial! Love all the different options for it!

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