Olivia’s Owls – A Free Motion Quilt Tutorial

March 10, 2015
Free Motion Quilting, Owl

Free Motion Quilting, OwlGood Morning, Quilters!

I hope the weather is warming up wherever you are!  Last Tuesday, the temperature in Minnesota was -17F and it’s already 35F today!  HOOT! HOOT!

Speaking of heating up…

The lines are smoking over at the “Meander No More” offices…but great seating is still available…You don’t need to be at the live Webinar to sign up.  The recorded, Learn to Free Motion Quilt with Confidence and supplemental materials will be sent to you within a week of the live event….So sign up NOW..

Meander No More: Learn to Free Motion Quilt With Confidence

Before you lose your seat to a parliament of owls…

Speaking of Owls…


Whoo doesn’t LOVE owls?  Boys and girls, Moms and Dads…everyone loves owls!  They bring good luck and they take away…well, we won’t talk about what they hunt, but we are grateful to see the owls in our yard!

Owls are one of the most fun motifs you will ever free motion quilt!

Nothing can go wrong…No matter how many embellishments you add to this basic framework, your Owl will be adorable (or hilarious…or a few of mine are ridiculous!)

So let’s get started…

Begin by drawing a rectangle, 3 inches wide by 3-1/2 inches tall.  (This will fit in The Thread Sampler).  Once you have the basic Olivia Owl, change the dimensions to fit your quilt…or your backpack, pillowcase…wherever you are going to stitch Miss Olivia.

Begin by drawing a line 1-1/4 inches below the top line.

Start stitching in the center of the line.  Stitch two messy spirals.

Free Motion Quilting, Owl

Add a small triangle to the messy spirals.

Free Motion Quilting, OwlStitch around the right eye and stitch a small ear.

Free Motion Quilting, Owl Stitch over to the left ear, then stitch around the left eye.

Free Motion Quilting, OwlEcho stitch back a few stitches, then stitch a large oval body.

Free Motion Quilting, Owl Beginning under the right eye, add the right wing, a rectangle for feet, then the left wing…bringing you back to the left side.

NOW the fun begins..

Free Motion Quilting, OwlEmbellish Olivia Owl in anyway you like…add fun feathers, change the belly shape, add a Doodle Heart

Free Motion Quilting, Owl

Once you’ve added your embellishments, you get to name him or her!

I think I’ll call this one Eileen…

Free Motion Quilting, Owl

And here’s Eileen with Ben…

Free Motion Quilting, OwlI wonder what a Lori owl would look like?  I’m sure she would be a wise old youthful owl– AND skinny!

Create your own family of owls…

For more about owls read HERE


If you like owls, AND paper piecing, Peggy has a REAL TREAT…Wednesday….


PS…Today’s tutorial was stitched with Superior’s Magnifico–a trilobal polyester fiber with lots of sheen…with Aurifil cotton in the bobbin on my BERNINA 820 without a stitch regulator.

PPS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!




  • Mary Ellen

    Lori i am no longer recieving any newsletters from you is my name nolonger on your list . chevaliermaryellen@yahoo.ca

  • Giovanna


  • Judy Buzby

    You make me smile!! Hoot, hoot!!

  • Leslie Schmidt

    Your group of owls at the top is so cute! They look like a lot of fun. We have recently had an owl appear a couple of nights on our roof and our neighbors’ roof. It’s hooting is very loud. When I tried to look out the window to see it, it flew away. Oh, well.

  • Carole

    Love the owls, thank you so much!

  • Carolyn S

    Love the owls. We have more of the barn owls here in San Diego, no ears to stitch!
    I love the step by step; it is better than a video alone. I’m off to doodle owls…during my break of course.

  • Laurie

    These owls are just so cute! Thank you for sharing your artistic talent.

  • I’ll have to remember this one for next year. Last weekend was the International Festival of Owls in li’l ole’ Houston!!!! Yup, our little burg!!!! (see: http://www.festivalofowls.com/ ) Several hundred ppl come from all over the world for this!!!!!! This little fella (gal?) is so-o-o-o-o ke-oo-oo-oot!!!! You always do such a great job….your step by step directions are always so clear and make the process so “possible” for all of us!!!!! Keep up the great ‘work’!!! Hugs…………..

  • These are so cute! Too fun

    • WordPress.com Support

      Coming from you, that’s a real compliment.

  • What a fun couple of owls! Really fun and whimsical!

  • Duane Wiley

    These little owls are just adorable!!!! Have your ever tried a Raccoon? or a Fox?

  • I love the owls! So cute!

  • Bonnie

    I love the owl – can you do a fox? The woodland theme is so hot for baby and children and my daughter is using the little fox for her accect in a baby girl room for baby due in June

  • Gerry Casper

    Lori, I just LOVE those owls!!! 🙂

  • Carolina

    Good Morning Lori-
    Have you ever thought of publishing a book? I am printing many of your tutorials, older and newer. Id’ be the first person in line for your book signing however.
    The only thing is, that I wouldn’t want The Inbox Jaunt to change!
    Yea, March 18th!

  • Love love love the owls… How fun! Nice work Lori! Thanks!

  • Norma Van Bunnen

    Lori, these are so adorable! Love your tutorials! I’m a fairly new quilter who is a full time RVer. Would lobe to take your free motion class but streaming videos over mobile internet is challenging and expensive. Any way I could get the class on DVD? Keep your tutorials coming! Love them!

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