Good Morning, Quilters!
Today, we are going to learn how to quilt a cactus! This pattern was designed by Lisa Giesfeldt.
Lisa is an award-winning quilter who has volunteered to share some of her original motifs with us! I know you will find her quilts and her story very inspiring! (She can not see most of her stitching!)
Thank you to Chris Lynn Kirsh for her interview of Lisa HERE

How to Quilt a Cactus Pattern
Begin by drawing two parallel lines–or center the motif on the border of your quilt between seamlines.
Begin stitching on the bottom line. Stitch a vertical line, then add a rounded shape on the right side. Stop just above the vertical line.

Add a vertical line and curve the top.

Next, add another rounded cactus “arm”.

Stitch straight down to complete the cactus and add a little scrub grass if desired. Stitch along the bottom line to begin the next cactus motif.

Don’t Get Pinched!
As you stitch the arms of the cactus, consider adding spines for more interest.
Lisa Recommends
For a wider border, stitch the cactus motif and add a row of inverted cactuses. Doodle first, of course!
While you’re doodling, try your own variation of the cactus! There are more than 2000 varieties and you can see many at Home Stratosphere HERE
YOUR Favorite Cactus?
Minnesota (where I live) only has three native cactus plants: two types of prickly pair cactus and the purple cactus.
Do YOU have more varieties in YOUR garden or state?
What is YOUR favorite cactus?
We’d LOVE to hear!
Your Prickly Quilter,
PS…Thank you again, Lisa Giesfeldt!
Lisa is available for custom quilting: White-oak@att.net
PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to Lori Kennedy Quilts. For all other purposes, please contact me at Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com. Thanks!
For more step-by-step tutorials and skill building exercises, check out my books:

Judy M
Lisa’s story was very inspirational. Thanks for sharing. Love the cactus motif!
Having read about Lisa, I am now ashamed of ever complaining about my lack of quilting skills or my 68-yr old eyesight.
Lisa, you are strong, brave and an inspiration to us all. You deal with challenges every day that would break me and probably many others as well.
God bless you and your family always.
Tu-Na Quilts
Oh this is a perfect stitch. I live in Arizona in the desert at least part of the year. The saguaro is my favorite cactus and it’s a good thing as I am surrounded by millions. When I am not there I enjoy traveling around MN on the state quilt shop hop.Thanks for showing this wonderful pattern.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
I would love to see your view of millions of cactus!
I am so thankful for what our eye doctors can do for us. I have been getting eye injections 2-3 X month for 3 years now. It is preserving my vision from the ravages of wet macular degeneration. Get regular checkups… early detection provides early vision saving treatment. Must be why I am working on 4 quilts at once..,,sew while I can. Blessings to Lisa , her work is so exquisite and joyful.
Pat V Houston
I love cactus! Thanks for sharing this. Here in Texas, we have a LOT of cactus: a dozen kinds of prickly pear alone. My favorite is one I discovered recently, but have never seen in “the wild”. It is very appropriate for us quilters: the Lacy Pincushion Cactus. I keep a file of Texas images to quilt into motifs but I’ve never thought of adding a cactus. You just keep thinking, Lori. We’ll all benefit.
I had never read the interview – thank you for sharing the link. Inspirational stories like hers are SO important to all of us!
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