Best News!

September 9, 2015
Henry, Baby Hands

Newborn HenryPlease join me in celebrating THE BEST NEWS:  The birth of our first grandchild, Henry!

My daughter, Nora gave birth to this adorable little peanut on Labor Day.

Congratulations, Nora and Travis–strong work!Newborn Henry
Newborn HenryI wonder what he’s dreaming about?!

I’m sure you all can imagine our joy!  Oh Happy Day!

Oh Henry!






  • Kristin

    Congratulations! He is beautiful.

  • Wanda Calderwood

    Congratulations! There’s nothing like grandchildren.

  • Sharon

    Congratulations grandchildren are the best.\

  • Congratulations! He’s precious. When a child is born, so is a grandparent. It’s the best!!! I am delighted for you.

  • Congratulations Lori, he’s precious and I love the picture of the happy family, that’s great!!

  • Congratulation. How sweet!

  • Susan A

    So very cute..congrats to all

  • Sri Poedjastoeri

    Congratulations! I love your class and doodling ideas.

  • Michele


  • Dar.... Fe.....

    Congrautlations! It is hard to find anything better than being a grandparent:-) ENJOY

  • Trish

    Congratulations to all. Life will never be the same and you will now know a whole new kind of love – it’s awesome! Enjoy it!

  • Major congratulations!! We recently were blessed with our first grandchild, Otto, and so I know the joy you are having.

    🙂 Linda

  • Judie

    Congratulations. Lovely photos.

  • Floy Heidenreich

    Congratulations! He’s a cutie.

  • Cathie Thunell

    Handsome baby boy–so happy for your family!

  • Congratulations!!! Grandbabies are so, so special! You are going to have a load of fun. I have two with one on the way.

  • Gloria roman

    Congratulations! Beautiful family. My best days are with my grandchildren.

  • Kathy

    So Precious! Enjoy and congratulations.

  • Darlene B

    So happy for all of you!

  • That’s the bestest news ever! We welcomed our first grandbaby in January, and there’s nothing like being a grandma! (don’t tell his parents, but I may love him even more than I love them!)

  • Pam Arbour

    Congratulations! He is a doll. So precious!

  • Mary O.


  • Beautiful baby boy. Congratulations to all.

  • Kathryn Hartley

    Congratulations to you and Henry’s parents!!!

  • Oh, what a sweetheart! Congratulations to you and your family.

  • Billie Shannon

    Congratulations! My DIL gave birth to twins in July so I certainly understand your joy.

  • Congratulations! Such a joyous thing!

  • Cheri Barker

    Congratulations! Having a grand baby is the best thing in the world.

  • Congratulations! Enjoy!! He’s so handsome.

  • Helenanne Judisch

    Congratulations! So happy for you and your entire family.

  • Carola S. De Pasuale


  • Luz Galvan

    Felicidades !!! Siempre es una esperanza el nacimiento de un ser.
    Hermoso pequeño, que tenga una feliz vida !!!ª

  • nnstitches


  • hes’ beautiful. just got a day after labor day present myself….our 5th grandchild. they are way too much fun. they certainly make all those hard days of parenting most definitely well worth the ardour!

  • June Ayerza

    Congratulations on becoming grandparents! By the way, Love your Crafty Class.

  • Diane Dashevsky

    Congrats!! Being a grandparent is the best!!!

  • What a precious moment! Congratulation!

  • Jo Ann Olinger

    Congrats! Our first grandson is 14. And we have 3 added since his birth. He forever changed our lives. Enjoy!

  • Cheryl S.

    What a perfect baby! Congratulations to everyone. There must be a quilt (or 2 or 3) in the works for baby Henry!

  • Kaylene

    Being a grandparent is wonderful.. They fill a spot in your heart, that you didn’t know was empty! Enjoy every precious moment with them you can. They grown up way to fast.

  • Congratulations on your first grandbaby! What a doll! Enjoy!

  • Betsy Beech

    Congratulations! He’s just beautiful!

  • Cheryl

    Congratulations! A beautiful blessing.

  • How exciting! There’s nothing better than grandchildren! 🙂

  • Terry Sheldon

    Congrats, Lori! Hope he’s nearby so you can REALLY be a doting grandma! Who knows, maybe he inherited the quilting gene…?

  • Congratulations on being a Grandmother for the 1st time. It’s such a joyous time to watch them grow and change so fast. Enjoy as time does goes fast!

  • sillyandrea

    Grandbabies are THE BEST! 🙂

  • What a beautiful baby! Congratulations to you and your family! He will become your biggest joy, just as my 7 year old Tristan is to me! Blessings to Master Henry!

  • Licorne

    Félicitations pour ce petit HENRY!

    A vous et ses parents je vous souhaite beaucoup de bonheur, c’est merveilleux d’être mamy et papy, que du bon!

    vous allez lui faire de magnifiques courtepointes!

    Je vous souhaite beaucoup de joie pour ce premier petit fils!

    Bien amicalement!

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