The Spark, The Brick and The Giveaway

February 20, 2015
Brick Quilt

Poppy QuiltGood Morning, Quilters!

Does it sound like we’re doing another Mystery Quilt-with the cryptic title for today’s post?

Let me explain…One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to review my extensive photo collection and purge.  As I was working away at my computer, I came across this photo of The Poppy Quilt on my garden wall….The Spark

Next thing I knew, I was sitting at my sewing machine…(So much for NY Resolutions!)

Brick QuiltHowever, one of my other resolutions is to try new threads.

I used Superior’s King Tut (extra long-staple) cotton to create The Bricks in this quilt.  I love how the variegated thread adds even more texture to The Bricks.

Brick QuiltThe Spark…led to The Brick Wall Tutorial on Tuesday.

Next, I sent off a photo and a note to Superior Threads...

Brick QuiltAnd our friends at Superior offered to do a GIVEAWAY!


Brick QuiltTwo lucky winners will receive $25 Gift Certificates at Superior Threads!


Leave a comment here at The Inbox Jaunt. Let me know one of your sewing resolutions for 2016.


Go to Superior’s King Tut page HERE

Then Like Superior on Facebook, leaving them a note about your favorite King Tut color.


Do both–Two chances to Win!

We will choose two winners on Thursday, February 25.



PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • Ramona

    My goal is to learn basic FMQ and to work on UFOs. I have so many UFOs and projects that aren’t even started that need to be done. So, I am trying to use all I have and do them.

  • Susan Griffith

    I don’t really make resolutions but I have to say I would like to get some of my own quilts quilted this year. Since I have a longarm quilting business my quilts just seem to pile up while I’m doing others.

  • thanks for a chance to win, Lori! My goal is to sew more! and to finish quilting a quilt I made more than 10 years ago!! Also, I think Thursday is the 26th – I only noticed because it’s my son’s 15th birthday and so I have that date in my mind. Thanks again!

  • Dorene Zumsteg

    My resolution for 2015 is to make a big dent in my fabric stash. While working I was constantly buying fabric, anticipating when retirement came my funds might be a bit more restricted. And as a result, I now find I have more fabric than I will ever be able to assemble into projects! BUT, I’ve made the resolution to reduce a substantial amount this year. Wish me luck.

  • Melody Lutz

    To try new techniques! So far it fusing and quilt as you go….next ?

  • Cindy Schultz

    My goal for 2015 is to get better at free-motion quilting. I know I need to keep practicing. I love your designs and will be practicing them more and more. Right now I am in St. George, Utah without a sewing machine so it is kind of hard to work on that goal. Once I get home look out. We are spending about 6 weeks here to get some much needed sunshine. I have not thought about any goals for 2016 though. Seems far away.

  • Linda Goldfarb

    My goal is to complete projects that I have already bought and to quilt them to completion!

  • For 2016 I resolve to attempt and FINISH a whole quilt technique.

  • Donna W

    Working on UFO’s. These should keep me busy for a long time.

  • julie714

    Hi Lori, Loving what you are doing with your threads quilt mystery! I thought I’d tell you I’m off to get my supply of superior threads for superior (absolutely love them) and the results of spectactular. Got some more samples to use for a future quilt which is actually in progress. So I would absolutely love it if I was chosen a lucky winner of your prize. I have to wait roughly just on three weeks to get anything from the USA. I recently got some tulips and a spool of thread too which comes with a bobbin filled with the same colour thread for a try. Tulips which are fantastic clamp onto your bobbins to stop loose threads. the are from a USA site called reasonable price too. Now I’m off to go pay for my threads. So keeping my fingers crossed I might get lucky one day!!!

  • Lori, my biggest resolution is to figure out how to make art quilts without fusible interfacing. I just love, love your poppy!!! I want to create landscapes and florals without fusibles so I can really FMQ them a lot. I don’t like the stiffness of fusibles or how it flattens out the quilting lines. Any ideas?

  • I love King Tut! It’s my favorite quilting thread and my Bernina loves it too. I love the solids and the variegated colors.
    One of my goals this year is to finish a bunch of projects, so that means more thread! And I want to start using my precuts and learn how to use jelly rolls.

  • Wendy Mouille

    My goal is to not have a stash of fabric. I make baby quilts to donate from my stash. I love using different threads to highlight my quilting for the little ones.

  • Elaine Smith

    Organize my sewing room. Cut my scraps into blocks so at some orient, I can easily make a quilt. Work hard and play hard.

  • Lynne Sharp

    My resolution is to spend more time with my machine. What fun names Superior Threads has for their King Tut thread!

  • Janice Henson

    My goal is to practice to finally get this free motion thing down so I can makes some lap quilts for my family for Christmas.

  • Now that I am retired I want to work through the pile of tops and quilt many of them.

  • My resolution is to try to stitch something each day. I know that is impossible but just thinking of quilting every day can work too and keep the inspiration flowing.

  • Denise/Folsom,Calif.

    My resolution for 2015 is to learn applique and I am !!! Love it and still learning!

  • Diane Dashevsky

    My resolution is to work on and actually PRACTICE my FMQ and finally get a handle on my tension issues with FMQ!! LOL! By the way, I love love LOVE Superior Threads and so far, I think King Tut is one of my favorites – love the color choices!

  • teri c

    My resolution is to organize my sewing so I can find the projects more easily.

  • Judy Williams

    My resolution is to finish up UFO’s, but I have already started a new quilt project! I’m helplessly addicted.

  • JanetSolarz

    I will definitely try this thread! I wish I knew more about thread and how to combine top and bottom etc. Your recommendations and tips are really helpful! Thank you!

  • Colleen

    My resolution is to continue finishing projects on the ufo page in my quilting notebook!

  • Leslie

    My 2015 resolution is to practice my FM more and to try new techniques!

  • Cathy Morton

    My resolution is to use up some of my scraps to make a scrap quilt for charity.

  • Dot Chaffinch

    My resolution is to finish the quilt I am working on, Make another quilt as a gift. Also to make a few things for my new great-grand daughter (Love those little dresses , etc). I hope to also follow whatever you are doing on your posts and incorporating it in whatever I am doing..
    I get excited everytime I open you blog post. What a great job you do, helping us to move into free motion. I am already trying to doodle after just following you a month or so.

  • Nancy N

    My resolution for 2015 is to get as many of my tops quilted as I can. Your posts are always an inspiration for that, Lori. I will probably still have the same resolution in 2016 (I know, it was probably a typo) as I have a lot of tops that need to be quilted and have a habit of making more.

  • Laura L Smith


    • Laura L Smith

      What I meant to say is: My Sewing Resolution is to sew/quilt whenever possible even though we are in the process of remodeling/selling/moving.

  • Carol McCabe

    I have resolved to use up my stash and buy more current fabric!

  • Becki G

    So far this year I have sewn 9 donation quilt tops. Three are totally finished, one is getting the binding finished today, and one is in the process of being quilted. These are just small baby quilts so don’t think that I am Superwoman or crazy!!!! Just havin fun, and could sure use that thread since it is all “donation” and from my scraps and stash…..

  • Karen

    My 2015 resolution is to quilt and sew again instead of just reading about it! I love your website and the FMQ designs and I love Superior Threads! Thank you for this wonderful blog and the chance to win beautiful thread.

  • Katharine Jenkins

    Finish at least one UFO every month and practice free motion quilting more.

  • nancy inIN

    Practice free motion quilting. I have been using walking foot, but I am not comfortable with free motion.

  • Barbara Hanaburgh

    I enjoy daily posts and use Superior Threads, mostly So Fine and Bottom Line, and yes, I should branch out. King Tut is one thread that I’d like to play with.

  • DonnaLynPearson

    My resolution is to finish all my started quilting projects that I have tucked away from days past.

  • I am determined this year to get my sewing room set up better…… far I have gotten the sewing machine in a better place in the room so I am working on the other resolution……..I am on number 2 of quilting my own tops!!

  • Kathryn

    My resolution is to FMQ three tops that have been waiting for too long—but first I want/need to gain skill and confidence with your Mystery QAL.

  • Tina G

    My resolution is to keep a clean sewing room. Clean up my mess of stray threads and scraps after sewing so it’s fresh and ready for the next day.

  • My word for the new year is “synthesis” which, to me, means bring it all together. I am determined to do just that with my quilting this year — piece some of those projects which have been awaiting my attention, diminish my fabric stash, and greatly improve my machine quilting skills. I already use Superior’s King Tut thread and know that it is wonderful! Thanks for your excellent posts — I am a new follower of your blog.

  • Ann Rehbein

    to finish what I start 🙂

  • Annette Worsoe

    This year I’ll finish my UFO’s or at least some of them. I am pretty new to your blog I find your tutorials really, really good – thank you.

  • I’m working on the MQ, and could use this thread to spice things up!

  • Resolution for this year: shine more light, let go of fear, and do something BIG.

  • Marilyn

    My resolution was to finish my UFOs and get more comfortable with my long arm machine.

  • Becki

    Once again my resolution is to use up more of my stash. Gotta clear out some room (then I can buy more!).

  • My resolution is to QUILT MORE; just to do it. I find myself putting off quilting, finding other tasks in the sewing room because I’m afraid I’ll mess up my patchwork when I quilt it!

  • I need to spend more time playing with threads than making projects for other people. I want to learn free motion quilting so I can finish up some UFO’s before my next birthday–number 86 and not leave my kids that stack that nobody knows what they are or for who!!

  • My resolution is to continue to practice my FMQ!

  • MelanieV

    One of my sewing/quilting resolutions was to not say yes to *another* project for a family member that already has a project in the works…until projects for others were complete. It almost worked. The newest grandson has 3 projects on my tables right now. *hangs head in shame* Thanks for the give-away offer! Bob & Co and great folks!

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