The Spark, The Brick and The Giveaway

February 20, 2015
Brick Quilt

Poppy QuiltGood Morning, Quilters!

Does it sound like we’re doing another Mystery Quilt-with the cryptic title for today’s post?

Let me explain…One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to review my extensive photo collection and purge.  As I was working away at my computer, I came across this photo of The Poppy Quilt on my garden wall….The Spark

Next thing I knew, I was sitting at my sewing machine…(So much for NY Resolutions!)

Brick QuiltHowever, one of my other resolutions is to try new threads.

I used Superior’s King Tut (extra long-staple) cotton to create The Bricks in this quilt.  I love how the variegated thread adds even more texture to The Bricks.

Brick QuiltThe Spark…led to The Brick Wall Tutorial on Tuesday.

Next, I sent off a photo and a note to Superior Threads...

Brick QuiltAnd our friends at Superior offered to do a GIVEAWAY!


Brick QuiltTwo lucky winners will receive $25 Gift Certificates at Superior Threads!


Leave a comment here at The Inbox Jaunt. Let me know one of your sewing resolutions for 2016.


Go to Superior’s King Tut page HERE

Then Like Superior on Facebook, leaving them a note about your favorite King Tut color.


Do both–Two chances to Win!

We will choose two winners on Thursday, February 25.



PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • anudge

    Love Superior Thread’s Bottom Line. Would love to try King Tut. My favorite color is silver – I can use it with so many things.

    • Kathleen Moskovitz

      My resolution for 2015 is to finish MANY quilts???!!! Every year I attempt this and every year I keep buying MORE patterns and starting them!

  • Oh, I haven’t finished anything! Bad me!
    My favorite King Tut is English Ivy.

  • Oops. My last sentence should have read: Whether I end up painting, sewing or reading my book on quilting, it is a time for my creativity to be fed each day.

  • NY resolution is to allow myself 1 hour of time in my sewing area to practice fmq, checking to see what I need to finish, organize and just be in the creative space for that period of time each day. Whether I end up painting, sewing or reading my books on quilting, it is a time for my creativity to fed each day.

  • Cathy W.

    My New Year Sewing Resolution is to quilt 2-3 Quilts of Valor a month.
    I also want to piece and quilt one of my quilt kits (that are smiling at me on the shelf) by the end of June.

  • My NY resolution is to make items for my home; wall hangings, small quilts to be found throughout the house to be used for those quick afternoon naps or reading a couple chapters in a new book. Only quilted items that I really like–you see, sometimes “time” is of the essence.
    I’ve finished 2 quilts that have been languishing in my quilt studio & sent them to the Fisher House for the families of hurt & ill veterans.
    Thank you Lori for your encouragement to all of us.

  • Kathy Capistrant

    I am giving myself the gift of time to learn free motion quilting a little each day!

  • Wanda Calderwood

    I have determined to not start any knew quilts until I finish the ones I started. Making progress…. Love your tutorials!

  • Kathy h

    I resolve to put away the leftovers from a project when the project is done.

  • Jackie gilbert

    This year I have resolved to finish more projects than I start! I make a list each evening of what I want to accomplish the next day to get me started, and there is always a project sitting next to my sewing machine to work on.
    Love your blog!

  • Quilting Jeannie Z

    Did you mean 2015 or 2016? I missed that the first day. Finished 4 UFOs last week! Of course, some were only labels. 🙂

  • Shirley Campbell

    I need to finish more quilts! I piece lots of tops, but it seems harder to me to get them put together & quilted.

  • Louise

    To fit more sewing time in to each week.

  • Karen Bennick

    I need to design a rain drop fmq pattern. I’d love it is you would do that for me. We did get some rain last night but need so much more. No snow in our mountains this year, Water table is way too low out here in CA.

  • carolynblock

    Love King Tut threads! The only resolution I have made for this year is to not make any!! But my desire this year is to quilt more and learn to FMQ!!! You Lori have become a big part of that!! Thank you so much for sharing your talent!

  • The Lisa Marie

    I have 2 resolutions. The first is to make my daughter’s bridal gown. The second is to finish my king sized bed quilt.

  • Recent retiree, have way too many UFO’s, want to do FMQ, at least, start to FMQ. Love your blog and your amazing motifs. Will be my resolution for the next 2 or maybe 3 years.

  • Katia Gyetvai

    My sewing resolution is to make myself another dress. 🙂

  • Barbara Sokol

    Mine is to really clear out my stash of things I really will never use and find them new homes!

  • Sharon Meyer

    My resolution for this year is to get my sewing/quilting space moved to my new home set up and try to get at least 5 of my ufo’s completed. I know its a lot i can do this! More thread would always be good. Thanks for the chance to win. Happy quilting to all.

  • I’m in project-finishing mode right now — that was my resolution — so I can start the ones that are patiently waiting in my sewing room. I haven’t tried King Tut and would love to! Superior Threads are the best.

  • karenbolan

    great! I love learning about others’ processes. I didn’t make any formal Resolution, but I want to sew weekly (at least) on projects I have started, to clear room for more new ones. karen.a.bolan at gmail

  • valerie

    One of my sewing goals this year is to use up fabric I already have instead of purchasing more. I have so much and can’t stop buying more!


  • I’m trying modern or negative quilts this year which use quilting as a major element of the design.

  • Patty

    My resolution is to make tops using as much of my stash as possible, and to quilt all the tops I have currently waiting. Also to practice my free hand sewing, I use the robot too much.

  • Janie

    I am finishing up UFO’s. I have 4 completed to date. Yippie! Thank you for the giveaway.

  • Dana Charlton

    I want to try and make my first quilt. Would love to have it handed down from my children to grandchildren and so on.
    Liked on Facebook 🙂

  • peggy mccandless

    I plan to finish some UFO’s and make a set of machine quilting samples. Love Superior threads.

  • Marcia

    For 2015 I want to play with thread painting and try using paint on cloth to highlight the applique projects I make.

  • I love Superior Thread and customer service. Thanks for the chance for a giveaway.

  • I haven’t made any resolutions for 2016 but I did resolve to finish or attempt to finish my pile of quilt tops in 2015. Thanks!

  • I want to finish some older projects. The thread would help:)

  • One of my resolutions was to finish one WIP before starting anything new.

  • Mary Ellen

    I have never used king Tut thread.I just finished a quilt top now have to get my batting and add a little to the back for it to be large enough to put togather.Than quilt it.Still have a long way to go.

  • I would like to make quilt sandwiches to “pick up and practice” more often! That is a good resolution. Your poppy caught my eye. I was just re-visiting that pattern this week. Maybe that is a good omen !

  • liana

    My goal this year is to make back for my finished quilt top with fabric from my stash.

  • Linda L.

    I love King Tut thread. It never breaks and the tension does waver. The colors are beautiful. I recently quilted a red and cream quilt using a Verigiated pink, yellow, peach, cream color. It turned out beautiful.

  • bluedove2014d

    My resolutions every year are to finish UFO’s. 🙂 I’m making progress tho and Love King Tut thread.

  • Brenda

    No resolutions. Except a decision to sew more this year.

  • One of my quilting resolutions is to finish some things from the past – isn’t it for almost everyone? LOL I’m actually making SOME progress, though.

  • Kathy

    Thanks to your help I’ll be working on free motion technique, especially how to combine thread weight to needle size.

  • My resolution was to design and start a new needle turn applique quilt, allowing time each week to work on it, and it only. Along with adding at least one new technique to the quilt that I haven’t done previously. So far so good. I have the first panel drawn out and started the applique, and am teaching myself silk shading for some of the more delicate shapes.

  • Kathy Mennen

    My new years resolution is to finish quilts for two granddaughters before summer and to quilt a queen size that has been on my table for quite a while.

  • Mecca

    I quilt with King Tut almost exclusively and my resolution is to finish what I started last year!

  • Jackie Clauson

    My resolution is to start practicing free motion quilting. I’m putting together a stack of quilt sandwiches and print outs of your tutorials so I can start doing fmq everyday. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and I think NOW would be a great time. I have several art quilts that need quilting, and I’ve been afraid to tackle them, worried that I’ll mess them up. This is the year I’m going to finish them!!! Thanks for sharing your amazing talent!

  • Lori Morton

    My goal is to work at learning FMQ….am such a chicken! lol LOOOVE your Quilting…am a Follower for sure! Thanks for all you share with us too! 🙂

    I don’t do FB & all….but I do get Superior’s Newsletters etc

  • Laura

    I love the variegated pink King Tut and I love the poppy against brick wall FMQ!

  • Kathy

    Love Superior thread. Great quality and great prices. You can never have too much thread. Would really like to win. Thanks Lori!

  • Kerry M.

    My resolution is to find a space for my machine to be permanently up and ready to go, in readiness for my retirement later this year. In the meantime I resolve to explore projects that are do-able, to be able to practise the diversity of stitches and patterns that you teach us. Happy days from Australia !

  • Lori Campbell

    I would love to try King Tut thread.

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