• Love this. Wouldn’t you love to know what the conversation could have been?

  • Especially love this artist’s work. Enjoyed reading his story.

  • I love your ‘seamtresses’ each week. I’m amazed that in the years I’ve been following you that I’ve never seen a repeat. Thanks, Lori.

  • Karin Pavlovsky

    My Nana and papa came from Sweden and my mother and I have always loved Carl Larsson’s paintings. We have gotten many calendars and books about him from our relatives in Sweden. I love his use of bright colors and home decor

    • Like Karin, I have Swedish blood and I have many Carl Larsson prints in my home. My dream is to visit his home, now a museum, in Sweden. Thanks for sharing his work, Lori!

  • Peaceful and calming – love it

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