The Dandelion–A Free Motion Quilt Tutorial

April 7, 2015
Dandelion, Free Motion Quilting

Dandelion, Free Motion Quilting

Good Morning, Quilters!

It’s almost time to start working the gardens in Minnesota…and of course, that means managing the Dandelions, too!

I rather like dandelions…I’ve received a number of yellow bouquets in my day…

Dandelions represent the warm days of Summer, playing in the grass, and every child’s first bouquet…They also remind me of my sister, Teri’s first attempt at wine making…Dandelion Wine.  She and a friend spent hours picking dandelions to make wine…and a few days later the bottles exploded in our basement!  We all thought it was hilarious!  Teri was not amused…

So this is dedicated to Teri:


Begin by stitching a straight line with a circle on top.  Trace down the stem and angle off to create the first leaf.

Dandelion, Free Motion QuiltingStitch a straight stem, then retrace the line.  Stitch down at an angle and back toward the stem.

Dandelion, Free Motion Quilting

Stitch several triangles at different angles and different sizes.Dandelion, Free Motion Quilting

At the top, stitch a longer line, ending above the stem line.Dandelion, Free Motion QuiltingStitch to the right of the stem creating more triangles.

(NOTE-Dandelions are fun to stitch because any jagged triangle looks great!)
Dandelion, Free Motion Quilting

Make the last triangle point down, away from the rest of the leaf.
Dandelion, Free Motion Quilting
For more variety, add a spirals on the top of the long stems as well.

Dandelion, Free Motion Quilting

Dandelion, Free Motion Quilting

Have fun with this design…it sure beats weeding!

Later this week…a few mini-quilts using this design.

Doodle Lessons continue on Thursday…How’s it going?

Hope your day’s a dandy!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to Pin, re-blog or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!



  • How delightful!! I actually don’t mind dandelions in my lawn — they provide seed at just the right time for migrating birds like white-crowned sparrows and indigo buntings!!

  • I am so happy that my total disaster at making wine has turned into a quilt tutorial! Love it Lori!

  • Whiskers

    My dandelions are already blooming.

    • Cute! I’ve always thought dandelions were underappreciated. I’ve thought of piecing a block but the number of points needed has daunted me. Now I can at least quilt them. 🙂

  • It is so much fun to appreciate something in a way that I never considered before! I look forward to trying this quilt design – I love it. I have also seen some appliqued versions of the dandelion that were astonishing. Thank you for the design.

  • A quote from painter Charles Burchfield: “God’s greatest gift to me is the ability to be astonished anew each year by the almost incredible beauty of a dandelion plant in full bloom.”

    • Support

      I love that! Thank you!

  • Rosemarazzle

    Rosemary B here:
    Oh this is so cute. I love these!
    People hate weeds in their gardens, but there are some incredibly beautiful ones out there.

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