• Janet

    What a beautiful portrait and beautiful child. Sad that Blunt died at 37 yrs. Her family was a wealthy one to afford those furnishings and fabrics in colonial America. Interesting that painters in colonial folk art captured a vision of children as miniature adults. Lucky this one survived for us to study it. Thank you Lori!!

  • Thank you Lori for instilling art into our lives.

  • I try to find reprints of so many of these for my sewing room but can’t. It is such a good subject for reprints.

  • The painter’s skill is amazing. He has captured not only an adorable child, but three textures of silk (dress, pantalettes, table skirt), coral beeds, woven grass basket, and the softness of a thick blanket , with such depth and perception. Wow!

  • Rosemaryflower

    Awwww interesting painting.
    Boy, I am glad I did not live back then…..

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