About Lori Kennedy Quilts

Hello Quilters!

Thank you for visiting Lori Kennedy Quilts. If you love make quilts, but are intimidated or uninspired by the quilting phase, you’ve come to the right place. I will guide you every step of the way-from finished quilt top to cherished heirloom and we will have fun along the way. Through the blog and other website offerings, my goal is to inspire you to quilt your own quilt tops. Yes, YOU can turn that stack of UFOs into completed quilts!

I believe quilting should be fun! I will show you how to stop worrying about stitching perfection and replace it with quilting personality. My goal is to teach you how to create quilts with a hand-drawn quality-not ruler perfection. Your family and friends will love your quilts as a true reflection of YOU!

Quilts with personality become heirlooms!

My Story

I have been quilting for twenty years and teaching and writing for over ten years. In that time, I’ve grown my quilting studio. I learned to free motion quilt on a (now vintage) BERNINA sewing machine. The harp space was very small and the machine didn’t even have a needle-down function! My studio has come a long way since then. I currently quilt on a BERNINA 770QE, a BERNINA Q20 sit-down quilting machine and a BERNINA Q24 with Qmatic on a longarm frame. I use them all–as often as I can. I am proud to be a BERNINA Ambassador–though the tutorials found here a designed for any type of sewing machine.


In Print

The only thing I love more than quilting is sharing my passion with other quilters. You can find step-by-step motif tutorials in AQ Magazine-My Line with Lori Kennedy. In addition, I frequently contribute projects and motif tutorials to BERNINA’s WeAllSew blog.

Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3  includes more than 60 motifs with step-by-step photos and instructions as well as two chapters on skill building activities. A wide variety of motifs–don’t miss this classic book!

More Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 includes 60 more motifs, again with step-by-step photos and instructions. The book is organized by season and theme.  The Halloween motifs are absolute fan favorites!

25 Days to Better Machine Quilting has been a bestseller from the day it debuted. Each chapter walks through 25 skills to help you become a more confident quilter. Then reinforce the skill with 25 quick projects. Guaranteed success!

Workshops and Lectures

One of the best ways to learn machine quilting is through classes and workshops-either online or in-person. Classes are designed for all skill levels with an emphasis on developing good quilting habits while learning a variety of motifs.

Click here for my current teaching schedule.

For more information about booking classes, click here to contact me.

Other Interests

When I’m not quilting or writing, I love to spend time with my six children and 10 grandchildren. If I have any time (or energy) left, I love hiking the trails of Minnesota with my camera searching for birds, animals, wildflowers, mushrooms….

Join me as we put the fun back into quilting! And remember-the only way to ruin a quilt is to not quilt it!


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