The Spark, The Brick and The Giveaway

February 20, 2015
Brick Quilt

Poppy QuiltGood Morning, Quilters!

Does it sound like we’re doing another Mystery Quilt-with the cryptic title for today’s post?

Let me explain…One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to review my extensive photo collection and purge.  As I was working away at my computer, I came across this photo of The Poppy Quilt on my garden wall….The Spark

Next thing I knew, I was sitting at my sewing machine…(So much for NY Resolutions!)

Brick QuiltHowever, one of my other resolutions is to try new threads.

I used Superior’s King Tut (extra long-staple) cotton to create The Bricks in this quilt.  I love how the variegated thread adds even more texture to The Bricks.

Brick QuiltThe Spark…led to The Brick Wall Tutorial on Tuesday.

Next, I sent off a photo and a note to Superior Threads...

Brick QuiltAnd our friends at Superior offered to do a GIVEAWAY!


Brick QuiltTwo lucky winners will receive $25 Gift Certificates at Superior Threads!


Leave a comment here at The Inbox Jaunt. Let me know one of your sewing resolutions for 2016.


Go to Superior’s King Tut page HERE

Then Like Superior on Facebook, leaving them a note about your favorite King Tut color.


Do both–Two chances to Win!

We will choose two winners on Thursday, February 25.



PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • Louise

    My resolution is to quilt some of the many tops that I have done. And you have provided me with so much inspiration. Thank you.

  • Linda J.

    My resolution is To start projects early enough to get them finished on time. No more late birthday gifts, no Christmas things finished in January. 😉 So far, so good. I have just started on Fourth of July projects. Some are gifts and some are for me. Love your blog and Superior Threads.

  • Jo Stires

    My resolution is to really apply myself to learn free motion quilting so I don’t always do boring meandering on my quilts.

  • My sewing resolution for 2015 is to learn how to free motion quilt on my home machine, and quilt a top I already have done with my new skills!

  • I love Kint Tut. The brick textue around the poppy really sets it off nicely.

  • Marilyn

    My resolution is to finish my granddaughter ‘s quilt!

  • Brenda Keech

    I just Got an innova autopilot longarm so my resolution is to learn a lot of new things not just let the computer do all the work!

  • I haven’t decided about 2016 but starting with Lent 2015, I’m trying to sketch or stitch a fmq lesson every day! Yesterday, I did stars and today I think I will do the footballs. I have grandsons that I am making sports quilts for!

  • lavonne

    my resolution is to make 3 fun quilts for my grandkids with surprises in them. I have seen designs with pockets and pieces that flip to make new patterns. going do try and design 3 of these.

  • Wendy

    My goal for this year is to put in my time when ever I can to keep practicing my free motion doodles into muscle memory, whether that’s a doodle sketch book, or on actual quilts on my newish sweet sixteen. I, too, have made those long resolution lists vowing productivity and clutter reduction, both physical and digital, but allowing myself to get side tracked to another project, rather than the intended project. It’s all good! Thanks for the inspiration!

  • nancie b

    I can’t even think about 2016! Love, seriously love, both sides of the poppy quilt. I’m concentrating on UFO’s at the moment, and resolve to try a new quilting pattern on each.

  • Terry

    My resolution is twofold: to practice new quilting techniques on my UFOs so they’ll finally be finished.

  • Theresa

    I have many plans concerning quilting, but the first is to get brave enough to free motion quilt on a real quilt, not just a practice quilt.

  • Cathy B.

    To share with others all the wonderful techniques, website links and products that bring joy and success in all my creating and sewing endeavors. And, my favorite color of King Tut Thread from Superior happens to be the color I’m using at the time, because ALL the colors are just beautiful!

  • Kathi Progen-LeBlanc

    The Spark is beautiful! It looks very doable for a beginner.

  • Carol JH

    My “resolution” is to do projects that I really love doing, like getting out the supplies from a thread sketching class that I took and working with new threads etc. This was my first experience with Superior threads and my supply has grown little by little. Also along with that would be exploring crazy quilts and use some of the supplies I have collected over the years for those and art quilts. Now that I’ve gotten big quilts made for 14 grandchildren I should be able to accomplish this…..thinking positive about 2016!!! Quilting is my “favorite” addiction.

  • Phyllis

    My goal is to finish some of my UFO’s and keep practicing FMQ to get better. Also I love Superior threads and use them a lot.

  • Sherry Creech

    My resolution is to finish one UFO each month and I am on target.

  • terri

    Thanks for the great FMQ tips and tutorials. My goals are practice, practice, practice. Am still working on the rick-rack! Resolutions, finish the UFO’s one at a time.

  • Debra McCarriar

    My resolution is to finish the backlog of quilt tops hanging I’m my guest room closet. A friend and I have a challenge going to finish one top a month for the rest of the year. So far I am right on track.

  • My resolution is to finish some of last years projects before starting new projects . So far not bad;-) thanks for the chance , I,love superior threads !

  • Becky Thomason

    My resolution is to quilt a couple of my flimsy’s myself on my Janome 6500P. Thanks for all your help and the tutorials; I spend a lot of time doodling and love it; even as I sit in church I doodle on the edges of the bulletin.

  • My new years resolution is to spend more time quilting with some of the sample thread packs from superior that I purchased over the holidays!

  • One of my resolutions for this year is to make gifts. Today I’m working on one for my Dad’s 80th birthday–a lap quilt. I will be using Superior Threads in the quilting too.

  • NancyM

    First, I want to do more charity sewing. Second, I want to sew more scrappy quilts using stash only. And just to note, these are for 2015, as 2016 is still a ways off!

  • valerie csmith

    My goal is to finish the one king quilt I have going and to get a GOOD start on the next one

  • Quilting Jeannie Z

    Love Valley of the Kings pinks! Resolution for NY? Keep my sewing room organized after each project. Maybe I can keep this one.

  • I have been wanting to finish up some older projects that do not require a lot of work, but just details in some cases. And, I have planned to use more new threads, too, Lori! I particularly want to try silk thread as I have seen so much of it lately. I have done hand work with it, but not machine work. I don’t mind when you get spurts of creativity!! It helps us all!

  • Stacy Rausch

    I am focusing on making more art quilts this year. Also, to accomplish a few baby quilts for coworkers, and a quilt for a couple getting married on Fourth of July.

  • Mary VanDoodewaard

    Right now I am finishing a quilt for one of my granddaughters and I am using King Tut Angel Pink for the quilting. My resolution for this year is to make another one for her younger sister.

  • Carol Elmer

    My resolutions are to finish projects (I have several PHDs/ projects half done) and to try new things! Like King Tut thread!

  • Stephanie Scaramelli

    As a new owner of a long-arm, I can’t wait to try to do this!

  • My sewing goal is to use other color beside my fav blue!

  • my resolution is to finally clear out the UFO bin… they have been patiently waiting for to long…

  • Elizabeth

    My resolution is to have at least half of my UFOs finished

  • Susan

    A sewing goal for 2016 is to be proficient enough with FMQ to do a quilt larger than crib size. My goal for 2015 is to start by trying different motifs on UFOs. I need some quilting thread to accomplish these goals.


    HI, it will be to continue to improve my FMQing! Coming along, but not as neat as I”d like it to be! Thanks to You+Superior Threads for a neat giveaway!



  • Whiskers

    A sewing goal for 2016? would probably be the same as my goals for 2015. Get something that has “aged to perfection” finished. The UFO pile has gotten dangerously high. So, I’m sure I will need some quilting thread, and red is one of my favorite colors.

  • My resolution is to also finish the UFOs that were started and lie in project cases on the floor of my quilt room. Have used Superior and King Tut threads in the past and enjoyed the ease and texture working with them.

  • Jane Freedman

    My goal for 2015 is to learn to use my sewing and quilting machines better, and use some of the wonder Superior threads I have gotten! I just can’t find the time to sit down and really learn to use all of the functions these machines have–this year I resolve to fix that!

  • Patti

    Try getting better at free motion quilting, MY REALLY BIG GOAL FOR THE YEAR, and finish up WIP. Thanks for the chance to win.

  • Cathy Killiany

    One of my resolutions is to get quilted the pile of tops that I’ve accumulated! Time to GetRDun!

  • Glenda Britten

    My goal this year is to practice, practice, practice FMQ so I can build my confidence and skill. Finding your blog has helped inspire me. Getting ready to your mystery QAL. Thanks Lori.

  • Karen Martin

    I’m determined to get all the tops in my UFO bin quilted by the end of the year! Of course, that’s been my resolution for the last two years also…….

  • I really enjoy your tutorials and photography.
    My goal is to just be able to sew. We moved to a different house and my future sewing room turned into a staging area. Trying to find time to clean out the boxes and
    set the room up is proving difficult.

  • A beautiful transition from quilt to quilting! How big is the quilted poppy? I love Superior threads and when I want to see how something new works buy from their “Try Me” specials. Never disappointed. Thanks to you and them for sponsoring a giveaway.

  • Leslie Hassmann

    My new year’s resolution is to make a full sized quilt for my king bed. I have helped make several for my church guild but never by myself. I am determined to get it done in 2015!

  • Carol H

    Oh, I do so love giveaways. And I really do love Superior Threads.

    My resolution for this year is to continue practicing FMQ and to doodle a whole lot more.

  • I LOVE King Tut thread & belong to thread of the month club & receive 2 beautiful cones of King Tut every month. My resolution is to alternate an old project between every new project I start & try to finish some of those UFOs this year.

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