• Fiona

    Hi Lori this is unrelated to your lovely photograph. What yarns did you find worked with foot # 43 free motion couching.? I am just starting to experiment and have trouble with a thinner yarn like perle. Not sure if I am at fault or if it is too thn for the foot.

    • WordPress.com Support

      I have not experimented too much–but i did have best success with yarns that were larger than pearl. I used thin knitting yarns.

  • Cathy

    Love the picture! I adore any animal & these sheep just melt my heart. Especially love the jackets on the little ones.

  • Cathy W.

    So cute. Brings back memories of our sheep raising days. Our family lived up the hill from the Flattop Sheep Company in Idaho. We would always get one or two bummer lambs to raise each year. They stayed in a huge cardboard box in the house until their size, age and, weather permitted them to go outside to the barn. They were so much fun when they were little.
    Thanks for the memories and your beautiful photography.

  • Sue H

    Too darn cute!!!! ♥

  • Whiskers

    Ooops, I did ASK a local woman…

  • Whiskers

    My thought was that these are “bummer” lambs. Meaning their mothers have died in childbirth and the owner is trying to match them with an ewe that had her baby die. Maybe they are just trying to keep the little ones warm. I did as a local woman if wool could felt on the animal, and she said it is possible.

  • Janet

    Is there any creature more cute than a lamb in a jacket?

    • WordPress.com Support

      Cutest animal of all!

  • Colette

    I wonder if they end up with static electricity when they walk and run around? LOL

  • Marta

    Love sheep… used to photograph them…. have oodles of sheep/herder pictures that were on our walls when we lived in FL. This one above struck my heart with love. So thankful for sight in my old eyes. New title for fun,,,,”Did you hear that?” “Yep, what was it?”

    • WordPress.com Support

      They do look startled!

  • Mary Rose

    Cute. Is that here in MN? It certainly has been cold enough!

  • Driving by a field near Ashvile, NC. we saw a herd of Angora goats all wearing purple, plaid coats. Sorry we weren’t able to get a photo but the snow was coming down & there was black ice. It was a beautiful photography event that we are still talking about. It was evident this herd was well cared for & the goat herder was nearby leaning on a stone walled fence.

  • Patti Godwin


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