• I am alos just catching up with your posts and agree she looks like she is knitting. Apparently not uncommon for people to walk while they knit – the Wisconsin Wool Festival actually had a contest for knitters to participate in – relay of 4 with points for most stitches and fastest time; points subtracted for errors.
    (It takes some strategy – if you walk too fast you will not knit as many stitches…). The interesting item to me is that the artist named this work (presumably) and referred to this girl as a seamstress?
    This is a beautiful piece of art and I like it even better than the Impressionist pieces.
    Thank you.

  • Okay, I’m amused — she’s not sewing, she’s knitting! Lovely picture, though!

    • Don’t see a knitting needle!

      • No, I don’t either, but I’m blaming that on the artist. 🙂 She’s holding her hands as if there should be needles in them, she’s got the yarn tensioned over fingers in her right hand, and there’s ribbing on the bottom of the work, as if it’s the bottom of the sweater.

  • Linda Kay

    Thank you again Lori – it is just beautiful and thank you for continuing my education too. I am not an artistic type, although quilting is teaching me a lot now, and didn’t do art in school so it is wonderful to see these paintings and the workmanship and the use of light in them is just beautiful and so different in each one!!

  • Dear Lori;
    You are doing a lot of people a big favor whether they know it themselves or not. Very good for the art world.
    As I mentioned before with all the history of art classesI have had many of these artists were evidently not thought important for the profs or art teachers to ask us to study…so, I repeat, thanks for continuing my education.
    Priscilla Glenn

  • I too enjoy the beautiful artwork you find and share!

  • I love the art work you find…something I do not take time to enjoy and I appreciate that you post it! And am going to start feeding my love for art more often…we have lots of galleries here in the Black Hills.
    I was gone yesterday so I’m catching up…WOW! on yesterdays posts! I think everyone needs to give themselves a break and permission to enjoy their FMQing and permission to scrap a few pieces for practice…it’s OK! I have the same perfectionism issues but am learning to love the oops! along with the ta-da’s!!
    And it is true…if you can’t see the oops riding by on a galloping horse no one is going to notice it either. I really do this. I hang the quilt on the clothes line and gallap by on my horse (no it’s not a stick horse!) trying to find the oops without falling off. Can’t see it…great I leave it. If I find it I humbly say oops! (my horse thinks this is stupid by the way)
    Enjoy your life people!!! 🙂

  • Patricia Trujillo

    Thanks for the Perrault link. When I see the old masters work, I always think how they did it without modern light or any of the tools we might have available to us….no photographs, for instance.
    The Puto is exquisite.
    Thanks for yor daily treats.

    • You are right about modern tools not being a part of their lives – but, yes, they did have photography at the time of Perrault (started in 1827). And prior to that (as far back as the 1500s) they had acamera obscura that allowed them to “trace” their sitters or landscape directly on to canvas or paper. And ask any painter there is nothing in the world like natural light!

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