The School of Fish-Machine Quilting Tutorial

February 23, 2016


Good Morning, Quilters and Fishermen!

I’m back from a week away, rested and renewed…more on that later this week.

In the meantime, let’s get quilting!

Today we are working on The School of Fish pattern.  It can be used as a whimsical border, or as a background fill.

It requires a little doodle practice, but once you get started, this motif moves along swimmingly.

Version 5

Begin by drawing a few straight lines.  This motif is worked along the line.

Begin stitching on the line.  Add a slight curved line and then angle up to begin the tail.

SchoolofFish.FMQ.LKennedy001Next, stitch straight down and back in at an angle to complete the tail.Version 2Stitch a mirror image of the curved line.

Isn’t that cute?  (Reminds me of those yummy Goldfish Crackers!)Version 3

Stitch over the top of the completed fish and thought the tail –back to the drawn line.Version 4

Begin the next fish.

After completing a row of fish, echo stitch beneath the entire row.

To move to the next row, add a few bubbles either above or below the fish…
SchoolofFish.FMQ.LKennedy002Why are fish so intelligent?

Because they swim in schools!

From my school to YOURS!


PS…This tutorial was stitched on my BERNINA 770QE with a Topstitch 90 needle using Sulky 40wt Rayon on top and Aurifil 50wt Cotton in the bobbin on Kona Cotton fabric.

PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!










  • BTW, “ginnymayblog” is really terry sheldon, and I’d really like to get rid of the blog name.

  • I was summarily booted off your site here, and it seems I had to sign up for a WordPress blog site of my own to get your stuff, which doesn’t seem right at all! Can you enlighten me?

    • Marta, south Georgia

      For Lori : what fish tutorial? this is the only email with reference of school
      of fish tutorial I have received.

      • Marta, south Georgia

        Delete my current question please…I thought it was something current. It was in Feb,.

  • Not below the fish, my 6 year old grandson just watched with me as I am quilting his pillow and said it looks like poo grandma, hahahahaha

    • Support

      Out of the mouths of babes!

  • Pat Vacek, Houston TX

    Timely for a new Pisces baby coming this month.

  • Teri Coha

    What a clever way to connect your fish. Hope you had a great week off.
    We missed you

  • Adorable! My son in law is a fisherman and I can see this on a border of a quilt for him! What do you have for hunters? LOL

    Thanks again for these great tutorials! You are the BEST!

  • Marta, south Georgia

    Very timely for me.. Have fabric for new pillow cover (for sofa) for our house by the lake. School is in ! Precious design…. thank you…..

  • Marie

    I will definitely be using this one!

  • Oh my!!! That is so cute!!!! Perfect for so many spots/borders, etc!!!!! Hope Carla Barrett (Sailing on the Mahi) sees this!!!!!!

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