• Laroletta Petty

    I am so amazed at the wonderful breadth of items that you come up with for the week-end post. They are wonderful and thank you for your research. I love every one of them and look forward to week-end posts. I love that recording and had some of those stamps oh so many years ago.

  • Leslie Schmidt

    Was this prompted by your son’s tournament or the fact that the MLB All Star Game is in MN next week? I really love the graphics of the stamps. Whenever I hear Casey at the Bat I can’t help but remember the Disney cartoon of it, with the big body of Casey and his tiny little feet dancing around. My husband is in the Oratorio Society of Minnesota, and they performed it last year as one of their concerts. There were a couple of professional actors and a small band with some unusual instruments and James Lileks as the narrator. The choir wore softball shirts and acted like the fans in the stands. It was lots of fun. I’ll have to check out the James Earl Jones version. Thanks for digging up these treasures.

    • A

      The post was prompted by both–the baseball quilts, too! My son is going with a friend to the Home Run Derby on Monday…

      The performance your husband was in sound so cool! I would have loved it!

      PS…Keep your fingers crossed, my son’s team made it to the Championship game tonight in St. Cloud…Go Pioneers!

  • Brenda

    Great. I don’t think I’ve ever heard it read aloud. Always read to myself. What a treat!

  • Cool stamps! and loved hearing JEJ tell the story…that was awesome. Thanks! How’d the tourney go? or are you still at it? Hope your son had a great time.

  • Marta

    Oops…I didn’t mean I wanted some of her dress…just the blueberry fabric!!..sorry.

  • Marta

    Not a baseball fan per se but love the art!! I was thinking….my neighbor’s blueberries have come in for the season and “I found my thrill on Blueberry Hill” has been running through my mind! Is there art to go with blueberry music? When first granddaughter was age 2 there was a really cute blueberry fabric out. I made her a dress with it. Wish I had some of it to use in a quilt now..My mom collected stamps… she would have liked these.

  • terri414cb

    My goodness! How do you think of these wonderful ideas! Stamps? Very cool!

  • Mikey

    Darn! I’d loved to have heard it…

  • Rowena

    Lori, just to let you know that the recording by James Earl Jones has been removed from YouTube!

    • A

      Rowena, Thanks for letting me know! I found a different link to the same video clip–and it’s up and running again. Again–thanks for taking the time to tell me!

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