The Lowly Thimble in Jeopardy (at Monopoly)!

February 23, 2017
Monopoly Game

Thimble, Lori Kennedy Designs

Dateline:  Pawtucket, Rhode Island, February 13, 2017

To the shock and horror of quilters everywhere, Hasbro, the maker of the beloved board game, Monopoly has decided the Thimble is out!

The Thimble has been deemed “pointless”!  

Our beloved notion has been part of the game since 1935…

This insult coming on the heels of the 2013 decision to replace the Iron with a cat! —   Read Pressing News:  The Inbox Jaunt Thimble Thursday HERE

Monopoly Game

Monopoly Game

I would like to re-new my petition to add the Rotary Cutter as the replacement token!

What about YOU?  What do YOU think of The Thimble, The Iron…

What do YOU recommend as a replacement?

We’d LOVE to hear!


One Outraged Quilter,



PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!




  • Betty C

    I would take out the horse and the ship because they always tip over too easy and I would take out the ship too. Just because I would never choose it.

    • Support

      Lololol!!! The horse ALWAYS tips over sending hotels flying!! LOL!

  • Chris Geschwantner

    The wrst of it is that the thimble is being replaced by the insipid smiley face emoticon.

  • Oh, well, what do they know? They are just a “bored” game. Pun intended!

  • Lynne

    Sounds like they are taking out the women’s pieces.

  • My suggestions for my ideal combination of pieces …

    iron, thimble, pin cushion, sewing machine, scissors, rotary cutter, quilt hoop, bundle of fat quarters, tape measure, bobbin, quarter inch foot for the machine, reel of thread, or maybe even a complete set of different reels, each with a different colour thread, or a collection of pin cushions, or little cushions each with a different pieced or applique block … we could have sew much fun designing the pieces. And add some quilt shops to the properties.

  • Hasbro is clearly out of touch with how important the garment, fabric and sewing industries are!

  • Target is selling a vintage monopoly that has both the iron and thimble!

    • Connie Elliott

      Thank you, JoJo! I’ve just ordered two from Target. One for me and one for my younger son who lives in another state who is our HUGE Monopoly fan! Fast, painless and free shipping with my Target card!

  • They need to add a dice, with a different quilt block on each of the 6 sides.

  • Maureen B. in B.C.

    I haven’t played Monopoly in years, but hate to see such unnecessary changes. It seems some people see the thimble as superfluous. Do people not sew on buttons any more? Do they just throw out their clothes and buy new? Without the iron and the thimble, we’re a world of people in sadly wrinkled, badly connected clothing. I suppose the safety pin people are laughing all the way to the bank. I agree with Patricia T. above that perhaps the cannon and sword-wielding rider might be sidelined. And what the heck is that thing that looks like a bag of balloons? Is it a sack of gold coins? Now THERE’S a current image! What’s next … the candlestick or Miss Scarlet in Clue?

  • Joan Christopherson

    Fabulous idea!! Quilters Unite!!! Rotary cutter it is!!

  • Patricia Trujillo

    Holey moley! What will go next? The IRON, maybe? Chipping away at tradition, they are……
    Thanks, Lori for the shot of all the Monopoly pieces. I’d bet if it were put to a vote, the cannon or the sword waving, horse riding soldier would be deemed far more outdated than the mighty thimble!

  • So far so good, my little Scotty dog is still there. 38 years of them teaching me who is the real master around here.

  • The sewing machine or longarm

  • Ann Lamy

    THE THIMBLE….has always been my token of choice when playing Monopoly. And each time I’d reach for it at the start of a new game – my mind would drift back to the first time I took sewing lessons in Home Ec back in my Jr. High school daze. I’m so distraught about this pin-head decision of HASBRO. They need a new division to guide them…maybe HASSIS. Hasbro has indeed left me feeling quite……needled!

    ***no smiles***

    • Support

      Pin head decision!!! Lolol

  • Liz Blois

    Like everyone else I loved the thimble playing piece and it will continue to be my choice. My grandson had a new version of Monopoly for his birthday this year which is a much shorter game and one of the playing pieces is an xbox control, this was his favourite piece so I guess we all have our favourites and the game manufacturers must move with the times. Maybe they could just sell different themed playing piece sets including the vintage ones because after all they make no difference to the game, they just make the players happy!

  • Ann Lindquist

    Quilters Unite…………… is the corporate address for Hasbro:
    Hasbro, Inc. 1027 Newport Avenue Pawtucket, RI 02862. The telephone number is 401.431.8697 or toll free 800.242.7276
    They won’t know if we don’t tell them!

    • Karen W

      Thanks, Ann. I went online & search for other means of contacting them. On their corporate page, ( they have a link for a live chat or email contact: you have to sign up & for an account, then you can fill in your comments/suggestions, etc. They give you a reference # & promise to get back to you. I only complained about losing the thimble, but go in again & suggest they do another quilter or other crafter version.

    • Terry Sheldon

      Thanks very much for the Hasbro address, Ann. My dad taught me that it’s important to write letters (both good and bad), rather than just grousing among ourselves.

  • Sandi

    Shame on them, I always used the thimble. It was my first pick.

  • Grandma Sue

    I have bought more Monopoly games than I care to admit for my son – NY-opoly, Yankee-opoly, Dog-opoly. You get the idea. But if Hasbro puts out a Quilters addtion (Great idea Ruth Ann) I would buy it in a heartbeat and it would be mine – all mine!

    • A quilter’s edition is a fantastic idea! After all, Fabric stash is a very valuable property!! Whoever ends with the most fabric (or quilts) wins. There could be lots of learning involved, too: color wheel, techniques, etc.

  • Ruth Ann Henderer

    Sorry Mary Honas – I did not see your reply until after I posted. great minds think alike!

  • Ruth Ann Henderer

    Let’s petition for a “Quilters addition” of the game. I would buy one! Thimble, iron, spool of thread, scissors, needle, rotary cutter, tiny ruler. What else????

    • Marta

      On the board: Craftsy Corner, Insquare Jaunt, and for pieces: tomato pin cushion, bobbin, presser foot.

    • Terry Sheldon

      A sewing machine!

      • Terry Sheldon

        And a stiletto! (I use mine religiously!)

  • Roxanne

    Those were the only 2 pieces I ever played with. Lousy idea Hasbro.

  • Elsie

    Monopoly is a classic board game. Updating it by changing the playing pieces reduces its appeal, part of which is the nostalgia of playing something that hasn’t changed since childhood. Modern playing pieces will not convince people to choose any board game over games on their electronic devices. Now if you want to convince me to play Monopoly, add alternative rules for a game that doesn’t drag on for hours.

    • Terry Sheldon

      Elsie, there ARE directions to play a faster game. If I’m not mistaken, it has to do with the banker shuffling the title deeds and dealing out three to each player…I think there are other ways too.

    • Grandma Sue

      Actually there is a set of rules that shorten Monopoly! You divide the properties at the start or some such. Never used those rules. Loved having a game that went on night after night!

  • Maybe they need to make a quilter’s edition of Monopoly. The iron and thimble can be joined by the rotary cutter, a lock block ruler, a spool of thread, a featherweight, a nine patch, four patch and HST. 🙂
    We could rename of of the spaces and properties. Boy, think of all the fun we could have thinking of new and improved community chest and chance cards!

    • Jane VanWijnen

      I think a quilter’s monopoly is a GREAT idea. Most people would think the rotary cutter is a pizza cutter. I do like cats; maybe the quilter’s edition could include a cat and a dog; after all they like laying on our quilts, fabric, sewing machines…I think I will have to go out and buy a game before the thimble is gone.

    • I agree! I might even play it again if this was available ; )

    • Lorna Broekstra

      I think this is a great idea. A quilting monopoly would guarantee the continuation of this amazing craft.

      • Connie

        There IS a Quiltopoly game available. It does NOT include either a thimble or an iron! I don’t think it was made by Hasbro. There was probably some patent reason for not being allowed to use the thimble or the iron. Don’t see why Hasbro can’t make their own quilt game or allow the DMC people to now use them in their Quiltopoly. Google Quiltopoly for more info. Going to contact Hasbro, too! I believe there have been changes in the playing pieces over the years. The thing is, it’s fun to have various unrelated pieces, so Mom or Sis can have the iron or the thimble. Little Brother can have the Scottie, Big Brother can have the Racecar, Dad can have the Tophat, etc!!!

      • KJ – I have that Quiltopoly game, too! Bought it to take to quilting retreats but we never did open it. If we weren’t sewing, we were “sipping” and chatting. (Banner hanging in my kitchen: “Wine a bit…you’ll feel better!”)

      • There was a Quiltopoly around 2009. I believe it was designed for International Quilt Market. At least it had its debut there. Yes, I managed to buy one elsewhere.
        They also debuted a Stitchopoly at the same time. I don’t have that one.

    • Ruth Briggs

      I love this idea…I’d buy one. Orrrrrrrrr just replace the current pieces with your own ‘tiny’ pieces from your sewing room including the iron & thimble from your ‘old’ Monopoly game, stashed away in the closet.

  • All my favorite playing pieces have now been replaced! So sad…obviously, there are no quilters at Hasbro!

  • I vote for no replacements. Let the thimble and iron remain!

  • If they Have to change a piece, my suggestion would be a bicycle!
    My rotary cutter is ready to salute the cause! Never underestimate the power of quilters!

  • Jacqui

    A good phrase comes t mind. If it isn’t broken don’t fix it. I love the thimble and the iron.

  • scrappychris

    Hasbro has made a terrible mistake. There would be no bigger horror for them to look out their office windows one day and find millions of pissed off quilters wielding their EXPOSED rotary cutters as a threat. Just imagine the headlines….I believe they would change their game pieces immediately to include the lost iron, the thimble and the newly added rotary cutter. Quilters Unite against this outrage. Now that is a power you can bet your thimble on! Now on to create our theme song….

  • Connie Elliott

    I too, have been mourning the loss of our beloved tools! If they want “modern”, I think the Rotary Cutter is a great replacement!

  • Christine

    There is NO replacement. I can’t live without my thimble. I can’t even sew a button on without one. Just try to go through this world with no buttons…and we all know how easily some fall off. Go ahead: just pull that thread sticking out of that button. My family knows I’m the thimble, even the grandchildren know that is my piece.

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