Fishy-A Work in Progress

September 22, 2016
FMQ, Fish, Lori Kennedy

FMQ, Fish, Lori Kennedy

Good Morning, Quilters!

I’ve been fishing in my sewing room!

It was a rainy day in Minnesota and a golden opportunity to finish this cheery fish project.

I pulled out my palette of 30wt cotton threads...(Check out Sulky’s Sale HERE for the best prices.)

FMQ, Fish, Lori Kennedy

After stabilizing, I stitched around each of the fish and added a circle border using Sulky 30 wt cotton (Topstitch 90 needle).

FMQ, Fish, Lori Kennedy

Then I chose a variegated thread for the watery background. (Sulky 30wt cotton-Cotton Blendables)

FMQ, Fish, Lori Kennedy

FMQ, Fish, Lori Kennedy

I got a good start on the center…

FMQ, Fish, Lori Kennedy

NOTE–When you want your quilting design to show–use heavy weight thread (40wt or 30wt) in a contrasting color.

When you want the design to blend into the background, use lighter weight thread (50wt or 60wt) in a matching color.

FMQ, Fish, Lori Kennedy

I should have it done by the weekend…

What about YOU?

What are you stitching?

What are YOUR favorite threads?

We’d LOVE to hear!

I’d rather be quilting…


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks.

PS…This post contains an affiliate link to Sulky Threads.  If you chose to purchase, there is NO ADDITIONAL cost to you-and you will be assured of getting the best prices…





  • Dolores Good

    I love Aurifil thread and I am trying to sew. I’m ready but afraid to start, keep doodling etc. I am going to do feathers which I am not good at- so I keep stalling. I LOVE YOUR TUTORIALS, WATCH THEM ALLthe time so I can do it I know. Bye. got to get busy.dolores Good

  • Sue H

    Love your fishies!!! Probably because I’m a pisces!!!

    I’m quilting a panel of kitties. Very simple lines around the boxes and then outlining each cat. I plan on keeping this quilt in my car. It’d be for anyone traveling that gets cold OR in case of an emergency. People go into shock sometimes in an accident.

    • Linda Matthews

      A great way to keep a quilt in the car is a quillow – the lap size folded into thirds and stuffed into the 12″ block you sew onto one side. A pillow for napping as well as a cover! Directions are all around online…not a new idea:)

    • A

      Sounds like a girl who has a lot of quilts!

  • Karen W

    I’m working on a guitar stencil for my younger grandson’s 21st b/d quilt — hand-size guitars of 3 different shapes, to randomly place in the background, & a row of various length & types of guitar necks for the wide outer border. Should be able to transfer them to stencil plastic today.

  • Did I miss the post regarding stabilizers? Tell me more.

    • Support

      No. I meant stabilizing with straight stitching along the long axes of the quilt.

  • Michele

    I’m currently quilting a baby quilt, and reassessing the threads I use. I would love to know if people have favorite thread brands and why they love them.

  • Love this! You are so talented and I’m grateful you share your creative ideas with us. I think from a distance the little ovals in the background look a bit like squids to play with your fish. 🙂

  • Karen Sebung

    Totally loved this post. I have several appliqué quilt tops that need to be quilted and no idea how to do them

  • Judy Perl

    You are amazing!

  • dragee

    We are lucky to be gifted everyday with a new treat. Your projects are so inviting ! Thank you so much.

  • Connie B of AZ

    Thanks for sharing your project and the link to Sulky, I had not visited their site before, lots to offer. I just obtained some cute Hawaiian fish fabric, and my mind is abuzz with ideas

  • Martha

    I LOVE using heavier threads, but my machine (Elna excellence) doesn’t. 🙁
    Any tips for teaching it to play nicely with me?

    • Support

      Top stitch needles help a lot. Aurifil 50 wt cotton in the bobbin-don’t use the heavy thread in the bobbin.

      • Thanks for addressing the threads and needles issue. It’s the issue that accounts for the biggest gap in my quilting skill-set. I’ve yet to find a single source that provides a comprehensive instructional. Any suggestions?

    • Grandma Jane

      Have tried the topstitch needles? They can make a significant difference. And maybe try Aurifil in the bobbin….

  • Love your work. I do have a question, I am working on a healing quilt. I am calling it, Wrapped in Love. It is covered in lots of photos of the family. Do you suggest quilting over the photos or just in the sashing. The largest pictures are 8-10. HELP

    • Support

      I would avoid quilting over the photos if possible. – it can give people a creepy look. If the photos are large- quilt around the silhouettes-avoiding faces in particular.

  • Pretty! Was this inspired by Deborah B.’s new book?

    • Support

      Actually I made this before reading her book but am inspired to do another fish quilt with her techniques.

  • Mary Grass

    It is an adorable little quilt! How did you appliqué your fish to the background?

    • Support

      Needle turn hand applique.

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