Does it sound like we’re doing another Mystery Quilt-with the cryptic title for today’s post?
Let me explain…One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to review my extensive photo collection and purge. As I was working away at my computer, I came across this photo of The Poppy Quilt on my garden wall….The Spark…
Next thing I knew, I was sitting at my sewing machine…(So much for NY Resolutions!)
However, one of my other resolutions is to try new threads.
I used Superior’s King Tut (extra long-staple) cotton to create The Bricks in this quilt. I love how the variegated thread adds even more texture to The Bricks.
The Spark…led to The Brick Wall Tutorial on Tuesday.
Next, I sent off a photo and a note to Superior Threads...
And our friends at Superior offered to do a GIVEAWAY!
Two lucky winners will receive $25 Gift Certificates at Superior Threads!
Leave a comment here at The Inbox Jaunt. Let me know one of your sewing resolutions for 2016.
Go to Superior’s King Tut page HERE
Then Like Superior on Facebook, leaving them a note about your favorite King Tut color.
Do both–Two chances to Win!
We will choose two winners on Thursday, February 25.
PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt. For all other purposes, please contact me at Thanks!
one of my sewing resolutions is to use more older patterns to make quilts this year.just feeling the need to connect with some roots.
I plan to plan my quilting for this year, not jump from project ot project and not finish any
My goal is to finish something each month. I finished for January, must get busy on February. I love reading your blog. I have recommended it to several friends. Thanks for all your help!!
karen in texas
To finish at least one of my quilts and enter it in a show.
I am trying to quilt quilts so I can complete them.
what a fabulous quilt ! love the colour King Tut – is it Ramses Red ? King Tut is my favourite thread to quilt with which for a beginner is probably a bit weird as it stands out more (or so I’m told !!) so that leads to my resolutions for this year – quilt the 17 quilt tops that are sitting in my cupboard – not quite sure what I’ll do with them then but at least they’ll be quilted
thanks so much for this giveaway !
Cathy Wilson
To create my sewing space w. More functional furniture than I have now so that I can create more quilts!
GET THEM DONE!!! That includes knitting, sewing, and especially, quilting projects…but first on the list is to rearrange my study to make it more sewing/quilting friendly. That means trashing/recycling 20-year-old computer records/floppies, extraneous cables, cords, and power adapters, old magazines, etc… I can hardly wait to get the room reorganized…and then on to the other projects!
Forgot to add my quilting resolution—to finish the quilts I have started (same resolution every year) and am making progress, but also to permit myself to go off on quilting tangents when I see something new that challenges me. Again, love your quilt and King Tut variegated threads
Jenny Bacon
Even though I mostly hand quit, with a little background machine quilting on my art quilt, King Tut variegated threads are my absolute favourite for the hand quilting. Design is made up of tiny dots of colour – you should see orange stitching on indigo fabric!
MS Barb
To make pillowcases for local charitable groups & to finish ONE UFO project
Donna Jones
Love your quilt and really love using King Tut variegated threads—they add punch to the designs.
Kathy W
My resolution for 2015 is to finish some UFOs (I did a few this past year too) and to get serious about doodling and improving my FMQ
My goal this year is to finish 1 NICU quilt per week and not to buy new fabric to do it. I’ve already broken the no new fabric for them- had to have some “just right” for one of the stash prints! Thanks for the giveaway.
I want to perfect my fmq and better understand threads.
I love, love, love your poppy fmq. My resolution for 2016 is to finish what I start before moving on to something else. Very guilty of this, Never used King Tut Thread before but would love to try it.
Carla A
…to start 3 baby quilts ~ and to give myself permission to quilt when I want to, not just when all other things are ‘done’.
jean whiteaker
I love Superior Threads, and use them the most. Sew Fine works very easily, but also love the variegated. Thanks for the ideas……2015 is finishing UFO’s, and the stack of kits, or maybe the kits will make it to 2016!
carol nelson
Love King Tut thread. I’ve given up starting new projects for lent (just 40 days). Hoping to get lots of ufo’s further along.
Pat Knight
I love poppies and intend to do this one with the brick wall. Thanks for the inspiration.
Pat Knight
Love the brick texture with the delicate flower… on pink too….lots of great ideas!! Thanks!! And my sewing resolution is to do more “exercise” sewing…following sew alongs & tutorials to exercise my sewing muscles and do more!!
Oh my goodness, I can’t even begin to list all my plans for my sewing machine this year! I’m addicted to sewing and FMQ so I follow you and do the odd design here and there. Very excited using your square flower in my first quilt that I made 6 years ago. A dear friend and I sat over coffee with seam rippers and picked out my stitching from when I first started FMQing…2 years ago. (yes, they were VERY easy to pick out) and this is the #rd time for me to redo this quilt. I originally tired it with yarn! I am also doing Leah Days Dancing Butterfly’s this year AND working on using thread and fabric to illustrate!
I have not tried any of their threads. I am curious about all these different weights and brands of thread. My favorite is the #938 Luxorious. I’d love to try this color, as I am doing a quilt with lots of background stars and galaxies, and I think this would look amazing.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Lisa Clark
My goal is to quilt, quilt and quilt. I have found I love variegated thread for quilting
Love Cairo!!! lovely thread!
By 2016 I hope I will have learned and practiced Free Motion Quilting to the point where I can actually use it to create a beautiful quilt. My resolution for 2015 is to learn how to FMQ, and to try foundation paper piecing. Your poppy quilt is wonderful front and back.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
Kaye W,.
My resolution is to make a queen size quilt using the new skills I have learned from your blog! I have enjoyed reading and trying out all the new things I have found here.
Ann Waddle
I love King Tut — and I resolve to do more quilting with variegated thread! I love your brick wall! Thanks for sharing
Deb Marshall
2016 – wow. I do know that I want to get more adventuresome with my thread play. I was afraid to try machine quilting, have gotten rather good – quilt messages all the time. One of them recently said in a quilt for my daughter-in-law “if my grandsons don’t learn cursive, how will they read their quilts?!”
Linda Fleming
2016 seems so far away…no doubt I’ll be finishing off quilts I have “under construction” at the moment as well as practicing FMQ with the help of your wonderful tutorials!
Marnie Houston
My goal is to do more Photo & pictorial quilts. So far I’ve made 3. But still have 2 left to quilt. Could use some beautiful King Tut thread to do that with. Thank, Marnie
Chris Stephenson
My resolution for 2015 is to allocate at least an hour each day to practice FMQ, to maintain and refine my quilt notebook, and to myself and use a new technique or fmq pattern in each quilt or wall hanging..
This summer I will be moving out of state. My top priority after the great move-in will be to set up my studio. Once set up I will be able to put into practice the tutorials and doodling I have been coveting since finding your blog, For 2016 I hope to be confident enough to FMQ on a quilt I have made.
Carolyn S
2015 goal is to quilt as many of my tops as possible – they have been waiting many years. 2016 goal is to try a larger than vase size whole cloth quilt since my FMQing should be near perfect by then, right?
Kyle Hivler
I want to work towards doing more charitable quilts I would like to work up to quilting 12 quilts each month. Never hurts to set high goals
Lisa J.
I can’t think ahead to 2016. My goal for 2015 are to get more comfortable with fmq and to get more comfortable with improv quilting. I would imagine in 2016 I’ll still be working on the fmq. but by them I just might have a sewing machine with a bigger space for quilting. Saving up the money now.
I love your blog! My resolution is to finish 2 WIPs for every new project I start (hopefully I’ll get all the WIPs done in 2015).
Pam treiber
My goal is to use a different quilting pattern for every quilt I finish this year.
Regina Burnitt
Finish all my ufo
kim hyde
TO finish a quilt of my dog that just passed away!!!
Mary Hawthorne
I’ve just begun to learn free motion quilting. One of my goals for this year is to gain enough skill to use it in a ‘real’ quilt. Your blog has been tremendously helpful with techniques and materials.
My resolution is to complete at least one UFO a month.
Have already completed 3.
Anita Spicer
My resolution for 2015 is to finish as many UFO’s as I can. Quilting is my therapy since my husband of 56 years passed away. I have never used kingtut thread but would love to try it.
Melisa Nowag
My resolution is to get my machine fixed….so that I can use all these wonderful threads! It has been in the shop twice for the same problem…I will have a lot of squares ready for FMQ, when it comes back!
I don’t really make sewing resolutions, but I do try to make more donation quilts and get better at FMQ. I don’t consider those resolutions because I don’t have to be resolute to do them. I just want to anyway. My favorite quilting thread is King Tut. I like how it works in my treadle machine, and how nicely it shows up on the quilt. I mostly use neutrals (Temple, White Linen and Papyrus), but I just used Mint Julep, so maybe now I’ll branch out into some colors, too. Both of your quilts are gorgeous!
Cathie Scanlon
My resolutions for the year is to get at least 10 of my projects completed and to learn paper piecing.
My goal is to finish the two large projects I have started, and to not have more than one big one going at once in the future…though we all need to have some small ones going concurrently.
Julie Mason
My resolution was to try to find a little time in the day to sew at least a little bit, whether it be piecing, or FMQ.
Great design and Superior is a great company with ‘super’ thread! My resolution for 2015 is…UFOs! Well, I’m working on that but only have one small quilt to show for it. I did START a new project but I’m loving it so much that, “I don’t care!!!”
Karen Polczynski
My resolution is to finish ANY of the UFOs I currently have. I also made (yet again) another resolution to use my fabric stash and not buy any new fabric. That lasted a whopping 1 month! Hey, I gotta have backing for all these UFOs, right? I also want to improve my FMQ and that will probably happen when I finish a top.
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