Open Line Friday–Tell Us About YOUR Blog

January 24, 2014
Spools of thread

Threads, Sewing RoomToday is Friday…It’s been a cold week but it’s supposed to warm up today…One day of warmth (30F)  and we are back to sub-zero weather.  They are already talking about closing schools next week.  Minnesota is always cold, but this is unprecedented!  What we need is a little quilting to keep us warm!

A lot of new quilters  have joined us in the last few weeks and on behalf of all the friends and followers of The Inbox Jaunt, I would like to wish you a warm welcome–which would be a lot easier if we lived…I digress…Welcome! Bienvenidos! Willkommen! Bienvenue! We are glad you are here!

I’ve had several questions about marking pens lately…I think you will enjoy reading our Open Line Friday Discussion, Does the Perfect Marking Pen Exist?  HERE.. (Just remember that Frixion pens require steam to remove!)   Several other questions were related to machine set-up.  I have the perfect post–Seven Step to Free Motion Quilting  available HERE.   Great review for all of us…

Threads, Sewing Room

Today, we would like to hear more about YOUR blog…Please tell us.  Do you host a blog about quilting or another topic?  If you host a quilting blog, be specific.  Do you specialize in Civil War Quilts? Applique?  Improv piecing?  Modern quilts?  …and leave a link.  If you would like to start a blog, we want to hear from you, too!

A little Link-Love today!





  • OK I was the first to post a comment on this entry, and now i’m the last!
    To say that I have indeed started a blog, intended to bridge tha Sapnish and the English speaking worlds, with so much to tell and learn from the USA.
    comments and opinions, welcome, and thanks Lori for the opportunity to germinate and idea which had been within myself for a while.

  • Reading blogs has become my morning news. I start my day by checking out the blogs that show up in my inbox each day. I love seeing what others are making and sharing. I’m inspired by so many talented quilt makers and bloggers. I started a blog to share my own quilts and stories too! I was bit by the quilting bug in the 1990’s, but now its just a part of who I am. The quilts I make tend to be bright and colorful. I’ve been trying out embellishments and playing with threads in my work too. I want to Go The Distance and Be Inspired!

  • I began to blog as a way of keeping records of my quilts, primarily, and anything else I might happen to make (usually knitting). Last year I hardly blogged at all,and I expect to post more in 2014. (Although with the bar set so low…) You’ll find me at

  • What a great idea for Open Line Friday! I didn’t even know what a blog WAS until 2010 when I heard that a drapery hardware vendor was having a contest and the winner would get a free trip to Paris to blog about the interior design show for their to-the-trade design blog. So I entered, and I won, and I blogged about the Paris design show for them here:

    I had so much fun on that trip that I started my own personal blog soon after coming home. I’m not in the interior design business anymore because it was taking too much time away from my kids, so I blog mostly about sewing and quilting projects. I used to spend a lot of time at the beginning of each project relearning and trying to remember what worked last time, but now that I have the blog and I can document things like stitch settings and techniques, it’s really easy to pull up my own blog and search for that information, kind of like a sewing notebook that has a built-in search engine. And I have learned so, SO much from sewing and quilting bloggers who are more experienced than I am, and I definitely include YOU in that category, Lori!

    My quilty ramblings can be found at

  • I love reading your blog, Lori! I discovered it via my sister, Pam Hansen (see her comment above). I’ve been blogging for a few years, mostly about quilting, but also crochet, a little about crafts, and some miscellaneous. I like to say that I’m constantly improving!

    • A

      So glad to meet you in this way. Love your sister–always great ideas! Do you live in Minnesota, too?

  • Love reading your blog. See some of my work here

  • I have been writing a blog for a few years, an ongoing record of what I am doing in my life. The biggest focus is quilting and knitting. Lots of other things creep in–family, friends, cooking, reading, travel, retreats, etc. I do longarm quilting, so include that side of the story, too. I also design some quilt patterns, so I share some thoughts about that, too. And I work at a quilt shop and write that blog as well. ( I’m an irregular poster, meaning sometimes there can be a gap between posts and other times they are more frequent. Getting good pictures and writing good content takes some time to put together, and that’s where the gaps come in! I enjoy your photos a lot, Lori, and hope my own pictures improve. I am using my iPhone now so I can make some posts on it, but have plenty of room for improvement! I would like to hear more about your photo techniques. Thank you for your great teaching and for taking the time to share!

    • A

      Pam, I had no idea YOU are Emmaline Designs! Some of my favorite quilts at Bear Patch are yours! Love the pillowcases in pink and green, the Civil War? miniatures! Where can readers buy your patterns? How do you manage to work at Bear Patch, quilt, design, knit, and write two blogs?? As for photography…I struggle with photographing quilts. They are very challenging because they are so large and the thread and fabric reflect light differently. Do you only use an Iphone? Try the Pic-Tap-Go app, it’s the iphone version of Rad Lab that I love for post processing regular photos. Are you interested in Guest Blogging?

  • I have just recently discovered your blog and am enjoying the variety of quilting patterns and tips. I have a blog called Soscrappy and my quilts are — scrappy. I host a rainbow scrap challenge and I encourage people to use their scraps one color at time. Each month a new color is announced and everyone links up on each Saturday to share their progress. I’v just finished a Midget block quilt and have a rainbow dear jane in the works — both scrappy — of course.

    • A

      Angela, Your blog is lovely! and your Dear Jane quilt–divine! I started a Dear Jane quilt with a group of friends, but gave it up because it just wasn’t fun for me. Now I wish I’d continued. Love your idea for setting it into a color way! Can’t wait to see it!

  • I’ve been blogging about my quilts and family since 2010. I used to keep a private journal where I recorded a lot of my quilting progress. But an online quilting community got me into blogging and from there I started reading other quilting blogs. Lori, I found your blog when I switched over to a WordPress blog last summer. Love reading it and great to check out other bloggers from the comments. I blog at the following:

  • I recently re-started my blog after a loooong hiatus. Without my blog, I feel that I kind of forget all the projects I’ve accomplished and the journey I spent making them. Many of my quilts are gifts, so the stories about them on my blog are a way to ‘keep’ a part of them for me. =)
    Thanks for hosting this link up!

  • Inboxjaunt has been part of my standard blog reads for a while now. You have such a happy attitude and so many nice projects to share. I blog at and share projects, tutorials and a little life stuff. Scrap quilts are my favorite to work on and that is mostly what you’ll find. Everyone feel free to stop by for a visit.

    • A

      Deanna, Love your blog and the story of your blog name…Your quilts are lovely. I love the quote on your “About” page. Would you mind if I shared it here sometime?

  • I’m checking your blog everyday, Lori. I love tutorials, that you make and your posts. I’m also having a blog, which maybe one day (I hope so:) ) will be big like yours.
    Right now, I’m trying to get good skills in quilting 🙂 I hope I will finaly get my long arm (my dad is doing it for me).
    Best wishes,

    • A

      Kamila, Your blog is lovely and I like the way it’s translated below each line! Love your heart quilts–hope you have them done by Valentine’s Day. Do you celebrate Valentine’s DAy? Hope you get your long arm…but until then you can do great things with your standard sewing machine.

  • Wow, there are so many blogs out there to look at! I have 2 blogs; one is sewing/quilting/cooking/ what ever I’m doing blog I’m in the middle of piecing a quilt for my grandson, making a gray and yellow zigzag quilt. I’m also working on my first wool pieced quilt, a Maple Leaf. I start and start many things. I’m trying to use up my zippers so that is a running project, I’m down to 60 from over 100. I’ve recorded some knitting adventures also.
    The other one is just a record of my long arm life. I have bee quilting for the public for 3? years and I try to remember to take a picture of each quilt I do and post it here.
    I have 6 children; all but 1 has left the nest; they all live far away and I try to fill my time with quilting and other fun things.

    • A

      Hi Laurie, Like you, I have 6 children with only one at home–I love your blog-especially your flag quilt. Did you design that? Very nice! Also, love the name of your other blog…the quilter upstairs… Downstairs we’re moms, Upstairs we’re quilters! Thanks for joining the Link Love today!

  • I love following your blog Lori, I’m very much a novice quilter and get lots of inspiration from your FMQ tutorials. I blog from Wales about my makes and mistakes at and a big ‘Croeso’ to anyone who drops by. I’m looking forward to visiting lots of the blogs here, it’s so inspiring that people share their experiences. Thank you all.

    • A

      Hi Val, You describe yourself as a novice quilter, but your quilts are quite advanced. Love your modern fabric choices. I see that you retired from Sandhurst–is that the school that the Prince of Wales attended? I love your quilts and your blog! Thank you for sharing today!

  • Hello!

    I just celebrated my first year of blogging! I write about my quilty projects. I design my own paper piecing patterns and love to do FMQ. What I love the most about blogging is all of the friendships I have gained this year.

    Greetings from the Netherlands!

    • A

      Esther, I adore your Chugging along quilt! Every boy should have one! Great design. If you ever need another quilter to be a tester–I’d love to give it a try!

  • Laura K

    I don’t have a website or blog, but I do have a facebook page. My son, Daniel(28), also a quilter and he set it up for me as a surprise. I try and post something every few days or so on the progress I am making with my projects, sometimes pictures are included. I like to make traditional quilts and artsy quilts, some are from my own patterns and some are from purchased patterns and books. I love to needle turn applique and also work with felted wool.
    You can go to my facebook page at
    Hope you’ll stop by and take a look. Stay warm under a quilt:-)

    • A

      Enjoyed your Facebook page…loved the Red and White winter quilt–you embroider, too! Also, love the Buggy Barn Pumpkins. I did the Witches, but I want to stitch the Pumpkins someday!

  • I am so excited to have found your blog, Lori! And today of all days. What a great thing to do, allowing everybody to link. Thanks so much for the opportunity!

    I’m Lori too. I’m a quilter (since forever ago), a lecturer, teacher, researcher, and a quilt appraiser. I have a brand-new blog (one week old today!), where I am planning to talk about all sorts of things: antique quilts, the ones I’m making (I am not dedicated to any style, I make anything from reproductions to studio quilts), and news I find exciting in the quilt world. Come see me at, and Lori East Quilts on FB.

    I’m also a coffee-drinking, cowboy-boots-wearing homeschool mom, living in the Missouri Ozarks.

    Thanks again for the chance to introduce myself and to meet all of you! I have a feeling I’m going to be pretty busy reading some of these new blogs!

    Have a great day!

    • A

      From one Lori to another, so glad you’re here! You are a busy quilter…and I hope you will always feel free to join in the conversation-you understand quilting from so many different perspectives. Thanks for sharing today!

  • I started my blog,, because I thought I had some good ideas to share with the crafting/quilting world. I don’t limit myself to quilting, but about 90% of my posts involve sewing or quilting. I’m so amazed at how much I learn by being part of the online community of crafty-quilty bloggers. The generosity everyone shows in the form of sharing their knowledge impresses me everyday.

    • A

      Hi Sarah, Congratulations on your pattern at The Bake Shop! All of your quilts and projects are delightful, but you must teach us how to make those notebooks… I didn’t see a tutorial for them. Where do you get them bound? Would you do a Guest Post?

  • Woops didn’t add the link correctly

    • A

      Hi Colleen, Love your blog –cute side borders. Looks like you had a great time in Japan! It is interesting that every country has a unique flair in their quilts, materials, etc. What do you think?

      • Thank you Lori, Japan was amazing I will go back some day. The fabrics I bought were similar to what we can buy here in Australia but I have grown to love the style of Yoko Saito. Thank you for giving your followers a chance to list their blogs. I am having a lovely time working my way through them all.

  • heike

    I like your blog because of the diversity of themes. Thank you 🙂 I blog at

    • A

      Heike, Congratulations on completing your Baltimore Album Quilt. I have one on my UFO list that you have inspired me to get moving on again. Love your blog byline: Password: Quilt! Clever! Also, your four inch blocks are beautiful. Can’t believe that’s how you kill time…they look very hard!

  • I started my blog when I got my Longarm machine to be able to record my learning progress as I taught myself to use it.
    I also include some of my life. I started to feel I was blogging to myself as there were never many, or most of the time any, comments so lost interest. I just had a look and haven’t posted since July 2013.
    As I work full time as well as quilt for others on weekends I found it hard to find the time required to keep up the blog as well. I would try and do it mostly on Sunday nights.
    Maybe I will dust it off and start again. I have a lot of catching up to do. My blog is
    I look forward to having a look at everyone else’s blogs.

  • I have been blogging since 2007. For the first few years I kept track of all the stuff I made by posting them on the blog. My count was over 300 pieces a year. See them at Go to the older posts.
    Lately I just post some of my work, and have gotten more philosophical. I still make as many things, but am not posting them all. I just opened an etsy site to help me clear out my stash of finished artwork. It’s called KatCampauMixedMedia. So far I only listed my DVD for sale. But soon I will have art quilts and more there. I can’t build on anymore closets, so I have to sell it. I wonder how many other quilters are having this problem.

    • A

      You are a prolific creative! 300 pieces per year! Love your journal covers. I think we may all need one!

  • Kim in SD

    I’ve been blogging since last year. I’m trying to be more consistent about it, but life seems to get in the way all too often. I blog almost entirely about quilting, but I’m hoping to add more about our homeschooling journey as time goes on. Right now just trying to find time to blog about quilting is enough! Thanks for letting us share about ourselves!

    • A

      You, too are a very productive quilter! I’m impressed that you get any quilting time at all with homeschooling. Is quilting part of your homeschool curriculum?

  • Yes, I blog. I began about 6 months ago, and I’m surprised by how much blogging motivates me to get things done. My blog is focused on quilting. I’m more of a modern quilter, but I definitely do traditional too. I’ve been learning free motion quilting for about a year now on an HQ16, and I’m still learning. My hope is to design quilt patterns in the near future. Lori, I love your blog, and it is truly inspirational. Thank you for the opportunity to share my blog here.

    • A

      Good Golly Ginger! Your quilts and blog are so bright and cheery. Love your ginger, pig-tailed daughter, too!

  • I have blogged at for a few years now. I mostly chronicle my quilting life…with “real” life thrown in now and again! I straddle modern and traditional, leaning towards more modern these days. I’ve been quilting for about 20 years and it is truly my passion!

    • A

      A Downton Abbey Quilt retreat!? How cool! What a great idea…On another note, I’m a bit disappointed in the direction Downton is heading this year…if we wanted CSI…What do you think

  • How fun 🙂 (the blog blurbs, not your insane weather!)

    My blog is and my dual purpose for it is to organize my insane decades-long backlog of quilt projects and kits while providing me with a social outlet that fits my family’s schedule. The only two guilds in our area meet at times that are horrible for us, so this is where I get my quilter’s connection as well as inspiration. My tastes are broad, and I range from historical to traditional to modern, almost always with quite involved quilts of larger sizes. I do host a weekly linky called BOMs Away, which people can use to share the fun projects they’re doing and motivate themselves to keep working on those.

    Love your blog, Lori, and really appreciate all the tutorials and quilting motifs you share – especially your openness to being pinned!

    • A

      Hi Lynette, I believe you are one of my longest followers–thank you! I plan to join your BOM link up–keep me on my toes!

  • I’m fairly new to your blog and love it for the beautiful quilting designs. I hope to practice and improve at free motion quilting this year. Your blog is great inspiration and eye candy! My little blog started out just to show my personal quilting adventures, but now seems to cover more of the quilting I do for a local quilt shop Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shop in Roanoke, IN than my own stuff! Working for a quilt shop is great fun! I do have a little side business of turning garments in to quilts for clients, which I call Not Just T-Shirt Quilts. You can see a few on my Pinterest board

    Today started off here at -7F and has warmed up to 8F with more snow predicted for the weekend. Stay warm everyone!

  • It is so interesting to read through the blogs of all the others. I have been blogging for one and a half years. It is just to keep track of the things I have sewn. It started to become a place to find other quilters and exchange about quilting. It is always fascinating to see what other quilters are doing and how they combine colors, how others use the patterns and how they quilt everything to add another dimension. It is so exciting. I am from Germany and I like to sew with neutral colors and red and I definitely like to sew with linen and other materials as well. I guess I am regarded more of a modern quilter. I myself think that I sew for my home and my family.
    You can find my blog here:
    I like all the quilting patterns that you explain here. It is wonderful to have a source like that. Thank you and all the best, Martina

    • A

      Martina, I love color in my quilts, but I was definitely excited by your neutrals-with a pop of color! Very modern, very cool! Love your zippered bags, too!

      • Thank you for visiting my blog. I love colors,too. But the neutrals just look good in my home. So I am a bit torn.

        • A

          I laughed out loud when I read your note about neutrals look better in your home. One of my early quilts was a very very colorful quilt. I loved it–but when it was finished, it had no home, because it looked terrible in our house. It is now our “car-quilt”. Well loved, well used and still an eyesore! Live and learn! Love your quilts!

  • Ugh that weather sounds terrible! My grandparents-in-law live near Waterville and their daily weather reports make me cringe.

    I have a blog ( that started out as a quilting blog, but has sort of turned into a whatever grabbed my interest blog. I’m interested in basically every other craft too, so it’s gradually evolved into showing whatever I’m working on (the latest being adventures in repurposing furniture).

  • Hello, I just love the Inbox Jaunt – so much color. (Hi, mom!). As a college student, I don’t have a lot of spare time, so instead of blogging, I tumble. I post pictures and colors that have caught my eye and that just brighten my day! Please visit me at Color Route Co. to add a little color inspiration to your day (and quilts).

  • Good Morning, Lori! How fun is this idea! I have been blogging since 2006, and am just about to reach 300 posts! My blog is called Library Gal Quilts and is about my quilting projects, a few tutorials, my quilting buddies, my quilting vacations, and of course my family, pets, books I read, and life events. I work in a Library and have for 30 years! I only began quilting in 2002 for my daughter’s graduation present, and it was a library friend that got me started. Where would I be without quilting? I think I would have alot of misused time! Instead I have dozens of quilts made and given and a closet full of fabric. Lots of fabric! I have had no luck in the past keeping a journal and my blog gives at least a little of a perspective on how my year goes. I have to say the best part of blogging is making friends. I really think that it is a part of my life I would miss if I stopped, and although I have some gaps when life gets hectic, I find it comforting to hear from my bloggy friends now and then. I have even met some of them in person now! Please come on by and visit, and look forward to a 300 post giveaway in the very near future!

  • It is really interesting to hear about everyone’s blogs – it will be interesting to visit them and maybe make some more friends. I have been blogging since 2010, mostly about my quilting adventures and with a bit of everyday life ‘down on the farm’ thrown in as well. My style is probably country-ish but I do seem to give everything a try – if it’s quilting, I try it!!!

  • P.S. I’m not sure why the link to my blog hasn’t work – so here it is again. Here’s hoping it works this time. Hilary Florence

  • Wow! There are a of quilting bloggers out there. I also have a blog for my family and quilting adventures.
    My blog includes lots of free motion quilting that I do on my gammill longarm. I also post information and photos when I teach. I mostly teach Judy Niemeyer quilts, but have a few other workshops that I offer. I travel for teaching. I also hostess to bees for quilting, one is a block swap bee and the other is a longarm bee. I blog about that sometimes too! There is also a lot of family stuff on my blog. I try to remember to categorize and tag my posts properly so you can quickly find what you are looking for. Stop by and leave me a comment that you were referred by Inbox Jaunt! (Whose blog I recently found and LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!)

  • I have been thinking about blogging there are so many of you quilters out there I must try it on my 2014 to do list.. Man it’s getting long

  • Hi,
    I’m Hilary Florence from Devon in the UK and only found and signed up to your blog yesterday. What a lovely welcome! Greeting to all.

    I’m relatively new to blogging. My blog at : http:/ / has a focus on free motion quilting on a domestic sewing machine. I am running a project 101 Free Motion Quilting Cameos, which I post twice a week. Some of the 6″ fmq cameos are a fresh look at existing patterns, but most of them are my own original designs. I’m up to Cameo 18 so there is still a lot to come! I love pattern and spend many hours doodling with pencil and thread. Although I am left breathless with admiration at the accuracy of many quilters, particularly long-arm quilters, I like things a bit wonky. I mark as little as possible and want each repeat to be visibly the same motif, but very slightly different – consistently inconsistent!

    I soon realized that just the fmq cameos was becoming boring, so in between I add a bit of surface design – stamping, stencils etc using thickened dyes on paper – what I call procion paper play – or other quilts / designs I am working on. All my work is somewhat spontaneous and organic in its creation.

    I hope with so many replies to this blog you will find time to visit mine and leave me a note. I will certainly be exploring some of your blogs and hope to meet some of you on line soon.

    Hilary Florence

  • Lori, your blog is fantastic and I use your designs a lot in my quilts. My blog,, is nowhere as excellent as yours. My topics are quilting, vintage sewing machines, scraps, comfort quilts, and process photos. I would love to be a better blogger so people could learn things and get even better. I owe so much to other quilt bloggers! Thank you for all your time and effort!

  • I started a quilting blog a few months ago and I am really enjoying it! It is a quilting journal of sorts of my quilting life, projects, friends, shows, classes and adventures. I would love to have everyone check it out and post comments. I love machine quilting, hand appliqué and have posted a couple of videos on freezer paper foundation piecing. It’s called Sew Fun 2 Quilt and you can find it at
    A friend told me about your blog, so I am one of your new subscribers this week! I posted about your blog on mine because I love your FMQ tutorials! Thank you!

  • I have been blogging at for almost as long as I have been quilting, but I don’t blog on a regular basis just when I have a project that excites me. Recently I am going through my stash and cutting it into usable sizes and that inspired a quilt that will have some nice 6″ areas of open space for quilting. Your blog has really helped and inspired my FMQ. I also have a gardening blog, which is my second love at:

    Thanks for sharing and maintaining such an informative blog!

  • I have a very new blog, it is mostly about machine quilting. I have a mid arm quilter with a Grace frame and I love free motion quilting more than anything. My dream for my blog is to inspire people. I also plan on having some Tutorials and some Family recipes and events, but mostly Quilting Eye Candy. I can spend hours on Pinterest looking at quilting. My new blog is I hope you check it out and please feel free to give me any feedback. Happy Quilting, April Wells

  • I have been following quilt blogs for 3 years now, though I just found yours a few months ago. Your quilting inspires me!
    I started my own blog over 2 1/2 years ago. (
    I post about my quilting projects and experiences, with occasional mountain scenery thrown in, as I live nestled in the Rocky Mountains.
    I started free motion quilting over 2 years ago, and next month it will be two years since I bought my HQ Sweet 16 sit-down model midarm machine. I don’t quilt for others, I just wanted to be able to take my own quilts from start to finish.
    My quilt tastes are mostly vintage–CW era, but I also love to work with batiks. Novelty fabrics come into play when I make quilts for my grandchildren. I do a little wool applique, too.
    Quilting is my therapy against the stresses of life!

  • For 18 years I was a newspaper reporter, so when I found quilty blogs, I thought that would be right up my alley. So I started However, I have found that I much more enjoy quilting than writing about it, lol! I think I just have too many keystrokes underneath my belt. My blog is current, but with my Day Job and my LA quilting business, I just don’t have much time to post frequently. I’d love to have everyone stop by and say hello! And I will check out new friends here.

  • Hi, Lori! I am certainly enjoying your blog since I discovered you on a Pinterest link. I wanted to especially thank you for sharing your remarkable ideas here on your blog. I love the idea of a quilt journal, and have gathered together my supplies to get it going. I subscribe via email so I don’t miss any of your posts.

    I am a quilter who loves every aspect of the quilting process ~ dreaming, designing, making, quilting, binding… then teaching what I learn. I want to learn it all, and teach it all. My daughters are triplets, and two of the girls have limited abilities. When the girls were about 13, I found that when it came to quilting, everyone’s interest and ability levels were on even ground, so we spent a LOT of time together in the sewing room. Now, they’re 24 and each of my girls have become accomplished quilters themselves. It’s my personal quest to find the best tips, tricks and tools to simplify the process, especially for new quilters. I think that the experience of teaching my girls has helped me to be able to give clear, precise, simple steps for anyone to achieve success and feel the joy of creating something beautiful.

    I began my longarm business in 2005, and began blogging about our family’s quilted world in January of 2009. I design patterns, write tutorials for quilting and little sewing projects I call “Snippets”, quilt for clients, teach 4-H kids to sew and quilt, teach at shops and quilting events around my region, and every once in a while I get a minute to quilt from my own little pile of UFOs that have been sitting in a bin under the table since I bought the machine. Three years ago, I began writing monthly Sewing and Quilting Basics tutorials for “Cutting Corners” blog at Riley Blake Designs. We’ve also done a series of “How-to-Quilt” videos. http://www.rileyblakedesigns. Yup. I live in a quilty world, and I love it.

  • You have a great blog. I started my oh about a month ago and post things that spark my interest in quilting. I post product reviews, tutorials, shop reviews, and vintage quilts, linens and fabric. My tastes do tend towards the vintage, especially 1930’s. you can find my blog here

  • I love to quilt – also love to travel and eat. I’ve been too busy lately to quilt, or to travel much, but I still get to eat now and then, LOL! I started a food blog a couple of years ago with a great deal of enthusiasm…which waned in the midst of a move and a new job, but I’m planning for 2014 to be a better year! It’s about comfort food and a little bit of travel. You’re welcome to stop by…I’m redecorating the kitchen…

  • Thanks for this forum to meet other quilters who love your blog and are inspired by your quilts, your quilting tips and your FMQ tutorials. For me, it keeps me motivated to try new motifs and come up with projects to quilt those new ideas on.
    My blog is I started my blog so that I could have a quilt journal and be able to participate in the SewWeQuilt bloghops.
    I love to have a record of my quilting efforts. Most of my quilts and projects focus on applique, embroidery and custom FMQ. I like to make useful items with my quilting so there are a lot of bags, pillows, project totes well as the quilts I finish.

  • Congrats to YOU, Lori, on one of the BEST BLOGS I’ve seen in the quilting world. I appreciate all the wonderful information you share so willingly. I have been a professional long arm quilter for over 8 years, but I just started my blog ( a little over a year ago because I started to paint!. Quilter turned Artist. Though really, I believe all quilters are artists already. I mostly just post pictures of my watercolors and a few pics of wonderful quilts that have crossed my path in my machine quilting business. Right now I am participating in a 30 paintings in 30 days challenge with 400 other artists online. We are on day 24 and I’ve posted a new mini painting everyday. I would classify my paintings as whimsical folk art. There is also a definite quilting influence in my images. I would like to post more about quilting. Maybe I should start another blog just for that. But for right now it’s a mix of quilting and painting.

  • Thanks, Lori for the opportunity to introduce ourselves to one another! I’m looking forward to discovering what others are doing! I’ve been blogging for a couple years somewhat half-heartedly — I used it to maintain some accountability for my annual goals like using 212 yards of my stash in one year. At the end of 2013, several of my students encouraged me to start to posting tutorials as well, based on 35 years of teaching machine piecing and 26 years of keeping a shop. My current teaching focus is an exciting set-in piecing technique that simplifies the process. As a certified educator for Marti Michell’s templates, it has opened up a whole new realm of possibilities for her assortment of the hexie family of shapes. My personal goal this year is to improve my machine quilting and continue to work through a shrinking (I’m happy to say) backlog of UFO’s. My teaching mantra has always been to help students discover their personal preferences and feel more creative in their work while helping them learn to enjoy piecing. You can find me at

  • I started my blog in 2008 primarily to keep locals informed of the classes we have at the Attic Window Quilt Shop and improve attendance at these classes. The blog has evolved over the years but the primary focus is still on people who come to the shop to quilt and share their projects with me. I think quilters are the best people in the world. I have followed your blog for a long while and find it inspiring, especially since I have a Pfaff on an Inspira frame and need all the help I can get with those quilting designs. Thank you for this opportunity to tell others about my blog. And thank you for this post as it has given me the opportunity to see blogs I have never seen before. Congratulations and welcome to all those new bloggers. This is a great place to be.

  • I’m a relatively new blogger (just over 6 months) – My blog is mainly quilting related with a bit of general sewing/crafting too. I love to make quilts from ‘recycled’ fabrics, often wools, and I love to create ‘pictures’ in my quilts – applique, machine emboidery or sometimes piecing. I’m not so much a traditional blocks kind of person, and I’m not patient and accurate enough for wonderful, accurate cutting and piecing most of the time! I very much enjoy following your blog and love your work. The actual ‘quilting’ is not something I always give enough time and effort to so your blog is particularly interesting in that respect – thank you!

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