The Spark, The Brick and The Giveaway

February 20, 2015
Brick Quilt

Poppy QuiltGood Morning, Quilters!

Does it sound like we’re doing another Mystery Quilt-with the cryptic title for today’s post?

Let me explain…One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to review my extensive photo collection and purge.  As I was working away at my computer, I came across this photo of The Poppy Quilt on my garden wall….The Spark

Next thing I knew, I was sitting at my sewing machine…(So much for NY Resolutions!)

Brick QuiltHowever, one of my other resolutions is to try new threads.

I used Superior’s King Tut (extra long-staple) cotton to create The Bricks in this quilt.  I love how the variegated thread adds even more texture to The Bricks.

Brick QuiltThe Spark…led to The Brick Wall Tutorial on Tuesday.

Next, I sent off a photo and a note to Superior Threads...

Brick QuiltAnd our friends at Superior offered to do a GIVEAWAY!


Brick QuiltTwo lucky winners will receive $25 Gift Certificates at Superior Threads!


Leave a comment here at The Inbox Jaunt. Let me know one of your sewing resolutions for 2016.


Go to Superior’s King Tut page HERE

Then Like Superior on Facebook, leaving them a note about your favorite King Tut color.


Do both–Two chances to Win!

We will choose two winners on Thursday, February 25.



PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • My resolution: to finish (quilt) the top I made in 1992-3. It is the reason I started my quilting journey after retiring.

  • Deb B

    My resolution is to take time each day to have quilting in my life. It might only be 15 minutes of hand appliqué squeezed in between the office, supper and bedtime, but it makes all the difference in my day. Something to look forward to and something achieved.

  • My resolution is to just make more time to quilt!!!! Make it a priority!!!

  • Sounds like a great yhread, i too must reorganize my craft supplies. Would love to try out a new thread on my many free motion quilting projects that need to be worked on this coming year.

  • Julie Smith

    I am a big fan of your Tuesday Tutorials and my resolution for this year is to try more of them on fabric. so far i have been doodling each one on paper. now it is time to take that leap of faith and make my fabric become artwork!

  • Rochelle Marouski

    I have tried their thread, excellent quality. My resolution is to finish any project I start in 2015. To many older projects get left behind when something new catches my eye!

  • Laurie

    My resolution: sew a little every day!

  • Bernadine Hulka

    I use thread from them on my LA and love it. Got started on theirs by watching TQS!!!

  • Gail Howatt

    I have that very thread on my achi e right now. Have been doing some thresd painting. Love working with variegated threads.

  • Janet P

    What a lovely give-away! I do like their threads and have ordered from them before with great results. Thanks!

  • My 2015 goal is to do an original design FMQ using your techniques. I have a lot of Superior Thread but wouldn’t mind getting more! But I do home to get it done before 2016. 😉

  • Jacqui VMS

    LOL Lori…you are an enabler!! My New Year’s resolution is to get some UFO’s out of the way and today I have the whole day to work on something old….and I’m itching to try that poppy. I get sidetracked easily…hence the UFO’s. But, I LOVE King Tut thread and have a nice collection. I think I have this exact colour. Hmmm…if I work on some UFO’s in the morning, can I free motion practise in the afternoon? :-). Maybe I’ll be luck and win the giveaway 🙂

  • Suz Woodard

    Love these low lint threads. My resolution is to finish one project before starting another. So far so good -but this is only February. …..

  • My resolution is for every new project I start, i have to finish a UFO too.

  • My resolution is to actually finish some projects I’ve started! That thread looks nice – thanks for the giveaway.

  • Maureen

    Love Superior threads. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  • D. Lohman

    Lori, love the post. Proof of why I keep all my photos. My resolution is finish a UFO each month.

  • Jane Willie

    My resolution is to begin every “quilting day” with an hour ( or more) practicing my free motion skills. So far so good!

  • Jane from New England

    I am hoping to investigate the stitches and attachments on/for my many sewing machines and learn how to modify them. I am usually purposed what to make and use the machine at hand – but with BSR attachment and new walking foot – and ruffle attachment – I have not really tapped their usefulness.

  • Kim Diekemper

    My sewing resolution is to take more time for myself and sew. Seems get so caught up with work and family, I forget me!

  • Kris P

    This year I will hone my quilting skills so I can quilt for others.

  • My New Years resolution is to get rid of a lot of my UFO’s. I need to see up a lot of the scraps I have

  • Liz Horgan

    My ongoing goal is to try something new – either a new technique for piecing or quilting. Your blog helps me accomplish this. I took a class on free motion quilting through my guild last week, and the teacher listed your blog as a resource–we talked about how wonderful your tutorials are and how beautiful your work is! Thanks, Liz

  • This year I will learn to paper piece, and maybe become even better in 2016!

  • eadaoine

    I love King Tut’s variagations.

  • Joanne Crowe

    Finish a child’s one year memory quilt. I have had the materials and clothing for a year. The time is now!

  • One of my resolutions: to bring dimensional techniques into my quilitng.

  • Lois Weissberg

    I’m finishing a quilt I started in 1998! My goL is to finish more and move on to new things, quilting as toyve helped me learn. Love King Tut thread!

  • Darla

    I love that your poppy and bricks that are showcased with the variegated thread. The composition makes me feel as if spring is coming soon.

  • My New Year Resolution is to finish as many UFOs as possible…and man, do I have a ton of them!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  • Brenda Powers

    King Tutnis my favorite ! Would love to win!

  • Deb Dees

    2015 quilting resolutions? To get 4 quilts finished for my grandchildren and have my quilts on two beds in my own house. They seem to go to other people’s beds.

  • Becky

    Sew interested in trying new threads & the giveaway would help toward building a thread stash. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  • Susan Ulrich

    My resolution is to work my way through all of your tutorials. Each one is better than the last. Thank you for your fresh perspective!

  • Allison Evrard

    My quilting resolution is to do a little bit every day, even if it is only 5 minutes. So far so good!

  • Carla Middlebrook

    My 2015 resolution is the same as 2014–To finish some more of my UFOs! I have made progress this last year.

  • Love the quilt. I am new to quilting and so happy I came upon your blog. The flower motif is the one I tried first and be good at it. Love your blogs, it’s one of the things I looking forward to. Can’t wait to quilt this one.

  • To get better at FMQing. Thanks for a chance to win.

  • Lynda discenza

    To stop procrastinating and do more free motion quilting! Complete the UFO’s started and continue to learn more about quilting! Continue visiting all the quilt shops around my area too!
    Love to win some King Tut thread!!

  • One of my sewing resolutions for 2015 is to use leaders and enders while piecing and to make a scrappy quilt with those pieces. Sew far, sew good. It’s like any habit, with practice it becomes a routine. I started the year turning my huge pile of scraps into usable 2.5 inch and 2 inch squares. Found a neat 9 patch quilt to work towards and just did it. It’s working out great ~ 40 9-patch blocks made already!

  • Cheryl in PA

    My biggest resolution is to get my UFOs completed. So far I have finished 5 projects. What’s left is a large two sided quilt, which will be lots of hours, and a couple hand sewing projects that I usually take along in the car with me.

  • Lisa Marie

    I don’t really make sewing resolutions, or any resolutions for that matter. Just always trying to improve my skills and make things that make me happy.

  • It is a bit early to be thinking about 2016! For 2015, I hope to do two whole-cloth wall hangings, one with a more modern theme and one with feathers and other more traditional motifs mixed with lots of FMQ. It is quite possible at least one of those might end up a 2016 goal given the other goals on my 2015 list..

  • Karen McClung

    I also love King Tut thread!! It is wonderful!!!

  • Laroletta Petty

    I am really appreciative of your presentations of free motion quilting designs and am working on a ‘library’. I made a New Year’s resolution to practice with small whole cloth pieces. I use quite a bit of Superior’s King Tut thread and really like everything about it. I usually use a 60 or 50 weight in the bobbin and have absolutely no tension issues. I look forward to your posts daily.

  • Kerri Robinson

    My goal for 2015 is to finish UFOS! I have several quilt tops (various sizes) that need quilted, which I will be doing on my DSM, thanks to your tutorials. I love King Tut thread and I think varigated threads are so fun!

  • Resolution is to sew a little bit every day.

  • Karen

    One sewing Resolution for 2015: Finish–or get rid of–one UFO for every new project I undertake. (Just finished my first UFO a couple days ago–feels good!)

  • Barbara J Hauck

    I love sewing with King Tut threads, especially for quilting all those flimsies I have vowed to complete this year. And I can use your new quilting designs too! Thanks for the giveaway, Lori.

  • Cyndi Spurlin

    My sewing resolutions – learn to free motion quilt! So happy I found your site! I love all your tutorials!

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