Good Morning, Quilters!
A few weeks ago, I received some rather bad news about this website.
Five years ago, when I re-branded from The Inbox Jaunt to Lori Kennedy Quilts, , I used a small web developer and hosting company, Lifted Logic. They now inform me that the website architecture will soon be obsolete and the site will experience fatal errors. However, for the cost of a new longarm, it can be repaired- but it must be done immediately.
LK: Seriously? Those are my only options? I’m going to need a second opinion. Web developers –Sorry it’s true.
LK: What if I save only the motif tutorials and projects? Web Dev-Won’t help.
LK: What can you do for 50% of the cost of a new long arm? WD: It’s all or nothing. We suggest you move to a new host who might be able to do it cheaper.
LK’s Mother ringing in ears: If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything…….
LK: Silence

After moving to new host...(Bluehost-way less expensive for hosting and for development)
Bluehost: “Old architecture is going to cause your website to break at some unknown date.” We recommend rebuilding the site from scratch and we can do it at a (somewhat) affordable price.
LK: Can we save motifs and projects? Bluehost: Not easily-you will have to copy and paste every post manually. (But there are more than 2400 posts with texts and photos!?!)
LK-Can we save my subscribers list? Bluehost-NO!
LK: Waa waa waawaa

What’s A Girl to Do?
For several days I moped around in a funk.
In the grand scheme of life, I know that losing my website is low on the hierarchy,
But it is still a loss. A lot of time and effort went into those 2400 posts over 12 years. It’s frustrating to learn that in a puff of electronic vapor-all will vanish!
I decided it was over.
My blogging days were over. I simply could not start from scratch.

Minnesota Sun Comes Out
But then an interesting thing happened. The rainy days of MN spring opened up to a few days of sunshine.
A small voice inside said “this is an opportunity”.
“You still know the information.”
“You could organize in an all new way”.
“We can make it pretty!”

A New Website
So I’ve decided to start again with a brand new website! The name will remain Lori Kennedy Quilts, but the content will be all new and organized for easier access. I will copy a small number of posts from my current site. (I’d rather start fresh than spend hours copying and pasting.)
It’s scary to start again….
But there’s also something exciting about a fresh start!
What This Means for YOU
First of all, this website will stay in tact through mid-July. I will continue to write posts and send them to you via email, or you can access the site at any time.
If there are any tutorials, projects or information you would like to save, please do so as soon as possible. (“Fatal errors, unknown time frame“)
When the new site goes live, you will be required to re-subscribe.
I will keep you up to date on the progress,
Please sign up for my Facebook page and the Quillting with LKQ Facebook Group to keep up with current developments.

Please Share!
When is the last time a door closed and a window opened in YOUR life?
Was it a little scary or a little exciting or both?
Are YOU ready for a fresh start or a new look in some aspect of YOUR life?
Are YOU ready to roll up your sleeves and join me in this new quilting adventure?
We’d LOVE to hear!

Mother’s Day Weekend
Happy Mother’s Day, first to my Mom who taught me to hold my tongue–I’m never sorry when I do!
And to my daughters who are wonderful mothers!
And to all the mothers and grandmothers out there–
Wishing you all the best this weekend and this year!–I hope you have plenty of time with family and a little time to yourself to quilt!
Kind Regards,
It sounds as if the web company may have been trying to offload their smaller clients? I hope you manage to find a solution.
Patricia Evans
I’m sad to hear we will loose access to all your wonderful motifs and tutorials. I do have two of your books, so that will help. I don’t do Facebook so I guess I will just check regularly to see when you resurface.
Kate Smith
Thank you for letting us know. I immediately ordered 2 of your books that I’d been considering. I once had a similar ‘unable to migrate’ problem with 1500+ patient education handouts (for hospital) and IT was unable/unwilling to help (even for money, love, or unspecified sexual favors!) Even tho it took 6 months to covert and move them, it did get done, by me, and no sexual favors were required. (HR would have been appalled.) 🙂 Keep chugging and it will get done, really.
Karen R. Smith
I’m so sorry this happened to you, but as you say this is a chance for a new begining.
I have been a fan of yours since I got my longarm.
I will continue to follow you. Stay strong and know you have an army encouraging you.
What a shock Lori! I am anti-facebook, so hoping you can find another venue.
I would gladly pay for a subscription if you go that route. Have been following you since Inbox Jaunt & have all of your books; so detailed & well-written.
I even made a small quilt from the little piece you sent out with one of your books. Never give up & please find a way to continue teaching us, Happy
Mother”s Day to your and yours.
So sorry to hear that! I no longer belong to Facebook so my only connection is through your emails. Will I still receive those?
I’m wondering if everyone of your followers each copy/pasted one tutorial, could we save your website?
I know nothing about this , but surely you have more than 2400 followers, could we do it? I’d certainly be happy to try!
Jody Anderson
So sorry to hear this news. I know first hand about website dramas, and it’s never fun. If it helps, we use aWeber for emails – can you export your list and at least keep that?
A new site is always fun (once it’s launched), so try and enjoy the process, and we’re looking forward to seeing your new website when you’re ready. xx
Barbara Macey
When I found your Inbox Jaunt site those years ago I thought that your patience was so evident & I began following you. You’ve taught me so much & offered different methods to try & so I easily became a quilter. With these new changes, though probably daunting I’ve every confidence that all will work out. Thank You Lori. Happy Mother’s Day. AND—>You Go Girl.
Jane McN
I was just thinking of you this morning when I found myself practicing quilt motifs on the shower mirror! Sorry for your inconvenience, but please don’t give up, you impact is far more than you know.
Kathie Banks
Technology is always shifting. It’s a given. We appreciate that you’re willing to take the steps necessary to keep this little party going. You make FMQ easy with your down to earth approach.
I’m presently working on a quilt and have your three books out on my table with sticky notes marking the motifs that I want to work with on this project. Before I started the quilting, I watched your Craftsy videos to refresh. I will never lose my favorite Lori Kennedy stuff! In October we found yet another crack in the foundation of our 50 year old house. We decided to go house hunting, and six weeks later, we moved into a house that’s perfect for our lifestyle today. We had to make the change. We jumped into action and got it done. Now we’re in a house where I have a sewing room that’s twice as big and has a walk in closet to stash my stash. Change is hard, but it’s worth it. Keeping you in my prayers.
Judy Monaghan
Well this is just annoying!! I’m so glad you decided to go in a new direction and keep sharing your beautiful designs with us. I’ll definitely sign up for the new site!! Keep blogging …
Susan McFarland
I’m in.
June Neigum
I see a new book in the future with all your great motifs and directions to make them that are not in your other books. A reference book of sorts. Good luck with the new website. i am sure it is a pain but it will be worth it in the long run. Will still follow you. I have been with you since Inbox Jaunt.
Sorry to hear your bad news but look forward to your new site. Onwards and upwards to a new beginning.
Looking forward to your new site. Hope all goes well
Ruth Gobeille
Years ago I had a door closed on me – being forced out of a job I loved. As I was searching for another job my friend suggested i take a quilting class…and the sun shined through that opened window!!! Your work has been an inspiration to me. I have saved many of your postings on Pinterest and always look for new ones. I, too, will be looking forward to your new website.
Laura Hernández
Te sigo desde The Inbox Jaunt y allí donde vayas te seguiré. Pero hay algo que quiero decirte: gracias GRACIAS POR TU HUMOR, SENCILLEZ Y GENEROSIDAD A LA HORA DE COMPARTIR EL CONOCIMIENTO. Siempre eres inspiradora y el hecho de no darte por vencida te retrata por completo. Nada se pierde todo se transforma. Mucha suerte en este renacer.
Joan Varonka
Lori, Does this include all your YouTube tutorials also? If so, 😭😭😭😭
Susan Brausch
Enjoy your new journey! So happy you are going to launch new opportunities! Keep posting and continue to spread your joy of quilting.
Bonnie Thornburg
Lori, I would love to have all your designs printed in books! I have all 3 books and love using your designs on my quilts, and am eagerly waiting for the next book!
I use your motifs more than any other I’ve found and I have lots of books, including yours. Right now I’m using the square daisy on a king sized quilt I’m doing. Thank you for the notice so I can look through your current website. Just wanted to say thank you for all the wonderful tutorials. I’m with you on to your new adventure.
What a bummer! Good luck with the new site. I will certainly sign up when it goes live.
I’m sorry you have to go through this, change is so scary. But my mom taught me many years ago that God never closes a door that he doesn’t open a window. Keep your eye on the window and seize that opportunity with both hands. There’s something better waiting for you.
Gail Cohan
When you think life is handing you a can of worms, remember worms help cultivate the earth and bring forth beautiful flowers and veggies. There will be butterflies, bees and birds to help ensure you’ll have an even more wonderful site.
Can’t wait to see it!
Terri D
What about those of us that no longer use Facebook, is there any other way for us to keep up on the news, if your mailing list goes away so we know to re-sign up?
So sorry to hear this news. I wonder if it’s possible to transfer your email list to another service, like MailChimp, and use that instead. Seems like you could export the current list to a spreadsheet and import to MailChimp. That’s what we did where I used to work. Your email list is so critical!
Carolyn in Tucson, Arizona, USA
I am so glad to know the quilting community will not be loosing you. Just opening a new door to the challenging future can be scary, but you have all the knowledge to make your website even better. I have been following since The Inbox Jaunt, loved the name. However, I have a problem with how to keep up with knowing about your new website development. I do not use Facebook due to security reasons. My husband and I share a computer, but different desktops. I do see you on “We All Sew” and I do get your newsletter. Will I just have to search Google when your old website blinks out and dissipates into the ether with the hope I find you?; Hoping to find another solution. Thank you for all you do to uplift and educate quilters with such a fun website. You are a gift to quilters.
Kara Reeder
Oh Lori, how awful!!! It’s you we love and will follow you wherever you go! Thanks for the head’s up to copy some of your awesome posts (I’ve used so many of your ideas again and again). Thank you for having the courage to pick yourself back up after what must feel like a complete disaster. We love you!
Yes, technology can be good AND bad, depending on circumstances. You are a force of nature, girl, and you found a way to continue…good for you! I, also, will be following you wherever you go..you have a faithful following!
Sad results for so many years of effort. I don’t use Facebook so am hoping I can sign up with your new website thru email. Thank you for all the fun information you’ve provided.
I’m so happy to have been with you and your expertise for many years. You are so computer savvy that I know your next venture will be accomplished and working well in the not too distant future!
Thank you for all your guidance.
Waiting patiently for the next chapter.
CK Beach
PS — My mother must have known your mother. If you can’t say something nice…..:0D
CK Beach
SO glad you are Not leaving us!!
SO Excited to see what the new site will hold!!
SO very grateful for your creativity and talent and skill which you so willingly share with us!!
You are an Inspiration!! Thank you so very much!!
Emily Precious
I’m sorry to hear about your dilemma, I always try to look at doors closing as an opportunity to explore new ideas and ways of working. I have just this week had a door close on me, but it has given me the time to explore other areas of craft with some very good friends in new premises, which I have yet to find. Good look with your new website and I can’t wait to see it. Xxx
So sorry this happened! Sometimes technology stinks but I’m not surprised you figured it out. Thankfully you are forging ahead and we won’t lose you🥰
Barbara F
So sorry to hear of your frustrating situation. I love your work too and will follow you wherever you land
Cathy B.
Me too! At first it sounds like a spam email but you are experienced and wouldn’t fall for that. I will stick, keep us all informed where and when we all move with you to answer better site! Keep your sunny side up! cathy
the universe must be plotting against quilters !!! theresa down under is having similar problems with youtube. so frustrating working with technology that doesn’t respond to a seam ripper!
I will do whatever is required to remain a loyal follower. You taught me how to draw, you have inspired me to carry on, and your honesty has been a joyful departure from ‘bee kind’ society, which is mostly not.
Heartland Honey
Would it be possible to get some of your followers to copy this data for you? I’d help if that’s the route you’re interested in pursuing.
You think like I do! I just posted this below!
Jean E. Quick
So sorry to see this great site go. I am currently working on a wedding quilt for my grandson and am in midst of FMQ one of your beautiful designs. I learned from you and are so grateful for your work and talents. “All things work for good…”
Scott Penning
You can see your old site here. https://web.archive.org/web/20230326123949/https://lorikennedyquilts.com/
This is a Non-Profit that stores sites so we do not loose content. it will still be there after you shut your site down.
You could also scrape your own site to get all the content and images. That way you and add it back in as is or edit them with a new eye to how you see the world today.
Oh Lori, that was the devastating news! I am so glad you did not want to give up. We women are so resilient, we just cannot let something we love to crumble and be gone. We redo!
Thank you so much for your tutorials (website, books, articles), they have been inspiring me for many years. I admire your willingness to help all of us and share your passion and knowledge. You are the true artist!
Looking forward to browsing your new website, I know it would be wonderful.
Good luck and Happy Mother’s day!
WOW!!! That is quite a shock to your system. So glad to hear that you will be staring fresh. I will definitely be signing up. I hope the change goes smoother than expected, and you receive a huge positive response, as I’m sure you will. Doors close and windows open – they let in fresh air, fresh thinking, and fresh opportunities. Take Good Care as you navigate your new path. Excited to see what you create. Thanks for accepting this challenge.
Isabel Waddell
Happy Mother’s Day and Thanks for your continued talent and devotion in teaching us your gift… I’m sticking with you! Blessings Lori
Barb Czarniecki
So sorry to hear about your troubles. Technology- aaaahhhhh. I’ll be signing up when your new site is unveiled. Thanks for all your inspiration!
Have you heard the coda to When one door closes another door opens? It’s but it sure is hell waiting in the hallway!
Can’t live without you. I will be there when you enter your new path.
Leah Groenwald
Life is full of adventures! Your’s will be wonderful. Peace be with you
So sorry to hear about your website. Starting over with anything is scary and exciting. Bigger and better things are headed your way. 24 years ago, I moved from Canada to the US with my 6 year old little boy. We brought what could fit in my car. I had a job waiting for me when I arrived. Being a nurse I could virtually move wherever I wanted. Started a new life. So, I can understand what you are feeling. Follow your hopes and dreams!
Your blog kept me sane during Covid! I always look forward to reading your advice and benefitting from your lessons. I truly hope you can continue without hassles. Happy Mother’s Day!
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