• Junko

    Wonderful, but instead of Michelangelo’s serenity I prefer the moviments and the warrior facial expression of Bernini’s Davi (Borghese Gallery- Rome).

  • Carol

    We also just returned from Florence. We were sad to find out the museum was closed on the day we were there, but we did appreciate the David in the Plaza. Such a masterpiece. We also saw his Sistine Chapel. In awe!

  • Kathy

    Actually, Florence has 3 David’s. The original is in the Academe, the other 2 replicas are outside in plazas. But the original is the grandest display. Walk behind him & see the beauty of the human form. See the sling wrapped behind him, ready to slay Goliath. Notice that the hands are not of a boy, but reveal the strength of the man he is to become.

  • Roxanne Richle

    There is an exact replica of David in Sioux Falls, SD. It was given by a famous inventor, Thomas Fawick in 1971.
    It was quite controversial at the time because many people were uncomfortable with a naked statue, but they eventually created a park and situated him in as discreet angle as possible (!). Fawick also donated an exact replica of Moses which is located at Augustana College in Sioux Falls.

  • Cindy S

    What a masterpiece! Did you take your big camera or use your phone? I encouraged you to take your phone and leave the heavy hotness at home!😂

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