• loosecannon2

    The Teasel’s you mention remind me of our THISTLE’S (Scottish), with long, scratchy, projectiles on the leaf edges. They are beautiful with the gorgeous Purple elongated knob, which is the flower.
    You could not have found a better teacher than Lori, she is loaded with inmate talent.
    It is 38 degrees here in Knoxville, Tennessee, BBRRRRRRR, cold this evening.

  • Deborah Richards

    Hi Lori, I’ve not long found your blog, but it’s just wonderful: sending you greetings all the way from Cornwall in the mild South Western UK, we don’t get snow like this ever but we do get teasels – what are they called in the US?

    I have American ancestry, my mother from Baltimore and my Godmother in Philadelphia but I love the sense of community your blog brings to my rural life here. My quilting improves too from your teaching! I love guessing which State the abbreviations are from! Thanks for all your hard work it has enriched my new life.

    • WordPress.com Support

      So glad you are here! Isn’t the web an amazing friend-maker!?

  • Thinking of how these flowers could be translated into a quilting design… nice photo — I love B&W!

  • Ellie

    Beautiful, as usual. Great start to my day.

  • Marta, south Georgia

    Love their little shadows…”Com’on, let’s go outside and play while our moms are yakking.” And the lines made on the surface by the wind are neat too! …. a little wfmq.

  • How cold is it in MN today? It’s absolutely frigid in Madison. -26 wind chill factor for the dog walk this morning. =(

  • Только умиляюсь и удивляюсь – как вас на всё хватает?

  • Brenda

    Silent Sunday never fails to put a smile on my face! Thanks Lori!

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