X Marks the Spot-A Machine Quilting Tutorial

August 9, 2016
Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting, Tutorial, X

Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting, Tutorial, X

Good Morning, Quilters!

In keeping with my new challenge to put an X in my exercise calendar every day, I offer today’s machine quilting tutorial--X Marks the Spot.

This is an easy grid motif.  Once the marking is complete, the stitching is a breeze!


Begin by drawing two parallel lines.  Add perpendicular lines to create squares.  (I use the white Fons and Porter Ceramic Pencil)

More on Marking Tools coming soon!

Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting, Tutorial, X

Begin stitching in any corner.

Stitch a wide “V”.

Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting, Tutorial, X

Closely echo stitch to the center.

Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting, Tutorial, X

Stitch to the next corner.

Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting, Tutorial, X

Closely echo stitch back to the center and out to the next corner.

NOTE-leave a gap in the center of the block where all the stitching lines converge.

Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting, Tutorial, X

Finish the final side of the X and then stitch along the left drawn line to begin the next motif.

Once the entire row of Xs are complete, stitch the right side line.

Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting, Tutorial, X

Combine small and large Xs to create really unique patterns.

Doodle first so you can cross that off your list…

And then get a little exercise…a walk today?  yoga?  swimming?  #movemore  #losethosefatquarters!

Hope there’s a little pep in your step and spring in your stitches today!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!



  • Had my fitbit for a year and got bored silly with it! So now I try to have a walk each day and no worries about the steps! Love the stitching pattern today, you make it so easy for us, thank you!!!!!!

  • Janet Licari

    What a fun design! It is amazing how easily these ideas seem to come to you! So inspiring! Thank you.

  • Sue H

    I think this may work for my table runner too! We got a puppy in December and she is by new walking buddy. I’m happy to watch her grow and our walks are getting longer! Win! Win!

  • Really fun! I’ll have to try it out soon.

  • dragee

    This “X Marks the Spot” that you offer us today is exactly what I was expecting for my first try on the border of one of my quilts. (I have to confess that I’ll make a subsidiary mark to be sure to join the X right in the middle because – even if in your lessons you tell us that it is not possible or necessary to be perfect – I am trying to be !) Thanks Lori

  • Bonnie

    This is perfect for the table runner I am working on. Thanks!

  • I really like this motif and how in your sample you included a smaller scale. Thanks.

  • My Fitbit is the thing that has changed my exercise habits. Setting goals , reminders during the day and linking with friends to see their progress are all things I can do on my Fitbit. Try it ladies it really helps.

    • Ellen

      I have a Fitbit, but got out of the habit of using it. I never linked with friends or set reminders, but even seeing it on my wrist was helpful. I need to get it out! I’m a teacher, and the school year is about to start, so it would be a good time to start a new habit!

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