Giveaway! Art Quilt Collage–Meet Deborah Boschert

September 26, 2016
Deborah Boschert, Collage

Deborah Boschert, Collage

Good Morning, Quilters!

We are on a blog hop today!  For those of you unfamiliar with the term—a blog hop is like a ten-day progressive party. Every day for ten days, we are invited to stop by a new friend’s house (or blog)  for some refreshments, a little conversation, a few party games and in this case a GIVEAWAY!

Often a blog hop, like a progressive party, is a way to celebrate something.  In this case, we are celebrating  Quilt-Artist-Extraordinaire, Deborah Boschert’s  new book, Art Quilt Collage.


I am really excited to share this book with you because it contains so many fresh ideas about quilting.  It is a technique book, chock full of inspiration.

Now don’t get excited over the word “Art Quilt”–I know it intimidates many…This book is packed with ideas on how to add interest to any quilt, whether it is a small collage for framing or a king size quilt for your bed.


I had an opportunity to chat with Deborah about her book last week…

After some initial silliness, I threw down a challenge…

Deborah offers a clear path of how to transform an inspiration (like a photo or a word)  into a quilt.  There are machine quilting and hand embroidery tips, design and composition suggestions,(including a design checklist), and a very interesting chapter on personal symbols.


Deborah Boschert, Collage

I was really intrigued by the chapter on Finishing which include several options for edge treatments as well as a variety of ways to mount or hang a quilt.  (I’m thinking some of my “Vase Quilts” might become mounted or framed “Art work”!)

Deborah Boschert, Collage


Enter to win a copy of Deborah’s book here at The Inbox Jaunt simply by leaving a comment on today’s post.  Tell us what your personal symbol might be…

I think mine would be a flower, or a coffee mug, or a sewing needle, or a spool of thread, or a pair of glasses, or a silhouette of my six children, or…..Hmmmm….I think I have an…

Inspiration for an Art Quilt Collage!!!

Happy Stitching,


PS…If your are new to The Inbox Jaunt, be sure to check out our Tuesday Tutorials–the most popular posts every week!

Grid Pop and Oak Leaf Free Motion Quilting

Stop by all of the Blog Hop “Hostesses” below and enter to win.

Art Quilt Collage: A Creative Journey in Fabric, Paint and Stitch

Book Release Blog Hop with Video Chats!
September 19: C&T Publishing and Editor Lynn Koolish
September 20: Teri Lucas, Generation Q Magazine
September 21: Susan Brubaker Knapp
September 22: Sue Bleiweiss
September 23: Lyric Kinard
September 26: Lori Kennedy
September 27: Maria Shell
September 28: Jane LaFazio
September 29: Judy Coates Perez
September 30: Melanie Testa



  • Janet

    My personal symbol is the ginkgo tree leaf. This tree knows how to survive it’s environment and reminds me to tap into my inner strength.

    • Support

      We need a Gingko leaf tutorial!!

  • Mary Smary

    Mine would be a blue feathered star. I’ve become a more modern quilter recently, but I have always loved piecing feathered stars, and blue is my color.

  • I am a coffee fanatic! So a coffee cup or maybe even a coffee bean might be a wonderful symbol for me!

  • Pamela

    I think my symbol would be a cupcake or an owl. Love them both. I also like using free motion to quilt words into my quilt…. Nursery rhymes on a baby quilt, names, random words are all easy to do and personalize the quilt.

  • Susan Morrison

    I really like your collage techniques, Deborah, and I’ve been awaiting the release of your book! My personal image would include a cat in my lap and a cup of coffee in my hand!

  • Dancing grid??? ooh, need this book! luv that an imperfect (stitching) line has the hand drawn look!

  • since I make and give away two foot tall dolls to kids with cancer, etc, my symbol would be a doll. Thanks for the opportunity to win what sounds like an awesome gook

  • My symbol has always been a heart, I have them everywhere!

  • my symbol would be a word FUN

    • doris regnier

      My symbol would have to do with golf, a ball, club,course logo or such.

  • Debra Dobbs

    I’ve bookmarked this post…and have referred to it repeatedly already. So many ideas! Leaves call to me, and I put them in many sewing projects in many ways.

  • HollyAnnW

    Sew many ways to quilt. I have never a strict art quilt. My symbol may be a smile.

  • Chris

    I love birds so I was thinking I might be a Humming Bird.

  • Bette

    Stars of all kinds are my symbol. Twinkling stars in the night sky are magic. Starfish on the beach are reminders of lovely days by the sea. The North star reminds me of my moral compass, my personal true North. All inspire me with many possibilities for art quilts.

  • I’m just starting to experiment with art quilts. I’m intrigued by the concept of words or symbols as a starting point. Maybe the book could help me find my art voice. I’ll definitely check it out.

  • Marjorie

    My personal symbol has always been a moon, sometimes crescent, sometimes full.

  • Barbara Keefer

    My symbol would be a kitty or a fox!

  • Teresa T.

    I could really get into this. I think my personal symbol is courage. Courage to try new things, take a chance, step outside my safeness of traditional. Great find!

  • Cathy

    I believe my personal symbol would be trees. I love the outdoors and find I get so inspired by other mixed media artists and art quilters with their own personal interpretation of nature. Thank you for all you do to inspire us!

  • Karen Sheward

    Fantastic post thanks. I think words are my personal symbol as they can change to suit the style of quilt. Am looking at doing a David Bowie photo collage / word/ lyrics quilt for my son so book would be so great for inspiration !☺️ Live your work

  • Suzanna Trail

    I think m personal symbol would be a flower.

  • Susan A

    Totally inspiring
    My symbol is a dragonfly

  • Lynne Pfeffer

    I just found your blog and will continue to read it. Thanks for the chance to win this book! Spiral and hearts are two of my fav symbols.

  • Thriftyredhead

    My symbol would be either a coffee cup or the number 26. It is special to me.
    Thanks for sharing!

  • Sue Martin in Minneapolis

    Would love to loose myself in this type of play. My personal symbols include a labyrinth, spiral and interlocking triangles. I’ve been dyeing fabric for about a year and have quite the stash that needs to be worked down. Thanks for introducing us to Deborah.

  • Vicki D.

    My personal symbols include feather, leaves, bicycles, turtles and salamanders. Thanks for the chance to win the book. It sounds very inspirational.

  • sharon

    I think my symbol would be a tie dyed t-shirt

  • I have done some art quilting and it is always fun but I prefer to make a large quilt that can go on a bed. It is fun though to take a break now and then and just play. My symbol would have to be a sewing machine.

  • It’s so much fun reading your Inbox Jaunt each morning and winning Deborah’s book would be icing on the cake. BTW, my symbol might be a 2-layer iced cake…. it gives me as much pleasure to quilt it as it does to eat it

  • Lenore Guajardo

    Just getting on board…art quilts intimidate me as well…the book looks so interesting…will need it for my library. I love nature, trees, water…a symbol? Not sure I have this obsession for pears and apples…fruity?

  • Jennifer

    My personal symbol is a signwiter’s paintbrush, a quill, though I often use many ocean and beach symbols in my pieces.

  • Kathy Bailey

    I’m with you Lori. There are many symbols that would work for me but I think it might be something related to water like waves on a warm day….always changing and growing with each one. That is how I relate to sewing always changing and learning.
    I enjoy your daily lessons but need to put them to use. I like the reminders about getting away from sitting and doing some exercise. I feel it gives us more energy to sew.
    Keep up the good work.

  • Trish Herbers

    This book looks amazing!! I’d love to win it. My personal symbol has to be a dog. My lab mix and my husky bring much joy to my life!

  • Mary Wilson

    Her Quilts look very interesting,love to learn her techniques. My symbol would be a dog since I have 2 doodles ( golden doodle and labradoodle)

  • I would love to learn about this process. Funny as it may sound, bananas are my favorite fruit and that just might be my symbol! (Or maybe a monkey?)

  • Wendy Garrison

    My symbol, a simple “s” curve. I love the flow of it; it is so versatile and adaptable, and so relaxing to stitch.

  • What a great interview, and I’m curious what got made of both your three items!
    My symbol would probably something botanical, a leaf, or an unfurling fern, maybe… though a needle and thimble could be my symbol, too.

  • Mine would be a book, because I’m an avid reader

  • Deborah M

    Wow! Thanks for a chance to win! Deborah’s lovely; I would love to win this book! My symbol…a sunflower, or an espresso pot, or a lotus blossom…maybe a questn mark!

  • terry

    Thank you for the chance to win the book. My symbol would be a star – have been doodling stars for years so would make perfect sense to include them in my quilting…

  • Andrea

    I love reading and learning about new techniques, so my symbol would be a book. Really enjoying you posts Lori!

  • Fatima

    What a wonderful adventure this has been! Thank you for all the inspirations, that seem to be never ending. Since I grew up in a war torn country, my symbol has always been the peace sign. It is ALL that I ever hope for in this beautiful world we live in. ✌️

  • I already have the book and deborah’s videos as well, so don’t need to enter, but love her style!

  • carol Edge

    I would be a tea cup as i drink 8 to 10 cups a day and love it or a Dizzy needle with a piece of thread twirling behind the needle(this is my logo)

  • Chris

    I love Humming birds so maybe that or I love the spiral shape of a seashell so maybe that would be me.

  • What a lovely idea. Blog hop! I’ll be hopping along!

  • Pam Stout

    I would love to learn how to put family photos into quilts with my grandkids words (quotes). Sure could use her knowledge with her book. Thank you for a fun creative giveaway:)

  • MissQuilterB

    Thank you for this fun give away. I have been thinking of quilting more with “words” lately, so hope this book can inspire me even more.p

  • Karen in Texas

    My symbol would be a funky bird or circles. I use both in my quilts.

  • Heidi

    My symbol would be a teacup and saucer, which represents, to me, both slowing down to enjoy the quiet moments — to contemplate and appreciate, and enjoying the companionship of a friend.

  • I enjoyed your conversation! Thanks for sharing. I like the idea of the challenges – stretching each other to go off in new directions. I am comfortable in the art quilt category, so would enjoy a new book. Thanks for giving us a chance, Lori!
    I don’t have a particular symbol. But I like things from nature.

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