The Spark, The Brick and The Giveaway

February 20, 2015
Brick Quilt

Poppy QuiltGood Morning, Quilters!

Does it sound like we’re doing another Mystery Quilt-with the cryptic title for today’s post?

Let me explain…One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to review my extensive photo collection and purge.  As I was working away at my computer, I came across this photo of The Poppy Quilt on my garden wall….The Spark

Next thing I knew, I was sitting at my sewing machine…(So much for NY Resolutions!)

Brick QuiltHowever, one of my other resolutions is to try new threads.

I used Superior’s King Tut (extra long-staple) cotton to create The Bricks in this quilt.  I love how the variegated thread adds even more texture to The Bricks.

Brick QuiltThe Spark…led to The Brick Wall Tutorial on Tuesday.

Next, I sent off a photo and a note to Superior Threads...

Brick QuiltAnd our friends at Superior offered to do a GIVEAWAY!


Brick QuiltTwo lucky winners will receive $25 Gift Certificates at Superior Threads!


Leave a comment here at The Inbox Jaunt. Let me know one of your sewing resolutions for 2016.


Go to Superior’s King Tut page HERE

Then Like Superior on Facebook, leaving them a note about your favorite King Tut color.


Do both–Two chances to Win!

We will choose two winners on Thursday, February 25.



PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • Karen Thurn

    Love your poppy quilt.

  • Garilyn

    My “resolution” is to get my sewing area in order. It’s quite a bit scattered and unorganized.

  • Mary Helen Simonson

    Too early to make resolutions for 2016 but for 2015 I want to try to sew something every day. Didn’t quite make it yesterday but did spend time in sewing room doing some much needed organization. I’d love to win! Thanks.

  • My goal this year is to make backs for my finished quilt tops with fabric from my stash. Then to quilt them!

  • susan ragan

    love love love King Tut . All colors. Working on UFOs for 2015

  • Carole S.

    I’ve resolved to finish one WIP a month. So far, I’m ahead of the game, and starting on March’s already.

    Love your poppy!

  • I have been trying to leave a reply! My moblie internet has been not good! I just need to get back to my routine of finishing one before starting another! out of control UFO’s around here! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  • Carmel Brown

    Well if that Poppy Wall isn’t the inspiration I need I don’t know what is. I am fairly new to King Tut so my plan is to put 2016 in my immediate radar for some classy quilting projects.

  • Chris Appleby

    Finish some ufo’s and start new projects…..just get in & have a go!

  • Joan H.

    I have never used King Tut thread but have heard it is great. Would love to give it a try on the lap quilt I am making.

  • Dot H

    I didn’t make any resolutions. I just want to sew and have fun.

  • Sandy K

    I would like to make a table runner for each season or holiday.

  • Vicki H

    I want to finish at least 6 ufo’s this year.

  • Sarah

    I would like to have a quilt made and hand quilted for each bed in the house (4)

  • I’m so lucky to have received several spools of variegated King Tut at our guild’s Christmas party. It was the PERFECT gift… won entirely randomly in our annual QUILTO bingo game which entails stealing gift boxes from each other till there are no spots left on the bingo cards. It always startles our new members…. But hurray for me for ending up with the King Tut spools! Lori, the brick wall idea with the flower has got me thinking about all sorts of other combinations.. how about the oak leaves along with the tree trunk motif? or maybe umbrellas with lines of rain.
    Thanks again for all the inspiration.

  • I love King Tut thread and use it for almost all of my hand quilting – I love the variegated thread. One of my favorites is King Tut #921 Cleopatra

  • My resolution is to practice, practice, practice the FMQ technique and make the Build Block quilt!! The Supreme variegated thread is absolutely beautiful and would like to use it on a special project.

  • Ronald J

    For 2016, I vow to tackle the contents of that mending/restyling bin that I have been avoiding and ignoring!

  • Kathleen

    I’d love an opportunity to try Superior threads and what better way but with a giveaway from the company. I haven’t experimented with many different threads but I would like to in 2015. There are so many things I’d like to do this year, but playing and experimenting with tools and techniques tops my list. Thanks very much.

  • I love king tut varigated threads. I have several spools that I plan to use for quilting some unfinished projects for before the year ends. If I don’t finish some of my UFOs I am going to have to move out of my home or rent storage and neither are I option I can live with.

  • Susan

    I’d like to try more techniques that I’ve been reluctant to try before.

  • Denise Payment

    Thanks to Superior Threads for the offer. By going to your site, I am learning more resources and new threads to try. Shall make a quilted duvet cover for a future prod on silk that I now have.

  • Marjorie Nath

    My new years resolution is to finish the quilts that I have started. I have 5 flimsy that I remember, I know there are more lurking in my storage bins.

  • Stephanie Falkenstein

    I have resolved to start using fabric from my stash instead of buying more. It’s time to purge!

  • Nancy Manion

    I plan to work on my UFOs, beginning with a quilt that’s combining two projects–a strip-pieced pattern with batiks and a border made of small blocks using the main batik fabric, which I completed as a block a month challenge with Electric Quilt.

  • Evelyn

    Today I’m working with Angel Teal, and it’s perfect for my job. Superior Threads are aptly named; I love the quality of them — and all the colors!!

  • Carole

    I have resolved myself to quilting all of the quilt tops I made last year, and not have them quilted on the big quilting machines. To just take the time and one by one do them myself. So far I have done 4 of 12. It is harder of course, but….so much less cost, and it is gratifying to say, yes, I did do the whole quilt from start to finish!

  • Paula

    My NY quilting resolution is to finish UFOs this year. To this end, I’m starting NO NEW PROJECTS until I have cleaned out my sewing room of projects. So far I have finished 5 quilts, yes, even the binding is on them!!! Thanks to Superior Threads for the give away! It is the only thread I use in my longarm and for piecing. Thanks Lori!

  • I resolve to try more free motion quilting. Your tutorials look fabulous!

  • Siobhan

    I love superior threads. They’re my go-to piecing threads. I’m working on a certificate program right now, and can’t do much more that live vicariously through everyone else’s quilting experiences, but once I’ve finished my classes, my goals are to spend a LOT of time playing with thread. Until then, I’ll put on the deerstalker, and peek in! 🙂

  • I want to use up the fabrics that I “saved” for a later use…

  • I let Superior know Jewel of the Nile is my favorite.

  • I like Superior Threads on FB.

  • I’d like to get my free hand quilting mastered

  • Marianne

    The colors and quality of your Brick Wall tutorial piece are truly lovely.

    I am finally venturing away from the safety of my daily practice and actually working on the seven quilt tops and backs I’d been waiting to free motion quilt on my domestic machine. It’s going well! It took a long time to feel ready, and is worth the wait, as I feel confident now.

    Thank you so much for the wonderful tips, tutorials, encouragement, and projects you share with us daily.

  • Thread is so much fun! One of my resolutions this year is shared with my daughter. We are making 52 baby quilts for donation to the children’s hospital where she had heart surgery 2 years ago. We are on target so far.

  • One of my resolutions is to learn how to applique. Thanks for offering this fun prize!

  • Laura K from PA

    My quilting resolution for the NY is to show one newly finished quilt at my once a month guild meeting. I have a least a dozen that still need quilting that have been waiting, some for about 10 years!!

  • Pam C

    Thanks for a chance to win. I need to improve my FMQ skills.

  • Jan Handi

    I want to stretch my horizons. I am determined to try new techniques, different colors and try to design a wall hanging using my ideas.

  • I resolve to finish my WIPs.

  • Diane McLauchlan

    I have a queen charity quilt I need to quilt and I would like to make two more charities this year – oh, and I just gave one to charity – wahoo!

  • I’d like to try art quilting.

  • Pat Pi

    Just enjoy! Life is short and treasure the moments. They all rush by.

  • It is the year of the kits for me – working on making some of the kits I have purchased and been given.

  • Patty

    I want to learn to piece on my new Featherweight (thanks Hub!!!) and then freemotion it myself….. We need some artwork on our walls.

  • Nancy Hilderbrand

    My resolution is to try to stay out of the hospital and get more quilting done.

  • Chris

    I do need to improve my FMQ skills. Yours is just lovely.

  • Claire Ross

    Newbie quilter so my resolution is to finish my first quilt x

  • My sewing resolutions are to finish your quilt-a-long and to quilt all my quilt tops!

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