The Spark, The Brick and The Giveaway

February 20, 2015
Brick Quilt

Poppy QuiltGood Morning, Quilters!

Does it sound like we’re doing another Mystery Quilt-with the cryptic title for today’s post?

Let me explain…One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to review my extensive photo collection and purge.  As I was working away at my computer, I came across this photo of The Poppy Quilt on my garden wall….The Spark

Next thing I knew, I was sitting at my sewing machine…(So much for NY Resolutions!)

Brick QuiltHowever, one of my other resolutions is to try new threads.

I used Superior’s King Tut (extra long-staple) cotton to create The Bricks in this quilt.  I love how the variegated thread adds even more texture to The Bricks.

Brick QuiltThe Spark…led to The Brick Wall Tutorial on Tuesday.

Next, I sent off a photo and a note to Superior Threads...

Brick QuiltAnd our friends at Superior offered to do a GIVEAWAY!


Brick QuiltTwo lucky winners will receive $25 Gift Certificates at Superior Threads!


Leave a comment here at The Inbox Jaunt. Let me know one of your sewing resolutions for 2016.


Go to Superior’s King Tut page HERE

Then Like Superior on Facebook, leaving them a note about your favorite King Tut color.


Do both–Two chances to Win!

We will choose two winners on Thursday, February 25.



PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • Heather Raymond

    My resolutions this year are to finish a lot of UFOs. I have taken a class on machine quilting and plan to quilt to some of my projects myself!

  • marybeth

    my resolution is to try to finish more UFO’s this year

  • Jane VanWijnen

    I’d love to try the King Tut Thread. I’m just getting back into quilting after 15 years or so and machine quilting was the NEW thing instead of hand quilting. I’ve only done a little machine quilting so am anxious to try what I see on Lori’s posts.

  • Christine

    I’ve never tried King Tut thread and this year I have bought myself a Sweet 16 so I’m having a lot of trial and error, working out how and what to do. I’m excited!

  • Jane Brown

    I resolve to finish quilting two quilts that are already basted but I have yet to figure out how to quilt them. I don’t have a favorite King Tut. I favor the variable ones for quilting patchwork quilts with lots of colors.

  • Marjory Wilkin

    My resolution is to make a quilt for my granddaughter–I have all the materials; just need to get started.

  • susan718

    My resolution is to finish something a few UFOs.
    Thnks for the giveaway!

  • Jerriann C

    I am a new quilter…my resolution for the sewing year ahead is to learn free motion quilting.
    My straight lines are beginning to bore me : )


  • Pat Vacek

    My resolution is to continue practicing FMQ skills. You have really inspired me. I’ve learned how much practice it takes to turn an idea into reality. It is amazing how much thread I go through as a practice. I would love a Superior Thread gift certificate.

  • Marti M

    My resolution is to learn to use my midarm quilting machine.

  • My resolution is to practice more machine quilting designs and to sew at least once a week. With my job and family I am often pulled away from my machine!

  • My resolution for this year 2015 is to pare down some of my stash, both tools and fabric, and then actually use some of what is left.

  • Rose Landon

    My resolution for this year is to finish half of the things I have started. I figured half is doable because I that gives me a chance to start new things!!

  • anita

    I resolve to actually finsih machine quilting several tops that have hung around way to long. I love doing my own quilting on a domestic machine, thread of choice is always King Tut with Master Piece in the bobbin. Also love their machine needles. So me PLEASE!

  • Jennifer Ciaccio

    I love King Tut Thread!!! My sewing resolutions this year is to complete at least one item for our guild’s silent auction for our upcoming quilt show. I always have grand intentions and then get busy on other projects. This year is the year I follow through!

  • I just started quilting but it’s taking over my life and my soul! My husband thinks I’ve lost my mind…….maybe I have……Maybe I quilted it into my last quilt! 2015 will be my Year of The Quilt(s)!

  • For 2015 I have resolved to finish up at least one UFO per month. So far, I`ve finished 3!

  • Tina Powell

    My goal for 2015 is to Practice, Practice, Practice and learn to FMQ!

  • Carol Mendes

    I love using king tut and magnificent on the top and bottom line on the bottom . I own an Innova longarm. Would love to add to my small collection. Thank you for the opportunity.


  • Yvonne Bolger

    My resolution is to stop talking about it and just DO IT! Don’t have that many UFO’s. Your blog and tutorials have finally given me the inspiration to try something other than just straight grid machine quilting.

  • Marilyn martin

    I am in process of quilting 2 quilt tops by summer( June 21) , that is my goal. I am just beginning to improve machine quilting & hope I do them justice

  • This year I resolve to learn how to free motion quilt. I’m good at piecing tops. Now I need to get them quilted.

  • Marlene

    My resolution is to finish the many UFO’s in my sewing room. Especially the wedding quilt for my daughter. It’s finally finished – a whopping 124″ square but gorgeous. I quilted it with Superior’s Sew Fine thread. Came out great

  • I LOVE making quilt tops – but actually getting them quilted is another thing! So, my resolution is to finally quilt a few tops that are hanging in my sewing room closet. I have the first one ready to go for this afternoon!

  • This year I resolved to spend more time sewing and less time on the web!!!

  • I love a chance to win and try new thread! Please include me in the raffle! My New Year’s Resolution include finishing projects – mostly that means lots of FMQ! I am currently tackling a King size quilt by quilting one half at a time with a plan to then join it and quilt the middle portion. It took some planning- esp. at the borders but is going well. I am using one of your quilting designs! …and I wouldn’t have tried it without the knowledge and support from you! Thank you, again.

  • Lauretta Smith

    Step out of my comfort zone with thread and fabric choices; hand dye fabric.

  • Judith Drozdowski

    I resolved to organize my scraps by cutting them into usable shapes, and then use them!

  • Anne J

    My sewing resolution is to complete one UFO and one Quilts for Kids quilt each month. So far, am on schedule. Oh, and, I am quilting my own quilts, too. Have the courage to do so, thanks to your encouragement.

  • Celeste Delostrinos

    I hope to finish more quilts by machine quilting them.

  • Nancy

    My resolution is to be more creative with thread! I had been using 50 weight cotton for piecing and quilting until just a few weeks ago. On my most recent project I quilted it with 40 weight (by accident. I didn’t know I had it!) and loved the result! I will be experimenting with 40 and 30 weights, especially Superior brights. This is exciting! Thank you Lori!

    • Support

      I really prefer 40wt for quilting!

  • Marlene

    My goal is to work on a few unfinished projects and focus on using my stash.

  • Patti J

    My resolution is to finish what I start. I made a list of quilts to be quilted and anything new must be quilted right away. I hope that this helps me get caught up.

  • Michele

    I want to become better at machine quilting so I can quilt some of the many tops I’ve made. I’d also like to stop starting new projects…

  • My resolution for 2015 is to quilt more than last year (and I’m on a good way) and to quilt all type of wholecloths.

  • I started the new year by getting the flu and when I got over that I broke my hip. My year can only get better and I am going to use this as an opportunity to do what ever I want to do and that is quilt.

    • Quilting Jeannie Z

      What a rotten way to begin the year, Theresa. I hope you mend quickly and I recommend quilting for therapy! You are #1 priority to regain your health this year, and to quilt to regain your sanity. Best wishes.

    • Support

      Oh my! Glad to hear that you have quilting to get you through!

  • Mary Zimmerman

    My resolution is to get this list of UFOs down to a manageable level!

  • I plan to machine quilt my own quilts. I use King Tut.

  • Dottie

    This year my quilting resolution is to really push myself to try more difficult FMQ. Wish me luck……I need it!

  • Maureen

    My resoultion is to buy different threads both in brand, type and color

  • My sewing resolution for this year is to finish all my UFOs/WIPs. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win.

  • Miz Pat

    My resolution is to spend an hour a day working on quilt-related skills, like FMQ and color choices. I love King Tut threadand my favorite color right now is the purple varigated that I’m quilting my DGD’s wedding quilt.

  • Kathy

    I hope to practice and do more free-motion quilting and I think following your tutorials will really help!

  • Kathi Ewen

    I love what you did with the poppy puffing out on the bricks. Do many great quilting ideas in everyday life. And I do love the colours and consistence of the King Tut line. I am finally getting my quilting room set up after moving from overseas and want to spend the next year exploring new threads and quilting ideas.

  • Margie

    King Tut is wonderful for longarm quilting!

  • I want to finish up UFOs and improve at free motion quilting.

  • allisonsews

    Awesome, I really want to learn more about thread this year and what works best for me and my machine.

  • My resolution is to resold my stash and to make 4 charity quilts this year fm my stash.

  • My new year’s resolution is to bite the bullet and machine quilt the 5 quilt tops I have that are waiting to be quilted.

  • Cyndy Knapp

    My resolution is to make a queen sized quilt for my son! I’ve got the pattern and all but the background fabric. I’ll be able to buy that in a few weeks.

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