Creative Rituals

July 14, 2014
Free Motion Quilting, Spool and flowers

Free Motion Quilting, Spool and flowers


I start every Monday with a “creative ritual”—

I make a cup of coffee, feed the dogs, sharpen my pencils and sit at the computer…

Pinterest?  Read Blogs?   Design Quilts?  NO!

I do paperwork, bills and phone calls.  I call this a “creative ritual” because if I don’t do it (or make my bed)…I can’t relax enough to be creative!

For a short, amusing account of Creative Rituals, you might like:  “The Best Creative Ritual:  Begin” by Walt Kania at

Happy Stitching,


PS…All images, tutorials and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin, share, or tweet with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thank you!




  • This is not a ritual but sometimes the most fun part of my day…reading the blog and all the wonderfully cleaver and funny responses. Sounds like we need some crock pot meal recipes so we are not running out of our studios at the sound of gravel or the garage door.
    I love the comment about “creams for high piles” that made me LOL.
    Lori, are you going to give us a tutorial on the flower in the spool? I am using you spool tutorial In the borders of a quilt I am making. The flower in the spool would be perfect for some of the larger squares. I think I could figure it out if you are not planning a tutorial.
    Got the new American quilter magazine. Can’t wait to try this months tutorial.
    Love your blog and all the followers.

  • I am a new member to your Newsletter and so far I love it… I would like to know if you are a Longarm Quilter or using your Home Sewing Machine ? I do share your page on my “Pat’s Quilting Designs” on Facebook.. You really surprise me with your patterns.. Thanks

    • Support

      I stitch on a domestic sewing machine.

  • Sally Parrish

    I too can’t get comfortable and create or play IF there is serious chore pending. AND Monday is my paperwork catch up day. I love that free feeling after the paperwork is done and the next couple of days are mine. ;))

  • Mary Gerass

    Lori, I love the thread spool with the flower and leaves coming out of it… adorable!
    My Monday ritual is getting myself to the gym……..weight machines for an hour and usually an errand or two before “dragging” myself back home. After lunch and a short nap, I’m doing laundry, a little cleaning and fixing dinner……Wow, when I put it in print, I think I accomplished a lot today. I’m off to my sewing room for the evening!

  • Paula

    I have to clean up my kitchen before I start my quilting day. After breakfast has been made and eaten and lunches have been bagged (and only sometimes forgotten) I get in there and load the dishwasher, wash the pots and pans, wipe down the counters and put everything away. Why you may ask? Because I inevitably come running from the sewing room to start dinner when I hear gravel crunching in the driveway. I sure don’t want those breakfast dishes in my way… that would be a dead give away to my DH LOL

    • Regina D.

      The garage door opening sends me running! HA! Glad to see we all have a great sense of what WE need to do! 😉

    • Support


      • OMYGOSH! So funny! the gravel crunching has sent me running too…LOL!

  • Yikes, you reminded me of a bill I have due for some gravel on the driveway.

  • lavonne

    I have one to. each Monday and fill out my calendar spreading my to-do list I create on the weekend with an item for each day. At 70 and retired it is so easy to procrastinate. I fill a cup of coffee, take down the calendar and fill in each day with the items. Then each morning I do that item before anything else. Why is it balancing the checkbook is the last one for the week? Only thing that gets done later in the day is grocery shopping because it is absolutely essential I stop at JoAnne Fabrics and our local quilt shop after the grocery store to see what is on special. That day I stop at the local coffee shop for scones. If it weren’t for this- I’m sure everything would pile up ’tillthe end of the month

  • The flower in the spool is so cute! Love!
    I seem to have to throw a load of clothes in the washer, grab a cuppa coffee and Swiffer my floors (so much hair for such a small dog!), depending the season check to see what needs water outside, feed and water Romeo (the dog not the hubby..haha) and then maybe can see what mischief I can get into down in the sewing room. 🙂 The older I get the easier it is to walk past a few things on my way to the sewing machine (like the ironing pile) but any pile that gets too deep starts to bother me after a while and I have to take care of it. 🙂 (there’s creams for that but so messy! heehee) I also have several projects going at the moment…something I never used to be able to do…would obsessively finish one before starting another. I’ve chilled some I guess and that’s a good thing. 🙂

  • Martha Henrichs

    I like your idea of a creative ritual. I’ve been working on the idea of Motivated Mondays. It’s the start of a new week and a new opportunity to accomplish things I have been putting off. I’ll be adding your ritual to my Mondays.

  • I love the spool/flower design you posted today. My creative ritual is very random. No two days are alike. I list everything I need to do and cross it off when it’s done.

  • Thanks for the link. I left a comment on Walt’s blog. My ritual of piecing scraps randomly onto batting scraps boosts my creativity and production. I don’t consciously think while I piece, but it gets me into the right frame of mind to work.

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