Style vs. Personality–Open Line Friday

August 25, 2017
Quilt Stencils, The Stencil Company

Bird, FMQ, Tutorial, LKennedyGood Morning, Quilters!

Last week, in my post, Inspired! I wrote about my early days quilting traditional feathers, stippling and grids. A few people protested when I said it lacked personality…

Classic Feathers

It is definitely a style:  Traditional.

But it doesn’t have personality–

Or is it more correct to say   “It doesn’t reflect my personality”?

What is the difference between style and personality?  Can one have a quilting style without personality?

Perhaps it is just a matter of adding a few personal touches to traditional quilting motifs–like tucking a bird in among the feathers…or adding spirals around the grid?

Does quilting personality matter to YOU?

We’d LOVE to hear!

Little Bird machine quilting


We are off on a long car drive…

Hint tomorrow on Fine Art Saturday.

May YOUR stitches be filled with JOY and PERSONALITY!


PS…Tutorial for (Baby Bird  HERE)  (Blue bird–top photo)

Currently, there is not a tutorial for the purple bird above–is anyone interested?




  • Linda B

    Oh of course on the purple bird. Very cute! You knock us out!
    Thanks Lori!

  • Karen Williams

    Enjoy your drive! LOVE the bird…… look forward to seeing how it’s done. I’m fairly traditional, but am working on adding personality to the things I make, especially if I can tuck in a little bit of ME!

  • First, have a great time in your road trip!

    Next, YES! I’d love a tutorial on the purple bird!! It’s darling!!!

    Finally, style vs personality. Hmm. Yes, I think your latter statement “it doesn’t reflect MY personality” is more accurate. To me, “style” is more “static” – a style describes a specific characteristic / set of characteristics, just as you described “traditional” style as using feathers, grids, and stipple. “Personality” feels more “dynamic” to me: adding traits / characteristics that express oneself, perhaps within a specific style, or crossing / merging styles to reflect personal preferences.

    Either way, I love seeing your lovely personality expressed in your quilting! ????

  • Pamela McQuade

    Sometimes I simply want to do an easy quilting pattern, while other times I want something more complex, but fussy just is not my style. I admire people who do such complex quilts, since it takes a lot of skill, but nothing in my style goes in that direction. Traditional is fine, but I think we all like the freedom to make our own choices. Thanks so much for your designs. I have used many of them in my quilting.

  • Donna Belisle

    Crazy about all birds, buy a box of suet cakes every week, but your birds give me giggles and fun. I can’t resist following every new one with my mouse. Thanks, like always, for every great doodle you let us use over and over.

  • Phyllis

    Yes, bring on the purple bird. Love birds!!

  • Kerry Leach

    Whether it lacks personality or not – early quilts are still a matter of finding what you like doing and a big learning curve. And then boom! You’ve got it! I’m still at the lacking personality bit! 😉

  • Connie

    Another vote for the purple bird 🙂 Have a safe journey.

  • Gypsybaker

    Safe travels, Lori! Have fun on your summer adventure.

  • So interesting! I’m in the midst of taking a free motion quilting seminar with traditional methods–stencils, trapunto, etc. I wanted to learn these methods, and the results are very pretty, but I have to say the Inbox Jaunt method is a lot more fun!

    • boe77

      I think learning techniques, principles, guidelines, design principles, etc. is very important. Once you have a good understanding of them, you can use them, bend them, or break them to your advantage with a good result. Enjoy the seminar.

  • boe77

    Quilting style versus personality: yes there is a difference. I am just finding it hard to describe the difference. A style is a way of quilting; i.e. traditional, geometric, vimsical, modern, realistic… Usually we lean towards certain styles, but even when we make something in a style that is not our preferred, we do it with a twist or in such a way that you see something of the person who made it.

  • Vanessa

    If you are headed my way be sure to give a holler!! I absolutely think fmquilting reflects personality!

  • Cheri

    These birds are adorable! I do love traditional and modern motifs, especially if I can execute them well!

  • Terri

    I love your birds! Yes, would really enjoy a tutorial on the purple one. I’m just trying to master free motion quilting as a beginner, so style & personality hasn’t crossed my mind yet; but I love looking at the different ideas you put out there. Thanks.

  • Love love love the birds!! Also actually really love traditional quilting on the right quilts. As quilters it’s up to us to read the mood of the quilt and combine our style with the quilt’s style for a perfect marriage. Wouldn’t you agree?

  • Traditional quilting is definitely a style, it is up to the quilter to add their own personality, finding their own creative voice. Some quilters are traditional, others are modern, some are doodlers, whatever you are make it your own and enjoy the ride!

  • Isn’t personality reflected in style? Your clothes? Your home?

  • I’m not sure I’ve developed a personality with my quilting. However, I have a definite personality in my quilt designs, so on the whole, my quilts are identifiably mine.

  • My inner personality is feathers and pebbles
    …….. however I throw in lots of other non traditional things, too, for example, your spools of thread on a quilting themed quilt, etc, etc. Love your blog!!!

  • Patti Godwin

    One vote for the purple birdie. I’m still battling fear of messing it up. Umm guess that is my personality showing through.
    Have a good trip. ????

  • I’m interested in the purple bird. New designs are always exciting. Have a safe trip.

  • Barbara

    Drive careful

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