The Spark, The Brick and The Giveaway

February 20, 2015
Brick Quilt

Poppy QuiltGood Morning, Quilters!

Does it sound like we’re doing another Mystery Quilt-with the cryptic title for today’s post?

Let me explain…One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to review my extensive photo collection and purge.  As I was working away at my computer, I came across this photo of The Poppy Quilt on my garden wall….The Spark

Next thing I knew, I was sitting at my sewing machine…(So much for NY Resolutions!)

Brick QuiltHowever, one of my other resolutions is to try new threads.

I used Superior’s King Tut (extra long-staple) cotton to create The Bricks in this quilt.  I love how the variegated thread adds even more texture to The Bricks.

Brick QuiltThe Spark…led to The Brick Wall Tutorial on Tuesday.

Next, I sent off a photo and a note to Superior Threads...

Brick QuiltAnd our friends at Superior offered to do a GIVEAWAY!


Brick QuiltTwo lucky winners will receive $25 Gift Certificates at Superior Threads!


Leave a comment here at The Inbox Jaunt. Let me know one of your sewing resolutions for 2016.


Go to Superior’s King Tut page HERE

Then Like Superior on Facebook, leaving them a note about your favorite King Tut color.


Do both–Two chances to Win!

We will choose two winners on Thursday, February 25.



PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • Shirley

    Love the look of the stitching on the sampler quilt. I need to do more practicing on my free motion quilting. Love Superior threads!!!!

  • Holly Ann W.

    Thanks to Superior for offering a great give-away … they are swell folks. I have quite a to-do list of projects, most are not so large – I just need to wrap my brain around the process sometimes before I start so as not to make unfixable mistakes. Some are home dec, some are garment construction, and then there is this NEW challenge … FMQ!

  • I’m working on finishing my ufos.

  • suzanprincess

    My resolve this year is to make a quilt my ME, finally.

  • Sara Schmidt

    To do more quilting and less piecing. I have tons of tops that are just waiting to be quilted.

  • Kristin S-D

    To use up the fabrics that I have saved because they are too “good” to cut up!

  • Pamela R

    I’m sorting my stash moving out the many prints I bought early in my quilting career.

  • I just started quilting last October. I started out with a Zipper Quilt. Then I made a 9 Patch for my son. I just finished a black, white, & Red Log Cabin and I’m just about to finish another 9 Patch. Whew….. I’m assuming that I will still be quilting in 2016.

  • To whittle down my (mostly given to me) stash, and organize the rest so that I can find what I need easily! (Also improve my FMQ– you are a great help!)

  • barbara woods

    I am going to slow down and enjoy my quilting more

  • I want to make a quilt for my bed. I have done quite a few lap quilts and now I am ready to tackle a king size quilt. I have been practicing my free motion quilting but if I finish I know it will go out to a professional.

  • Jennifer Leean

    My resolution for 2015 is to finish up my UFO’s before I start anything new. It’s not working! I’ve tried So Fine thread from Superior Threads and really like it.

  • I plan on practicing FMQ and become confident enough to quilt one of my tops that is waiting to be quilted. I enjoy trying new threads and the Mystery Quilt is a good project for this.

  • Mary N

    One of my resolutions is to get a handle on my “stuff”. Some of it needs to be made into quilts, some of it needs a new home and most of it needs to move into my new quilt room (formerly known as a kid bedroom) once it is ready.

  • I have a large bin of unquilted tops…my resolution is to “get-er done!”

  • Started a scrappy quilt for myself-I need to get busy and finish it.
    Thanks for a chance to win.

  • Gloria

    Practice FMQ and actually finish several of my smaller quilts.

  • Rubyiah is my all-time favorite color! I like them on Facebook. 🙂

  • I told myself that for each fully completed quilt, I get to make another top. 🙂

  • I use a lot of Superior threads and love it. This year I am going to finish some of my UFO’s.

  • Teri powers

    Use up some of my stash and finish the Saturday sampler quilts that I have most of the blocks done but nothing else. I take a class for the last few years from my LQS. Love learning new techniques and meeting with friends. Just need to finish the quilts!

  • I have always just used threads available at my local quilt shop. My goal is to try a variety of threads for free motion quilting. I also want to keep a keep a grid with all these different threads like the one you showed us a few weeks ago so I can track what I have used and how they look. Finally, I am going to create the grid with quilt sandwiches using different battings. I have ordered some of the battings people recommended when there was a discussion about battings.

  • Kristine

    Simple resolution is to try and learn how to use a long arm machine.

  • Greta

    My resolution is to finish my first full size quilt!

  • Karen Friedrichs

    To schedule a small block of time several times a week to get started on the techniques I postponed to try in retirement (which I am now in.)

  • Denise Smart

    I have two quilting resolutions for this year. For FMQ I wish to improve my feathers. For piecing I wish to do a simple paper pieced quilt.

  • duchick

    Quilting in a *brick* design is very unique and so interesting! It’s perfect with the flower in the foreground.

    One of my sewing resolutions for this year is to make a table runner for each holiday so it’s ready in m hutch to display as the day approaches.

  • Linda Cordonnier

    You know all that fabric we buy to make those adorable quilts we see, well my resolution is to start one of those long awaited projects and get something done.

  • Nancy

    Improve my free motion quilting. I have only been following for a week and the ideas have inspired me to do so much more with my quilting.

  • Darrell Hardenburg

    My Sewing Resolutions for 2015 – to complete several of my UFOs. Your poppy wall tread play quilt is just stupendous.. I am so glad that I recently subscribed to your blog. It is filled with such inspiration.

  • Sonja McLane

    I just need strength physical to keep moving on my current and planned quilts. Ian recently disabled so quilting is very very slow!!!!!!!

  • My goal is to do more quilting art using tone on tone threads. They add interesting dimension so that the quilting can also tell a story.

  • Sharon Stone

    One of my New Year’s quilting resolutions is to practice more free-motion quilting. I’m still new to it and a little timid. I have used a light blue variegated King Tut on my long arm with great results.

  • Joellyn Partyka

    To finally get my king size quilt tops layered up and quilted. I love King Tut variegated threads.

  • maggielou

    My resolution to become very proficient in free motion quilting. Practicing every day.

  • My resolution is to complete the quilts I have planned before buying supplies for new ones.

  • Sarah J.

    I am hoping to sew more for myself! Although I am just finishing a dress for my daughter and and in progress on a quilt for her. Hmmm… maybe I need to focus a bit more on that resolution 🙂 I am desperate to try variegated thread– it looks so fun!

  • Michelle

    I want to enter a quilt challenge this year. That’s my goal.

  • Linda Webster

    In 2015 I want to finish all my unfinished projects or, if I don’t want to finish them, move them on.

  • Michelle

    I would LOVE

  • Mary Grass

    Play less onmy iPad and make time for quilting everyday. Also, to let youknow more often that I appreciate all you do for us quilters……I have gained so much more confidence from following your blog and learning from you.

  • Linda Lovely

    This year, I plan to continue learning to FMQ on my domestic sewing machine! I took a course last year and plan to take another this year!

  • Sewing resolution is to complete a whole quilt. So far I’ve only completed the tops.

  • Jane Brown

    I resolve to finish getting my stash in some kind of order. New fabrics have a way of sneaking into my home and I don’t put them away right away like I should.

  • Bonnie Gable

    I have 4 grandchildren and want to make each of them a memory quilt. I better get busy!

  • Elaine H.

    My resolution for 2016 is to become more proficient at free motion quilting, which I absolutely love doing! I would enjoy trying the King Tut thread as part of my learning process. Thanks for the opportunity!

  • Suzanne

    I don’t make resolutions, but make some goals for myself. This year my goal is to just go ahead and quilt my projects and not sit an agonize on the decisions. On each project I will try a new quilting pattern. So far I’m doing pretty good. I’ve tried new patterns on my last three quilts. I’m happy with it all so far.

  • Cindy

    I resolve to make more charity quilts this year and to finish 4 UFOs. I love King Tut variegated threads!

  • kathey Quelland

    To make as many quilts as I can! I love Superior’s King Tut threads, the variegated ones are so much fun to use in FMQ. Thank you for this offer! And I will attempt to copy your poppy enclosed in the brick wall. That is so pretty, Lori.

  • Karen A

    I’m working on getting my collection of tops quilted. I think I have enough to quilt one each month.

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