The Spark, The Brick and The Giveaway

February 20, 2015
Brick Quilt

Poppy QuiltGood Morning, Quilters!

Does it sound like we’re doing another Mystery Quilt-with the cryptic title for today’s post?

Let me explain…One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to review my extensive photo collection and purge.  As I was working away at my computer, I came across this photo of The Poppy Quilt on my garden wall….The Spark

Next thing I knew, I was sitting at my sewing machine…(So much for NY Resolutions!)

Brick QuiltHowever, one of my other resolutions is to try new threads.

I used Superior’s King Tut (extra long-staple) cotton to create The Bricks in this quilt.  I love how the variegated thread adds even more texture to The Bricks.

Brick QuiltThe Spark…led to The Brick Wall Tutorial on Tuesday.

Next, I sent off a photo and a note to Superior Threads...

Brick QuiltAnd our friends at Superior offered to do a GIVEAWAY!


Brick QuiltTwo lucky winners will receive $25 Gift Certificates at Superior Threads!


Leave a comment here at The Inbox Jaunt. Let me know one of your sewing resolutions for 2016.


Go to Superior’s King Tut page HERE

Then Like Superior on Facebook, leaving them a note about your favorite King Tut color.


Do both–Two chances to Win!

We will choose two winners on Thursday, February 25.



PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • Debbie

    My resolution is to make more quilts! Somehow life always gets in the way! I’d love to have the gift certificate because I buy almost all my threads my Superior.

  • Lov Superior new threads! NY Res – clean up some old UFO’s — and finish my Granddaughter’s wedding quilt!

  • farmquilter

    Quilt at least a dozen of my UFO’s! Haven’t been home yet this year, so I’m falling behind as we speak!! I let Superior Threads know how much I love Malachite (#989) – awesome color!!!

  • I haven’t tried that particular thread but would love to! One of my resolutions was to schedule a free motion time in my sewing as if I were taking a class. I also scheduled a time to learn more about my new software purchase of Electric Quilt.

  • Becky G

    I have two resolutions for 2015. First, do something relating to quilting everyday, from reading, to learning a new skill, to practicing machine quilting, to sewing, to designing, to organizing. Second, finish my huge stack of UFOs. So far, so good. (But then, it’s freezing cold out so it’s easy to stay inside.) I have finished a pillow I started in 1990, a wallhanging from 2005, a table runner from 2004, a queen-sized quilt from 2001, a four-patch friendship quilt that is at least two decades old!

  • Donna

    Love King Tut Thread, and my resolution is to finally get my chicken quilt quilted this year. It’s been on my UFO list for a few years.

  • Evelyne Giannantonio

    I am new to FMQ and just started following you. Recently finished a quilt along that introduced me to basic FMQ skills and loved every minute of the process. The only problem is that life gets in the way of sitting down at my machine and allowing me time to practice and improve those skills. I am determined to get better so am vowing to take time maybe three days a week to do exactly that!

  • It seems like I have the same sewing resolution each year – wade through my UFOs and I pick a dozen or two (there are more!) and maybe get 1/4 done as I end up working on other stuff — sometimes they are UFOs and other times they are new quilts that I actually finish in the year. This year I’m focusing on UFOs from prior to 2007 with a couple of newer UFOs thrown into the mix and 2 new quilts. We’ll see what happens.

  • Beth in AZ

    I have two goals: quilt some EVERY day (even if its just 15 mins) and work on organinzing my sewing room a bit every day as well. How do you eat an elephant? ONE bite at a time! That is my sewing room motto! lolol

  • Beth McIntyre

    2015 Resolution – Quilt more ! Take more time to quilt – I really enjoy the process and the results !

  • Eleanor C

    Still working on UFO’s. Your FMQ tutorials make quilting them more fun

  • Sheila

    I love Superior Threads! One resolution I have is to use more of my fabric stash!

  • Diane

    My resolution for 2015 is to quilt the piles of tops I have packed away. Some new threads would be a great motivator!

  • Lynn D in NC

    What a generous giveaway. I love Superior Threads. My resolution is to finish projects. My sewing room was not accessible for a couple of years due to remodeling. I’ve been digging out, cleaning, and reacquainting myself with projects. It’s taken some time to figure a few of them out. I’m working on finishing up a special quilt for my husband right now.

  • Marsha Boykin

    You are so very talented. I love that you share with us. My resolution is to finish my UFOs.

  • My quilting resolution this year is to finish UFOs. The goal is one per month. I love Superior thread and would love to be able to get more!

  • Deanne

    My goal is to practice my free motion quilting on a daily basis and quilt my first whole cloth quilt.

  • Kathy Heagle

    Love using the varigated threads in a quilt!

  • Thank you for all your inspirations…I appreciate your talent!.. and would love to win the thread gift certificate!…

  • mean sarah jean

    I keep thinking I’ll try paper piecing. I’m also working to finish my stack of quilt tops; some have been sitting for a few years!

  • Brenda Hulsey

    My resolutions for this year…try to learn more on my longarm! I would love to try some different threads!

  • Julia

    I love Superior Threads and use King Tut for most of my pictorial quilting. The variegated colors blend well and add a lot of movement and life to the design. My quilting resolution for 2015 – finish some UFOs I keep putting aside, and keep adding spools to my Mystery Quilt!

  • Gertrude

    I am so happy I discovered your blog as I am learning so much! I absolutely love The Spark. I have always liked poppies. I had the privilege of being in England a few years ago when there were fields of blooming poppies. What an amazing sight! Your “Spark” brought back happy memories.
    This year I am allowing myself more time in my sewing room working on quilts – I am allowed to since I am retired and an empty nester. I love my sewing room.
    Since I spend so much time on my quilts I use only quality fabric and thread, King Tut being one of my “go to’s” for quilting.

  • Amanda Pitman

    Lori, your poppy quilt is stunning! I love the use of lime green as the compliment to the red.

    I have resolved not to start anything new unless I finish one of my UFO’s (total scrap projects don’t count because I have to get those under control too 🙂 ). That has been a great motivator, since the majority of them just need to be quilted.

    I really appreciate all that you are doing!


  • Monique Parreira

    Superior Threads Variegated thread line is a favorite, adding dramatic visual interest in a subtle way. So many colors to choose from…love the stuff!!

  • Wow…so MANY comments already!!!! I’ve not tried Superior threads but I do get their emails so it would be LOVELY to try some. Thanks for the opportunity to perhaps win. My resolutions for this year…and probably will spill over into next year is to machine-quilt each day for at least 15 minutes….and to finish a UFO each month. So far so good! Blessings, Lori…I can’t tell you how much I looks forward to Inbox Jaunt posts…especially on Tuesday.

  • Amy Roth

    Oooh! $25 to spend at Superior Threads! Lovely!! (The color of pink you showed is luscious!) Thanks to you, Lori , and Superior Threads for the giveaway. So, my quilting resolutions for 2016 (or is it 2015?) Either way, it’s the same thing. To finish up my projects, to clean up that stash of UFOs. And more importantly, to stretch my capabilities. To work outside my comfort zone, try new threads, new designs, to PLAY with my quilting and see where it takes me! I’m getting a longarm in a couple weeks (*yeah!*) and I’m so excited to see how my quilting can improve and change now that I’ll have my own machine at home! I deeply admire the women who can manipulate a large quilt on a domestic machine, but I truly enjoy the longarm experience. Thanks again for a great giveaway!

  • Janet

    My resolution is to finally master perfect “Flying Geese” without having to sliver-trim!

  • jackie baker

    This year I want to learn to FMQ . Need to practice,practice, practice!!!

  • So much inspiration here for quilting ideas and how to quilt some of my quilt tops that are sitting on a shelf…one of several 2015 resolutions.

  • connie b

    My resolution is to actually quilt some of the quilt tops I have completed. I enjoy making the tops but am at a loss as to how to quilt them. This website is wonderful for ideas and learning new designs.
    I love Superior threads and use them all the time.

  • Cari Marshall

    My sewing resolution is to get one giant size quilt top machine quilted for my nephew’s wedding. So far, I have picked the thread!

  • I’ve always wanted to try Superior thread! This would be wonderful to win.

  • Tina Meltin

    My New Year’s resolution is to attack my stack of UFOs and get some of them completed.

  • My resolution is to finish a bunch of UFO’s and really start practicing my FMQ. I am so bad at it. It’s like rubbing my belly and my head at the same time. It just doesn’t work with my hands and feet.

  • My resolutions intertwine. One continues from last year…to finish UFO’s before starting new projects. The second is helping me accomplish the first. Most of my UFO’s are stalled at the FMQ stage. Last year my goal was to overcome my fear of FMQ and learn the basics. Lori, the article you shared about the need to practice things a lot really encouraged me to persevere. I am using my Block a Month UFO’s to practice FMQ design and practice it. Superior Threads play in my repertoire, especially their sparklies, metallics, and dark/light monopoly. What great fun I’m having!

  • Gay Wehrman

    I would love some Superior thread. It’s fabulous. For 2016 I plan to be brave and quilt all the tops I’ve accumulated.

  • My resolution is to actually spend time practicing my free-motion quilting ~ maybe I should buy a second machine to keep a free-motion foot on? That way I wouldn’t have to constantly change feet when I want to practice ~ I know I spend way too much time just piecing instead of quilting because I find it’s a pain to change feet!

  • Betty

    My resolution is to do more FMQ, practice, practice. I have unfinished quilt tops just waiting.

  • Dorothy Matheson

    Finish my new sewing retreat room, Sort through and purge some fabric.

  • Judi Tidikis

    My New Year’s resolution is to conquer my fear of FMQ. You are a big inspiration.

  • I want to tackle and beat down FMQ fears!

  • My resolution is to practice, practice, practice FMQ. I practice on paper when I travel away from home, if I’m not packing my sewing machine. I’m also taking advantage of free online tutorials..yours is one of the best! Thank you!

  • Renata

    Resolutions. Quilt more tops. Practice your tutorials.

  • I’m determined to finish several UFO’s this year.

  • Sandy

    I plan to Finish a UFO and Sew More!

  • I love King Tut, especially the variegated – the color changes are so subtle. I “like” them on FB.

  • Try to get through some UFO’s!

  • Marcia

    BeaUtiful. Thanks for sharing.

  • i’m resolved to keep quilting in the evenings, even if i am exhausted — gives me time to meditate! 😉

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