Good Morning, Quilters!
Today we are going to learn how to quilt a thistle pattern!
(NOTE-We are a little off from our “Tuesday Tutorials”–but does anyone know what day of the week it is anyway?”)
Double Emails
First– a little good news. For the cost of a small sewing machine, our web developer seems to have fixed our double email problem! Woo hoo! I know many of you found it frustrating! I want to thank all of you for your patience in this matter!

My New Book!
My new book, 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting releases the first week of June! We have had record sales in our Etsy shop–THANK YOU! Books purchased through my Etsy shop include a personalized signed copy and a little stitched treat! And books make great gifts! (If you are ordering any book as a gift be sure to let us know the name of the recipient.)
(Kindle version from Amazon here)
I think of thistle as a weed–but of course, that’s a matter of perspective.
Thistle is the national flower of Scotland. Legend has it that in the 13th century, Scottish clansmen were awakened to a surprise invasion of Vikings when one of the invaders cried out after stepping on thistle. Read more HERE
One girl’s weed is another man’s friend!
Even though I fight thistle in my garden, I do admire it’s beauty and tenacity!

How to Quilt a Thistle Pattern
Begin by stitching a long, vertical line. Add a double circle, ending on the top of the circles.

(If you need review of the double circle, check out the Tulip Time tutorial)

Add a short line with a knob at the end.

Add several more lines with knobs….

Stitch a crown over all of the short lines, ending on the double circle.

Stitch on the large circle and down the stem. Add the center vein line of the first leaf.

Add a tapered wavy line and the letter C.
Continue with shallow scallops to decorate the leaf edges.

Stitch along the vein line and stitch the mirror image on the left side of the leaf.

Add a leaf on the left side of the stem to complete the Thistle pattern.

You might also like the Dandelion Tutorial

How Does YOUR Garden Grow
What’s happening in YOUR garden?
Are YOU quilting or gardening?
Are YOU an Outlander fan?
If YOU could choose a flower or weed for a symbol, what would it be?
We’d LOVE to hear!
Sassenach Lori
PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of LoriKennedyQuilts and is intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ. For all other purposes, please contact me at Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com. Thank you!
My cherry tomato plants are growing nicely, but it is too hot at night to set fruit now. Sigh…this stay-at-home period slowed down my planting.
I’m reading and hoping to get back to quilting
Are YOU an Outlander fan? YES,
If YOU could choose a flower or weed for a symbol, what would it be? An iris.
I love these tutitorials and someday I will even try them. I was reading Outlander when my kids where very young about 30 years ago; my first journey with Jamie and Clare.My husband is a farmer and does not like the thistles, but I do like the look of them. I love liliacs, the smell fills the yard. I would rather sew than garden, but I love all the flowers and to see the beautiful things that others plant.
Thanks for sharing.
Didn’t we all drop a ball back in March?..LOL Lori, a sweet pea would be sooo heavenly! Oh my, how lovely too! Today I was looking over my table top “garden” and got fascinated with the leaves of the nasturtiums! No end of possibilities in Nature.
While I love peonies and lilacs, I would love it if you would make a motif for the SWEET PEA! Also, at one point, you were doing a flower of the month, but I can’t find all the months. Am I missing something? Another idea for a motif–a cute little baby dragon, and/or a dinosaur. I’d love them for kids’ blankets.
I am another one of your fans that never skips an email–I look forward to them so much, and miss them when you are tied up with other things!
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Hi Ellen–I did drop the ball on the flower of the month. I will pill out those tutorials and see where we left off. Thanks for the reminder!! A dinosaur is on my short list too–my grandsons love dinosaurs!
Jenny Garcia
Here’s another vote for the lilac…so fragrant. Where I live (California) we can sometimes coax a daphne into blooming and its scent completely takes over the yard. They’re one of the first to bloom after the winter so it’s always memorable.
Hope everyone out there’s doing well!
Robin from St Thomas Ontario Canada
Thank you Lori …Just love the thistles My wee Scottish Nana will be thrilled !!! One or two emails is fine with me as long as that does’t go to ‘0’. Love getting anything from you …makes my day!!
Have you done a lilac??? they are my most loved scent and flower!!!
Lori Kennedy Quilts
I have not done a lilac motif- great idea!
Lorraine Doyno Evans
I would love a lilac motif as well!
Anna Atkin
It is a battle to keep the Canada Thistles under control here in Montana. Their roots go on forever. I do like your stitch pattern though. And Outlander.
Yes, the Canada thistles AND the spotted knapweed, grrrr. I agree.
Hermine Mann
Thank you, Lori, for your great inspiration and motivation you provide. We are walking every morning 6 – 8m and we always are in awe of the acorns and oak leaves. Also our peonies were superb this spring. Maybe an idea for a new creation? You gave me the confidence to finally start free-motion quilting and I LOVE IT. After the first 2 hours the tension in my shoulders and neck started to ease and now it is a pleasure to do it and relaxing. Thank you, Lori😀
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Hermine, you inspire me–two hour walks every day! Here’s a tutorial for Oak Leaves and Acorns: https://lorikennedyquilts.com/the-oak-leaf-and-acorn-free-motion-quilt-tutorial/
I planted eight peonies this year–so I will have to create a peony motif! Thanks for the idea!
Loved the thistle stitches pattern! Il love lilacs and roses and peonies and daisies! I would choose the lilac because I think it’s fragrance lady’s!
Lori Kennedy Quilts
It’s hard to choose, isn’t Louise! Love lilacs-scent and taste!
First time I ever Loved thistles ! I would even call these “sweet” ! And, Ta Da ,,,,,nooo double emails for few days now.. Thank you Lady Lori !
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Hooray! Isn’t it funny how we appreciate the small things–from single emails to weeds!
Lori,I always read your emails also. I thought today was Thursday! Lol,so there you go! Can’t wait to receive your new book. I have placed my order!
Lori Kennedy Quilts
LOL–tues, wed, thurs–they all blend–when you’re having fun quilting!
Barbara Daniel
When I go through my email I automatically delete a lot of posts but NEVER yours. I read every one. You did it again with this one. Now we’re making weeds. Ha ha. I love your work thank you so much for sharing.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Thank you Barbara! I appreciate your confidence in my emails! Weed on!
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