‘C’ is for…And a Quick Letter Project

April 7, 2014


The Letter C- StitchedDear Readers,

Last week we had a most hilarious discussion about quilting and other abbreviations and acronyms…Read more HERE... I was certainly not alone in my confusion  about some of these written shortcuts.  Thank you to all who added to the list and provided links to other lists.  My plan is to compile all the abbreviations for easy reference here at The Inbox Jaunt and in our Quilt Notebooks.

I also asked…What is the “c” for in my initials: LCK?  Here’s a little hint…

Downton Abbey Quote

The most frequent guess was “Catherine”–which definitely would sound great with Kennedy!  as does Caroline, of course…

The Letter C- StitchedMy favorite guess was “Cookie”–(chocolate chip, yes, thank you!)

The Letter C- Stitched

The Letter C- StitchedBy now you’re all probably thinking my middle name is Cora...but it’s not…Lori Cora–is not a good name do you think?

In fact, The Letter C is taken from my maiden name-Crawley-–Just like the heirs to Downton Abbey.  (I’m convinced I’m an heiress as well!)

Downton Abbey Quote

My middle name is Ann and I didn’t want my monogram to be LAK–

Too bad my parents didn’t name me Lori Ursula–that would have been fortuitous, don’t you think?

The Letter C- StitchedI have a small disclaimer here…I found both of the Downton Abbey photos and captions on Pinterest.  I know Matthew and Lord Grantham are cousins–but is Cora’s last name Crawley?  or is this just a Pinterest mistake?

NOTE:  The letters in the top three images were free printables I found  at Skiptomylou.org HERE...  I simply layered fabric and batting, stitched around the letters twice and then cut close to the stitched line–leaving a raw edge.  Cute for decorating packages or bulletin boards…or maybe as a child’s spelling toy.

Until tomorrow,  (I have a fun TFMQT–Tuesday Free Motion Quilt Tutorial) for you!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to Pin and re-blog with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  THX!



  • As a teacher, I’ve come across many combinations of initials or names that are ….um….. ‘open to interpretation’. So when it came to naming our daughter, several of my husband’s choices were vetoed (conveniently!!!) Our daughter’s initials are G.E.M. and she certainly is one!

  • You realize that from here on in for DA addicts like me, there will be an irresistable urge to refer to you as ” the Lady Crawley at Castle Jaunt”!

    Also congrats on the AQ column, just got to read it last night and look forward to more!

    • A

      You’ve got me stumped…what’s DA? I do like the sound of Castle Jaunt–but would love an explanation.

  • sillyandrea

    My initial before I got married were ART. But signing my artwork like that always felt a little pretentious. 😀

    Now my initials are ARR. I tell people I’m a pirate.

  • Naw, I”m Canadian. But I had the same question as you so I did a little digging. It’s the librarian in me. Love your letters, by the way.

  • Duane Wiley

    Congrats on the new feature article in the AQ Magazine! I just got my copy yesterday and looked for you right away! I will be looking forward to seeing you in print every month!. Of course I get your blog updates all the time and love them.

    • A

      I’m so glad you like the print version. I can’t wait to write more columns…so many ideas!

  • A great fun post!!! I’m looking forward to your acronym list!!!! You are way too funny!!!! Hugs………………………

  • rosemarazzle

    Rosemary B here:
    Ohhhhh that’s cool. Wow.
    I am looking forward to tomorrow indeed.
    I need a FMQ transfusion haha
    Thanks for this fun explanation and cute colorful letters!

    • FMQ! wow I love that, I have a new phrase to inform others of my mental health status. I believe those around me would understand this concept.

  • Karen

    Love this post! Love Downton Abbey! I’m impressed that you’re a Crawley 🙂

    • A

      Yes, being a Crawley has it’s benefits…but “Creepy Crawley” was a little embarrassing!

  • Those letters could be used to write messages on design walls.

  • Lord Grantham’s last name, as with Cora and the daughters, is Crawley. The family name is not derived from the title. Just like for Diana Spencer, the late Princess of Wales. Her Father was Viscount Althorp.

    • A

      Suzanna, Thanks for that excellent explanation. I thought it was something like that. Are you British?

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