The Spark, The Brick and The Giveaway

February 20, 2015
Brick Quilt

Poppy QuiltGood Morning, Quilters!

Does it sound like we’re doing another Mystery Quilt-with the cryptic title for today’s post?

Let me explain…One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to review my extensive photo collection and purge.  As I was working away at my computer, I came across this photo of The Poppy Quilt on my garden wall….The Spark

Next thing I knew, I was sitting at my sewing machine…(So much for NY Resolutions!)

Brick QuiltHowever, one of my other resolutions is to try new threads.

I used Superior’s King Tut (extra long-staple) cotton to create The Bricks in this quilt.  I love how the variegated thread adds even more texture to The Bricks.

Brick QuiltThe Spark…led to The Brick Wall Tutorial on Tuesday.

Next, I sent off a photo and a note to Superior Threads...

Brick QuiltAnd our friends at Superior offered to do a GIVEAWAY!


Brick QuiltTwo lucky winners will receive $25 Gift Certificates at Superior Threads!


Leave a comment here at The Inbox Jaunt. Let me know one of your sewing resolutions for 2016.


Go to Superior’s King Tut page HERE

Then Like Superior on Facebook, leaving them a note about your favorite King Tut color.


Do both–Two chances to Win!

We will choose two winners on Thursday, February 25.



PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • Karin

    I want to quilt my tops as I finish them – currently working on my final unquilted top from 2014 and have my lone 2015 top basted and ready to go.

  • Lene Hinz

    I live in Denmark, and don’t know that thread, but I would be happy to try it.
    My goal is to get more experience in quilting. I love your tutorials.

  • My NY resolution was to finish the tops I’ve completed. By “finish”, I mean get them quilted and bound. My goal was to finish one per week. Turns out that was a bit aggressive, so I’ve adjusted my goal to one every two weeks. With that adjustment, I’m on track……… far. But the year is early!! *yikes* It’s a really tall order, especially since I work full time. But then, any progress is leaps and bounds ahead of where I started. And that’s my silver lining!! : – D

  • I always read your posts and have benefitted greatly from all the wisdom and how-to’s you so graciously provide. Thank you for them, and thanks,too, for the fun giveaway. Would love to try these threads!

  • Sharon Driver

    What a generous give-away… I love King Tut thread….and have been adding to my thread stash whenever I can. Love your blog!

  • Linda Pawlak

    My resolution is to improve my FMQ and improve the “interest” of my quilting with specialty threads and embellishments. Thanks for the chance to win!

  • wow love your work and the thread is beautiful

  • Elizabeth Hemming

    Beautiful! I love your tutorials. My resolution is the just get better at FMQ. I would like to commit to practicing at least twice a week but hopefully more.

  • I absolutely LOVE that poppy quilt! Amazing
    My resolution for 2015 is to actually get things finished instead of lounging around taking up space.
    For 2016? Maybe to actually sell a quilt for a fair price!

  • Hi Lori….I so love your work…it really gives us beginning free motion quilters to aspire to! My resolution this year is to PLAN more time to sew, even if it’s ten minutes at a time. It gets so easy to set it aside for other family matters and before know it, another day has gone by without getting time for doing something for you…

  • 1snoopies

    I have a secret… Everyone goes on about aurifil, but… I adore King Tut and it’s the only thread my long arm likes. Seriously. My favorite is gold and black. Lovely giveaway.Nicole

  • King Tut is beautiful thread! Okay, one of my resolutions this year is to work through my “list”. Most of the list consists of projects I haven’t yet begun but want to make, but there are a couple of tops that I still need to quilt. Hmmm … King Tut to the rescue? 😉

  • I love Superior Threads. My favorite is The Bottom Line, designed by Libby Lehman. I use it on the top when I really want to use clear thread, but can’t for various reasons (like I’m out, or the person who will own the quilt doesn’t want clear thread). Superior Thread is also a “buy local” company for me, so that helps too… well, that AND they truly make SUPERIOR products. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • Amy T. E.

    I LOVE King Tut thread! I only use Superior Threads on my LA. My NY’s resolution is to quilt a client quilt then try to quilt one of my quilts (since I have so many and no time to do my own). Happy quilting, everyone!!

  • debby

    I use Superior threads and love them. Thank you for the giveaway

  • maureenbirddesigns

    I have an extensive book collection, my resolution is to use them more by making/tweaking some of the projects in them. I bought them for a reason. Same goes for patterns and my tool collection.

  • Karen W.

    My resolutions is to try to keep up with the Loyal Union Sampler Block of the Week group and make more blocks this year than I did last year!

  • Patty

    To finish some UFO’s and use my stash up before buying new

  • I use Superior Threads regularly and they are great threads from a company who’s customer service is beyond compare. It’s so nice to experience that again.

    • My resolution is to make this year my own private lovely year of finishes.

  • Judy Lindros

    My resolution is to free motion quilt all my completed tops. Yikes!

  • Brenda Iwami

    King Tut is the 1st thread I ever used in my longarm machine. Over the years I have used a variety of threads, all produced by Superior Threads. Love the customer service and quick delivery of my orders.

  • Lucy Daniel

    what a thoughtful giveaway. My resolution for this year is to make more quilts so that I can practice FMQ.

  • the resolution, I would do : finish one UFO before starting a new project and no buying fabrics ! Not sure I am able to ! King tut is a great thread ! I have a few …
    Thanks Lori !

  • Angi Tedford

    Trying to finish five quits by end of school year for my children’s teachers.

  • Lori,
    Love the brick design, especially as a filler or when you need a brick wall affect.
    My biggest goal for 2015, as related to sewing and quilting, is to “make progress”! This may sound extremely vague. However, I have several “in progress” pieces and I am giving myself the ok to work on any one of them, without the stress of having to have the “finished look” in mind.
    On New Year’s Eve I started cutting into my deconstructed screenprint fabrics. I added white strips of various sizes around them. Then joined them all together in a rather improv way, but with straight lines. (Maybe next year I’ll embrace wonky seams) It has a pojagi look to it. And it’s the first quilt I’ve ever made that was telling me how it wanted to be quilted while I was doing the initial trimming of the prints!
    Anyway, I love all of the Superior Threads that I have tried so far. And I’ve gotten to try several because I joined their Thread University program.
    I enjoy your tutorials. Thank you for sharing your love of quilting.

  • Cheryl Saunderson

    I have never worked with a variegated thread, don’t know why as they are so beautiful. I am always, always in awe of your FM skills. You really have such a talent Lori. I have to force myself to find more “me” time to do the things I love. And make myself finish one project before starting another, although I see I am not alone in that respect!

  • Donna Kabrick

    My sewing resolution for this year is to sew more often! putting all my other “gotta dos” in time out & go feed my soul with my sewing! Thank you for all the inspiration!

  • Patricia

    I’ve been working on my 2015 goals……clean out the old, work on the new! Lots of stuff went to the thrift shop, I cut out blocks for my daughters choice of new a quilt. Bought fabric for my son and DIL’s new quilt. Got one UF’d put together and another quilted! Then you’d never believe it; my machine got sick and ended up in the hospital! I can’t piece on the serger, the embroidery, or the longarm so I’m left with the Featherweight. I stitched on a binding with her, but I’m just not accurate enough to use her for piecing.
    Dang, that was a long whine. (I live just down the hill from Superior Threads. I use So Fine and Bottom Line almost every day.)

  • I too want to try new threads. My goal for the year is to dare myself more. Most of the things I set out to do are put into motion, just not some epp and buying more threads… Oh boy, I am a thread addict!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

  • My resolution is to get more unfinished projects done and organize my sewing room to be more productive.

  • Lisa A

    I will just try to sew more in general at home and not just at quilt retreat!

    • Lisa A

      BTW, I love Superior Threads! It’s my go to choice for quilting my tips.

      • Lisa A

        Arrgg, auto-correct, I mean quilting my TOPS!

  • Sondra Gingery

    Resolution for 2015 or 2106? Either way, I am determined to finish my stack of UFOs. Most are tops that need quilting, and I’m enjoying learning to do that.

  • Already like Superior Threads but not sure how to leave a comment from this page to be in the draw. Maybe De Nile is favorite but I like many of the colors a big bunch.

  • I have promised myself that I will spend at least 30 minutes a day 5 days a week working on fmq and also to whittle down the pile of quilt kits ready to be made. So far so good. Lots of free motion quilting done and 2 quilts made!

  • Susan Konkel

    organize my sewing room

  • Martha Cook

    One of my resolutions,don’t make resolutions lol;like losing wt! But seriously keep learning,keep expanding my quilting skills.

  • Verna

    This year my sewing resolution is to use more fabric than I buy. Although I have finished several old projects, it hasn’t happened yet!

  • For 2015 I hope to just “do it”–get back to sewing–maybe even painting. Doing something that makes me feel more complete!

  • Anne Booth

    I have been following your blog now for about 3 months. My goal for 2015 and 16 is to become a free motion quilter. I don’t if I will be a good one, but I desperately want to learn. And your quilt along has been a god send. Thank you. I love your work.

  • Diane

    My resolution for this year is to finish a project before starting a new one. (How unrealistic is that…lol!)

  • Cathy

    My goals are to de-clutter, organize, and quilt a stack of tops that have been sitting in my sewing room for far too long. Thanks for the giveaway.

  • Great giveaway, thank you!

  • Laura Phipps

    My goal for this year is to sew my stash and learn how to FMQ!

  • Jolene Ellerton

    I would love to win some thread. I have been inspired by your free motion quilting and have tried some of them. One of my resolutions this year was to branch out with my free motion quilting.

  • Barb M

    Keep working on my many UFO’s! Quilting the tops seems to be holding me up. I am going to use some of the many different threads and new designs to get them done!
    Thanks for the fun!

  • Oooh I still haven’t decided a new resolution for this year. My last year’s resolution worked so well for me: Challenge. I challenged myself to try new things, challenged my self to finish projects, challenged my self to do the things that I wanted to do someday. It was super successful. I tried 75 new recipes, and finished more projects than I ever thought I could. Sitting here typing this, I think I may have come up with this year’s resolution: ENJOY! I want to make sure that I take the time to ENJOY the time with my kids, ENJOY the time i spend camping, ENJOY the time I spend quilting. Ooooh! Thanks for the post!!!! Now I have my resolution!

  • I generally don’t do resolutions… in the Creative Space or in Real Life, because, I like to be flexible…. but I am getting ready to move (again), so cleaning out is the order of the day!!!

  • Janet Gagneur

    Hi Lori, one of my New Years resolution is to practice drawing quilt motifs each day! I took a class recently with Jamie Wallen and that practice was something he stressed as very important, he was such inspiration! So with drawing pad in hand, I’ve been trying new and old quilting motifs!

    I enjoy your blog so much, you’ve been a great source of inspiration and encouragement in my quilting journey.

    Thank You,

    Janet Gagneur

  • Joining the Stash Challenge at my guild and planning to use 30 yards this year.

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