A Creativity Challenge

August 3, 2015
Bird Mini Quilt

Bird Mini QuiltGood Morning, Quilters!  Happy Monday!


Just ONE WEEK until Divide and Conquer- Creative Quilting for Any Space launches! Seven lessons filled with strategies, tips, motifs, techniques, favorite supplies….All in one video that you can watch and re-watch, bookmark and personalize!

Craftsy, Lori Kennedy

Craftsy, Lori Kennedy

Don’t forget to enter for YOUR CHANCE to WIN…

(The winner will be notified next Monday morning!)


It is an  important part of creativity to allow ourselves a little time to “play”–a few minutes or hours every week to try new materials and experiment with ideas.

Even if the process leads to nothing more than scraps for the bin, these experiments help a quilter grow by eliminating some ideas and fostering new ones.Bird Mini QuiltI started this little quilt because I wanted to play with some new embroidery threads and because I have a mountain of “quilt tutorials” and practice pieces for which I’d like to find a use.  Read more HERE

Bird Mini QuiltI also wanted to play with hand embroidery-which I have always enjoyed. (Like many of you, I started my sewing life by embroidering.)Bird Mini Quilt


This week I’d like to challenge YOU to “play” with intention.

  • Is there another hobby or skill you could add to your quilting like painting, embroidery, weaving?
  • Is there a material in your sewing room you could use in a new or novel way?
  • Is there a supply that you would like to buy and experiment with?

Summer is time to play!


Please take two minutes to watch this video about the Hokkaido Garden in Japan-it’s a very creative musical approach to a garden.  I know YOU are going to love it!

Happy Stitching!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!




  • The musical garden was just too amazing!

  • Phyllis

    Thank you so much!

  • Thanks for the video..love the “Ode to Joy.” Your inspiration prompts have jump started my thoughts about combinations! Appreciate your skills!

  • Amazing video and photography! I can only imagine the planning and creative construction that went into making this. Thanks.

  • I love all the quilty things you share and teach, but this garden is truly amazing and wonderful. thank you for posting it, I never would have seen it otherwise.

  • What great inspiration! That little quilt is exactly the kind of project I need to try out some new things I’ve been wanting to do.

  • Carol

    Lori, is it a good idea to face the appliques so the quilting doesn’t show a shadow? or does that not matter to the quilt police? Is there any best practice with this?

    • WordPress.com Support

      I’m not a big believer in quilt police! I would consider backing an appliqué if the backing fabric showed through AND I didn’t like the result. It may happen that showing through enhances a design. Thanks for the idea/question Carol!

  • Rosemaryflower

    very pretty creation you made, Lori.
    I also love the video. I will send it on to my dad 🙂 it will make my mom happy

  • Very cool video. I can’t imagine how long it took to set it up.

  • lavonne

    what a beautiful park. that was so relaxing. so creative.

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