The Spark, The Brick and The Giveaway

February 20, 2015
Brick Quilt

Poppy QuiltGood Morning, Quilters!

Does it sound like we’re doing another Mystery Quilt-with the cryptic title for today’s post?

Let me explain…One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to review my extensive photo collection and purge.  As I was working away at my computer, I came across this photo of The Poppy Quilt on my garden wall….The Spark

Next thing I knew, I was sitting at my sewing machine…(So much for NY Resolutions!)

Brick QuiltHowever, one of my other resolutions is to try new threads.

I used Superior’s King Tut (extra long-staple) cotton to create The Bricks in this quilt.  I love how the variegated thread adds even more texture to The Bricks.

Brick QuiltThe Spark…led to The Brick Wall Tutorial on Tuesday.

Next, I sent off a photo and a note to Superior Threads...

Brick QuiltAnd our friends at Superior offered to do a GIVEAWAY!


Brick QuiltTwo lucky winners will receive $25 Gift Certificates at Superior Threads!


Leave a comment here at The Inbox Jaunt. Let me know one of your sewing resolutions for 2016.


Go to Superior’s King Tut page HERE

Then Like Superior on Facebook, leaving them a note about your favorite King Tut color.


Do both–Two chances to Win!

We will choose two winners on Thursday, February 25.



PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • Beverly

    I really enjoy seeing all your tuts and trying many of them. Gotta do this flower!

  • N. Ekiert

    taming my ever growing scrap bin.

  • Pat M.

    My resolution is to make a quilt of valor or two this year!

  • Billie Watts

    My resolution is to learn hand Applique. I had bunion surgery scheduled for Feb 2 so I pieced 4 quilts that needed hand Applique. Day 18 post surgery I will finish the hand work on the third quilt! Since I could not cut or use my sewing machine these projects kept me sane. Love Superipr threads!

  • Pam J

    My goal is to make a quilt for myself. I’ve made hundreds of quilts and given them all away. I think it is time to make one for myself.

  • I’ve decided that this is the “Year of the UFO”. That is, I’m going to make a huge dent in my pile of UFOs! I’ve already completed 1 baby quilt, the binding is attached to the second project, and I just finished a third top last weekend. I think my resolution is taking shape!

    Thanks for the tutorial!

  • Carole D

    As every year my resolution is to move some things from the UFO box to the finished project. I may have more success this year than most since I am retiring in April!

  • Susan

    My resolution for 2015 is finishing up quilts however I found out my daughter was pregnant and so I’m making a quilt for the little one! For 2016 I will continue finishing as I love what I’ve started and want to give those gifts! I love King Tut thread! Love the variety of types and LOVE the colors…especially the lime green varigated!

  • My resolution is to do more applique, but since time is something I am short on I end up doing a lot of the sewing on my machine so I am working on finding stitches and threads that look more like hand stitching and not like someone taking a short cut.

  • Ann D

    My goal is to get something finished before I start a new project. That’s my attempt to get a handle on my UFOs. Earlier this week I did the binding on a project started in 2013. Now I seem to be stuck on whether I should try to complete something else or start something new. Paralysis by analysis it seems. Thanks for this giveaway. I’ve been interested in the King Tut line but I don’t find it here locally.

  • Nancy Sojka

    My resolution is to know more about my machine and how different threads and settings really work together!

  • MaryJean Chatron

    My resolution is to create a quilt journal with many different quilting motifs. Your tutorials inspire and support this resolution. The process provides the ability to practice new designs and to keep records of them for future projects. I find that I enjoy working with the thread and designs more than the piecing.

  • suzanne

    I’m concentrating on quilting the pile of tops I had. And more charity quilts 🙂

  • Linda E in AZ

    2015 resolution to make at least 2 community quilts each month to use up that fabric! A friend bequeathed me her fabric stash so my cabinets are full!

  • I wish there was a like button to show appreciation for others resolutions because I agree with so many of them! I want to finish three more quilts; my daughters wedding quilt, my son’s rowing themed quilt , and a quilt to donate to ALS in honor of my father in law. Cleaning and organizing the sewing room is an admirable undertaking. And finally, I have started experimenting with threads this last year and I will continue in this by playing with this.

  • Linda Rondinone

    I have also resolved to try different threads, different colors, as well as thicknesses, to enhance my quilting style!

  • Robyn Odneal

    Resolution for me is to make the time to quilt. It’s easier to sit at the machine to piece. Quit being lazy and work at it.

  • Vickie

    With your inspiring posts to help me I want to get more bold with my FMQ. would love to win some superior thread.

  • I bought a very pretty sketch book and my resolution is to practice your daily quilt patterns every morning!

  • terri414cb

    My resolution is to only work on and finish UFOs this year, except for my new grandbaby’s quilt! During the summer, when I am off, I am going to work intensely on improving my machine quilting, starring you!

  • Cheri Barker

    I have a Jenny Beyer quilt I plan to finish, as well as quilting the last of my son’s wedding quilt. I’m also working to keep up with the Craftsy BOM, finish each block the month it comes out in. All of this while bettering my FMQ skills.

  • Krystal B

    I haven’t made any resolutions for 2016 yet! 🙂 But for 2016 I aim to finish one UFO a month. I’m doing great so far!

  • Cathy Johnson

    My resolution it’s to experiment with different threads. I got in a rut using only one or two threads. I strive to be more creative! Would love to win!

  • Denise Cabral

    Child proof my quilting room so I can put my granddaughter on the floor to play while I sew!

  • Patricia Poggio

    Enjoy your posts everyday! My resolution this year is to create my sewing room with a place for everything….especially thread! Would enjoy using Superior thread while making your mystery quilt.

  • Shelor

    I have two resolutions–finish ufo’s and practice fmq everyday.

  • Joni Keskey

    My quilting resolution is to Finish quilting 2 queen quilts then spend the rest of the year doing small things.

  • Donna

    Like so many I AM going to work on finishing some of my projects.

  • Resolution 1 – get my quilting things unpacked in the new home (just moved cross-country) and Resolution 2 – get back to some FMQ again SOON! Thanks for the chance to win some wonderful threads!

  • Jann silverton

    I am going to quilt something, no matter how small, every day!

  • My new year’s resolution is to do more, smaller quilting projects, rather than only one or two large ones. Hope to work a lot of free motion design in all of them and the thread will be a big plus!

  • Linda Feikema

    I love your doodles! They inspire me!

  • Laura Flaim

    I am trying to get back into my FMQ after life sort of getting in the way! Many unfinished projects, so many ideas. . . . The FMQ mystery got me going again and I have my confidence back. Thanks Lori!

  • Kathleen

    My resolution is to make time to sew and to get better at fmq!

  • Deb W

    Thanks for the giveaway. My resolution is getting more of my tops quilted this year. I will be quilting them (and two of them are kings.)

  • Jeanette

    I made two resolutions. First, was not to buy any more fabric for projects unless it was to FINISH a UFO. The second was to finish a UFO every month.

  • No new projects! Finish this quilt. Start cleaning up the yard for summer wedding.
    Yes living on the west coast.

  • Dawn J

    My resolutions this year is to finish what I start and make my first quilt.

  • My resolution is to improve free motion without marking a pattern on my quilt. Your tutorials are very helpful in that regard. I practice then cut up the practice pieces for coasters or pot holders.

  • Jackie Laba

    I’ve resolved to try paper piecing this year

  • Lisa Garrett

    I resolve to quilt at least a few minutes every day.

  • Kellie

    I am working on getting to know my machine better and do more experimenting with different threads! I am so surprised at what I have experienced doing the Quilt Along with the different varietys of thread, I am excited to learn more.

  • Tracy

    I don’t usually do resolutions…..but I do want to finish my UFOs and practice my FMQ. I am new to your site and really enjoying your inspiration, thank you!!!

  • My quilting new year’s resolution is to work with the fabric I have on hand and to stretch myself creatively in order to make sure I am either 1) learning new techniques or 2) improving on skills; i.e. pushing myself to take risks. I have also resolved to improve my FMQ skills and have challenged myself to NOT rely on stippling (with the exception of commissioned t-shirt quilts where I believe stippling is the most appropriate pattern so as not to compete with the shirts which are the primary focus). So far, so good! I, too, wish to experiment with threads, needles, tension to gain more confidence with featuring the quilting vs. featuring the quilting in my final products.

    Phew. It should be a year of quilting growth!!!! I hope so.

    • Yikes…should say…featuring the quilting vs. featuring the PIECING in my final products. Sorry!

  • Madeleine Trainor

    My resolve is to finish three large UFOs: Autumn, Cartwheel and DiamondsPlus.

  • Resolution for this year – to get some of my UFOs done, and I hope to finish a quilt for each of my kids.

  • My resolution is to quilt more and to quilt wholecloths – all variants of wholecloth.

  • My chief resolution is to concentrate on a project until it is done, all done.

  • Janet

    My resolution is to finish more WIP, but then again that seems to be my resolution every year. Maybe I’ll just shorten it to one a year.

  • Peggy O'Connor

    My 2015 quilting resolution is to quilt my unfinished projects. Winning some Superior Thread will help!

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