American Quilter Giveaway!

August 28, 2014


American Quilter MagazineToday is your lucky day!  On newsstands now the September edition of American Quilter Magazine and it’s loaded with lots of good stuff.

In addition to “My Line with Lori Kennedy”–5 pages of free motion quilting, there’s a great article about Freddy Moran–the very colorful, Freddy Moran–that you won’t want to miss.

(In an upcoming post, I’ll show you my Freddy Moran inspired quilt–it’s over 10 years old and still much-loved!

American Quilter MagazineLast time we had winners from all over the world…a little “quilting-ambassadorship”…

AmericanQuilterGiveaway.LKennedy003This month, winners must be from the US or Canada…

Please leave a comment…

What are your favorite motifs?…  OR

What motifs would YOU like to see in free motion quilting?

I will choose three winners at random.  Winners announced on Monday, September 1.

Good Luck,






  • Jaleh Shafa

    Masculine motifs! I need ideas for those quilts for the men in my life.

  • Leaf patterns are my favorite. I would like to learn how to incorporate circles into my patterns.

  • Nicole

    I think I use pebbles more than anything else but I am working on expanding my repertoire of fills. Thanks!

  • Barb E., Highlands Ranch, CO

    Feathers are so beautiful to me. And no matter how hard I try, they just don’t come out right. I’d really LOVE a tutorial on “feathers for dummies”!

    • Ann H

      I am a new quilter so anything I can make look passable is a favorite. I do love the “quilting zen”.

    • Dizzy Daisies, apples, flower pots and you are so artistic. Look forward to all you ideas and want to see your articles. I know they will be a hit.

    • About all I do is meandering or loops and maybe add stars or hearts in either. I am in awe of all you do. I like looking at all of them, but do not have the artistic ability to do what you do.

  • Diane Bartow

    I would love to see sea shells! I have a quilt waiting for me to put something on it with seashells. Thanks for all of the GREAT tutorials and so much inspiration!

  • LumaLu

    This magazine has been sitting under my chair for over a week. Little did I know I was ignoring such a treasure as the Freddy Moran article! Thank you for bringing it to my attention!!! Her design method and studio organizing tips have really hit a beautiful chord in my soul! I have to SCHEDULE some time to play in my Studio! (never to be referred to as my craft room again!) THANK YOU Lori and Freddy!

  • Denise

    My favorite is Dizzy Daisy, can’t wait to play with that one!

  • Julia

    I’m best at stippling and meandering as I use them to fill backgrounds and borders quickly. I like to see designs that can be used to fill up negative space quickly and how to handle corners and areas I’ve missed and have to work back to. Those always through me for a loop.

  • maggielou

    I have to say I love all of the motifs that you have taught me so far. I love loops and flowers.

  • I love all of your motifs. You are so creative!

  • How can you answer that question? I love them all! Quilting is as unique as the quilt itself and you have to love it all from simple stipple to beautiful feathers. Lori I just love it.

  • Marta

    Not having finished going through your archives, I don’t know whether there is a bunny pattern already. I love them. Other favorites are pine cone with pine needles and acorns with oak all flowers too! Thanks for the opportunity to win a mag.
    Blessings pour for you. A result of your hard work? There is a lot to be said for practice making you ready for when opportunity knocks. Congrats!

  • Helen Johnston

    I really like the flower motifs. I find that the rounded petals that are echoed complement the geometric angles of the patchwork.

  • Marcia

    Thanks for the giveaway. I would like ideas of how to quilt half square triangles, flying geese…pieced blocks

  • Carol Hungerford

    I especially love the Daisy. But then I love each little motif and marvel at how you turn them into all over designs. More please ……….

  • Sharon Meyer

    I love scrolls and squiggles as i can free motion them fairly well. I would love to see seashells used in free motion quilting, i think they would be splendid

  • Denise Cabral

    I haven’t quilted long enough to have a favorite. I will have to subscribe to this magazine now to see your articles every month.

  • I’d like to do more flower motifs. Thanks for all your hints and demos and wonderful sharing.

  • Terry

    Leaf motifs..followed closely by flowers 🙂

  • I have been enjoying your designs and practicing some of them for about a year now. I especially like the new crazy daisy. I’m planning to use it on a charity I just finished.

  • Laurie Reissler

    The Spirograph sun looks like fun. I plan to use it on my next quilt. And the giveaway would make a really neat birthday present…hint, hint.

  • Ann D

    I’m not comfortable with free motion quilting yet. Although having stumbled across your blog a few months ago and seeing your tutorials, I’m sure I will have success. I really liked your flower and swirl pattern you introduced this week. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

  • i love the floral motifs!

  • Ashley

    I love more organic motifs, like feathers and flowers, even though I’m awful at them! You have an apple one that I just LOVE. When I get a little better at it, I’ll try it on something for my mom who’s a teacher!

  • Jan Rogers

    Hi, Lori ,
    I love your blog! I am a relatively newcomer, having just heard about you a month or so ago. You may have already shared this with us, but if not, I would love to see an Iris motif. It’s our state flower and there is a big Iris festival in our town every year. I have been thinking about making an Iris wallhanging to commemorate that and that would be a wonderful addition.

  • I lean toward wanting to use flowers, but think geometrics are very underrated.

  • Tammie Wallace

    I love feathers all types of feathers. Since I am still very new I haven’t really figured out how to modify them to fit inside different shapes. I guess it just means I need to keep practicing.

  • feathers, feathers, feathers! thanks for the chance. I live in Canada, in Winnipeg, just across the border from you.

  • Joyce Owen

    love them all but would love any of the little critters and animals to put on kids quilts.


    Lori, you are so talented. How long have you been quilting & especially FMQ? I enjoy flowers on swaying stems with leaves turned “willy nilly.” As I recuperate I sketch & try new loosely flowing designs. I don’t know that any of these sketches will ever be used as they are reminders of therapies.

  • Hi Lori…you know you’ve asked a question impossible to answer…lol… I love all your motifs..I love feathers and paisley so I try to incorporate those as much as possible. I adore your “sewing” motifs…the sewing machine, needles and thread spools….how about adding a pair of scissors and a rotary cutter to your collection of motifs? I’m thinking of a wall-hanging for my sewing room JUST FOR ME… and I’d love to use these as my quilting inspiration. Blessings….

  • Diane G

    Dizzy Daisy is my favorite so far. I love the way you break down the designs to make them so simple to do. I just need a lot more practice.

  • Sharon M

    Congratulations on being published! I would love to do something with a ballet theme, maybe a tutu or shoe. I love all the designs you have done so far.

  • My favorite motifs are feathers but I would like to learn something new like how to make objects.. example would be a dog or cat, deer or cow, lion or elephant.. or food.. haha I always considered those too hard for free motion. pat

  • Denise

    I would like to see a free motion motif that combines dragonflies, butterflies, and flowers as an all over background motif.

  • Any kind of flower!

  • I like motifs of nature inspired subjects like flowers and fauna, also, cute motifs of animals for childrens quilts. I like yours because you don’t have to stop and start, just happily sew.

  • Edna Kidd

    Love them all and but don’t think I can pick just one design. Thanks for the giveaway…

  • James

    I’m new to fmq, so lots of the motifs are eye candy until I practice more. But I really like the Happy Blossoms – pretty forgiving for the newbie! Thanks for the chance to win.

  • I really like the borders you have created. And the only thing I would like to see added is how to turn a corner, particularly on the more complicated ones. Thanks for sharing with us all.

  • Cindy

    I especially love your flower and seasonal motifs, like the apple. I’d love to see a Black Eyed Susan.

  • I can’t choose a favorite, they are all wonderful! They part I love about your tutorials is that it has changed my eye and creates more ideas in my head.

  • Elaine Morgan

    flowers are always my favorite!

  • Karen

    Feathers, hands down..enjoy doing all of yours and it has taught me how to figure out my own design so it can be continuous.

  • Peggy Rihn

    I have used several of your motifs in my quilts but my favorites are the square flower and the pretty posies.

  • I especially like free motion motifs that echo designs in the quilt, either fabric designs or piece shapes

  • Kathy Reilly

    Flowers & feathers are always beautiful!

  • I still haven’t done the FMQ but see yours all the time and think I might be willing to try.

  • Betty Skillett

    I love them all but my favorite is Flower Power. I am just learning FMQ and your blog has been wonderful. Thanks

  • I think everything you do is wonderful and the directions are so clear it inspires me to go try it. I would like to see more fillers. This is the thing I struggle with the most.
    Thank you for sharing with us all your wonderful designs and knowledge. This is one of the first sites I come to everyday to see what you have done.

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