The Spark, The Brick and The Giveaway

February 20, 2015
Brick Quilt

Poppy QuiltGood Morning, Quilters!

Does it sound like we’re doing another Mystery Quilt-with the cryptic title for today’s post?

Let me explain…One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to review my extensive photo collection and purge.  As I was working away at my computer, I came across this photo of The Poppy Quilt on my garden wall….The Spark

Next thing I knew, I was sitting at my sewing machine…(So much for NY Resolutions!)

Brick QuiltHowever, one of my other resolutions is to try new threads.

I used Superior’s King Tut (extra long-staple) cotton to create The Bricks in this quilt.  I love how the variegated thread adds even more texture to The Bricks.

Brick QuiltThe Spark…led to The Brick Wall Tutorial on Tuesday.

Next, I sent off a photo and a note to Superior Threads...

Brick QuiltAnd our friends at Superior offered to do a GIVEAWAY!


Brick QuiltTwo lucky winners will receive $25 Gift Certificates at Superior Threads!


Leave a comment here at The Inbox Jaunt. Let me know one of your sewing resolutions for 2016.


Go to Superior’s King Tut page HERE

Then Like Superior on Facebook, leaving them a note about your favorite King Tut color.


Do both–Two chances to Win!

We will choose two winners on Thursday, February 25.



PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • Barb E

    I bought a pile of threads and once they are all gone I plan to only buy my threads from Superior Threads. I am getting better at FMQing thanks to you and soon I hope to buy some King Tut threads.

  • Carolina

    Sew more; and be on the computer much less.
    However, I can’t be without The Inbox Jaunt!

  • Oh boy! I’m only up to 2015 resolutions – not 2016. Hope that was a typo!
    One of my resolutions is to try curves this year. I have cut it out and it is on my design wall. The first square is stitched and the others are waiting for me.
    judybarr at iearn dot org dot au

  • Trying to increase my beginner skills with classes at my local quilt shop and online.
    Have made 2 pieced tops but not learned yet how to do the actual quilting.

  • Peggy

    This year I plan to quilt a bow tie top made by my mother in law in 1930 prints then quilt a top I just finished for one of my granddaughters. Superior threads are great and would look great on both of these quilts.

  • Terri Tresise

    My goal for this year is to get 6 projects completed (currently UFO’s) including quilting and binding. 2 done, 4 to go!

  • I don’t normally do NY resolutions, but this year I’m trying to take the time to do something creative every day. Even if it’s only for ten minutes.

  • Make some charity crib quilts. Just finished four, one of which is stitched with King
    Tut’s red/white/blue thread. I love how it came out.

  • Bonnie

    My resolution is to spend more time practicing fmq and by the end of the year have a quilt made with the practice pieces. I hate not using the practice squares. Thanks for the giveaway. I want to try different threads.

  • Sue Johnson

    Sewing resolutions for 2015 – practice, practice, practice quilting!

  • Susan Stanton

    Make a bed quilt for my youngest daughter. She is the last one I need to make a quilt for, and I’ve been promising her for three years! Yikes. Must get it done….. soon.

  • Patty

    You are right! The variegated thread does enhance the bricks. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work with us.

  • My resolution is to learn free motion quilting–you are coming to our guild in July so we will practice before you get here to be more confident when you teach us. See you then!

  • Teresa

    I want to make quilting a higher priority on my list of “have too’s”. Too many times it ends up in the backseat.

  • I hope to develop free-motion quilting skills…and have started practicing!

  • i am going to practice fmq so that i can finish my flimsies!

  • Karen G

    My resolution was to complete some of my UFO’s and make a dent in the kits I have purchased. So far, I’ve finished one UFO top and two kits (tops)! I haven’t quilted any of them yet…but I’m on fire! Thanks for the chance of winning!

  • Stephanie

    2015 is the year to finish quilting my WIP projects – at least 1 per month.

  • Maureen (Mo) Johnson

    I haven’t decided about 2016 yet but for 2015 I am doing 52 finishes suggested by Glad Creations shop in Mpls. So far I am good finishing something each week! Wish me luck for the rest of the year.

  • I am trying to really get into the quilting mode. Finish a lot of my projects that I started and quilt most of my kits that I have staring at me in on my shelves. No more excuses.

  • Lori in NC

    I would like to finish at least one UFO this year. (Not very ambitious I know, but anything more wouldn’t be realistic.)

  • My resolution will be to sew more, make mistakes, learn from those mistakes, and eventually make things I’m excited to show or wear. 2014 was my first sewing year and I’ve got so much to learn and many mistakes to make. I should knock on wood because in the last few projects I’ve completed, the mistakes have been minor.

  • Janet in The Woodlands

    I have committed to master the designs in in Angela Walters’ book, Shape by Shape, which is a book I am using as one of the sources for an FMQ class I teach for our WAQG.

  • Jackie

    I’m determined I will quilt the 5 tops waiting to be quilted and stop making excuses and just get them done. Thanks for the chance

  • Brenda Dunne

    Love Superior threads. goals are to continue improving FMQ skills.

  • Who doesn’t love Superior Threads ??? Sign me up!!! My goals for 2015 is to set aside a minimum of 20 min a day to FMQ

  • Just love KT threads so I will use them for all my quilting needs in 2015 and 2016.

  • Cindy G

    I’m always amazed by your creativity! What an inspiration you are…

  • Marcia Hoeksgtra

    My goal for 2015 is to become more proficient at free-motion quilting with my home machine.

  • I love superior Threads. My cotton collection is filled with their lovely threads. My resolutIon is to teach at least one person to quilt this year and more if I can in my tiny community. Love every thing about it. Thanks for this opportunity

  • Kathy Davis

    My sewing resolutions would be to make more quilts for charity.

  • Bonnie T.

    My goal is to learn to free motion quilt on my home machine better. I will need lots of thread to practice, practice, practice!!!

  • This year, I am determined to rock some of the golden oldie UFOs and finish them. Many are tops that “just” need to be quilted, so winning some Superior thread would support that goal nicely. Thanks for the giveaway.

  • Tweela Houtekamer

    My resolution it to quilt and bind the 9 finished quilt tops hanging on hangars in my sewing room closet.

  • pwalters22

    my resolution is to practice free motion quilting more often!

  • I have never used King Tut thread. I just attended my first free motion quilt class. The teacher recommended this brand. My resolution is to FMQ the three quilts that are in various stages of completion. I am enjoying the process. Cathie

  • bobbie

    To try to get my sewing room organized so I can spend more time working and less time trying to find where I put that things I need NOW. Also, to try to figure out my embroidery software and unit. Love that Superior thread!

  • Julie Hale

    Love the King Tut variegated thread. So many color choices!

  • Ohh, I love both The Spark and the Brick! What beautiful work. One of my sewing resolutions for 2015 is to spend at least 15 minutes a day in my sewing room, no matter what the rest of the day is like. I lapse once in a while, but so far it’s going pretty well. Thanks for the chance to win awesome thread!

  • Marsha

    My resolution is to try new things. I would love to start by trying a variety of new threads!

  • Sharon

    My resolution is to broaden my color palette, not only in choosing fabrics but threads as well. I love bright colors and wear them a lot but I want to quilt with them more!

  • Cindy Reardon

    I’d like to finish some of the UFOs in my sewing room and take on some more challenging projects.

  • By the end of next year I will make a whole cloth quilt on black cotton!

  • Make a weekly date with my longarm friend, so I can practice, practice, practice and strengthen our friendship

  • Lisa J.

    Sorry to leave another comment but I just realized that google plus had reverted me to no reply so once again my goal is to continue improving my free motion quilting and my improvisational quilting.

  • Erin Ellis

    I am following on Facebook, and I also left a comment with my favorite color.
    ErinLoves2Run at gmail dot com

  • Erin Ellis

    My resolution is to think outside the box this year and stop using the same boring colors. I vow to WOW! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
    ErinLoves2Run at gmail dot com

  • Mmmm 2016 is a bit too far ahead for me to contemplate, but for this year its to double my charitable quilt donations 🙂

  • Judy Buzby

    My goal is to buy a table for my new Juki 2010 machine and finish the FMG that I started last week. I love king Tut and any color is a great color!

  • May resolution for this year is to be a ‘finisher.’ Superior Threads offer me great inspiration for ‘finishing’ so many quilts.

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