Print Your Favorites!

May 12, 2023
House Doodles

Sneak Peek

Hello, Quilters!

Today, I offer a sneak peak, a clarification, good news, bad news and great news.

But first….

A HUGE thank you for all of your kind words! It has boosted my spirits and reinforced my decision to forge ahead!  I am so grateful for all the offers to help copy and paste and other suggestions on how to save the current content!

Old House, New House Clarification

Because the old and new sites have different formatting and architecture, there is no easy way to transfer or flow the old posts to the new site. The information doesn’t just “vanish in an electronic vapor” as I so dramatically stated…please allow a little poetic license…

Perhaps it is better to compare the process to moving from an old house to a new house without a moving company. First, you have to review every item in every drawer and decide if it’s worthy of your new house. Next, you have to package it for moving.  Then you have to carry it down the street to the new house.  And finally, you have to rearrange it and fluff it’s pillows in the new location. Imagine doing that with 2400 pieces of furniture!  Of course, we’d look for a moving company!

Unfortunately, I can’t get a moving company because the old house was a ranch style and the new house is a three story mansion. These movers can’t figure out where to put the furniture-though they will move me out of my old house and dump the contents into storage bins for me.

So you see, I’m not losing all of the information, but if I want to use it, I need to dig through the bins to find it, and then I need to move it and fluff the pillows myself.  I am working to prioritize the content I am willing to hand carry.

Worthy of Hand Carrying

Because I have had many requests, I will prioritize moving the 2020 and 2021 quilt-a-longs. Much of this information is also found in my book, 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting.

In addition, I will move the motifs that are not in my books.

Once I see how long that takes, I dive deeper in to more posts.

How to Print or Save YOUR Favorite Posts

This will be a time-consuming process so I encourage you to save posts that you need for reference.

To assist you, I’ve added a “Print the Blog” button on the bottom of every blog post.(Thank you, Linda S. for the suggestion!)

Look for the printer icon below each post. It will bring up a menu of choices.   Choose Portrait and the pages you would like, leaving out comments, etc.  You can save this to a file on your computer or print.  You do not need to print to use this button!

NOTE-This is a new plug-in on my site. I hope this works well, if not, I will research other ways to help.

Books-More Disappointing News

In other unfortunate news, my publisher, Martingale, closed it’s doors in February-so my books are officially “out-of-print”.  (Do you see why I was ready to throw in the towel this year?)

I have a limited number of print copies left–so when they’re gone, they’re gone!  (LK: Waa Waa)

Please order autographed and personalized copies from my Etsy Shop. (and just like Cracker Jack, they come with a surprise treat in every box!)

SHIPPING will be delayed–I will ship on June 1, 2023—see GREAT NEWS BELOW!

Great News!

I am spending a few weeks in St. Louis to welcome the 9th grandchild to our family tree!

Please help us welcome Thomas!

A Big Thank YOU,

Just signing out on that note! Thank YOU for your support and encouragement. Whether you’ve been with me since The Inbox Jaunt days or just subscribed this week, thank you!







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