Winner, Email, Magazines and More!

October 12, 2016

AQ Magazine, Pumpkins

Good Morning, Quilters!

It seems The Inbox Jaunt email system is working again–I’m not sure what happened and I don’t know how it got fixed…Thank you to all who sent messages about their email status-it really helped!


It is very likely it is YOUR email server.  There are many reasons an email can be blocked… I found that my own email (Outlook) has been putting posts from The Inbox Jaunt straight into the trash–not even Junk Mail, where I might check for them–straight to trash.  I suggest you Google search blocked or trashed emails for your email server and follow the directions to unblock.



Last week we met Deborah Boschert and reviewed her new book, Art Quilt Collage-

To enter the giveaway, we all considered what our personal symbols might be…Feathers, trees, flowers, teacups, dogs, cats, coffee, waves….

Perhaps YOU could incorporate your symbol into your next quilt using Deborah’s techniques?!

Deborah Boschert, Collage

THE WINNER  is Rita Wesney!  Congratulations, Rita!  Please email your address to me ( and we will get the book out to you!

 If you would like YOUR own copy….you can get Art Quilt Collage is available HERE


Be sure to check out American Quilter Magazine on news stands now.  (or subscribe HERE)  American Quilter has a new editor, Ann Hammel–(Congratulations, Ann!)–and is even better than ever!  There are several quilt patterns, a great article about Kaffe Fassett (rhymes with Safe Asset), a pattern and article, Quilt Class Etiquette by the lovely, Kimberly Einmo and The Pumpkin and Oak Leaf border–step-by-step tutorial by yours truly.  

I’m sure YOU will be inspired!


We had a family craft project last weekend, making more than 25 velvet pumpkins.  We came up with a system and I’ll share a tutorial soon.

Try to  get your hands on some pumpkin stems-raid a local farm, ask at the farmers’ market or buy a pumpkin, gourd or squash and save the stems.  Let the stems dry out.   I will have the tutorial ready for Thanksgiving-so save your Halloween pumpkins and ask the neighbor for theirs…

Tomorrow we’ll be doodling an “Essential Doodle” and Friday–The Dog and Quilt Show!

Next week….an exciting addition to my sewing room!

Happy Quilting,


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  This blog post contains affiliate links.  If you chose to purchase anything, (at no additional cost to you) I may receive a commission.  Thank you for supporting The Inbox Jaunt in this way!



  • Vivian Bringslimark

    I am crazy for pumpkins, so to see your photos in this blog got me inspired and anxiously awaiting. I rushed out to local craft store and found AQ – but it was the September issue! Disappointed, I put it back on the shelf and have to wait. I did manage to at least sign up for AQ blog. But, this weekend, my local publix came out with pie pumpkins. OMGosh – The all had those wonderful stems this year!! So, I had to buy at least 6 pie pumpkins because I fell in love with Lori’s velvet pumpkins photos and now I don’t have to think about where to find the stems – I already have them! Anxiously awaiting your future posts and getting my hands on the OCTOBER issue of AQ so I can learn your pumpkin motif. Thank you so much for sharing all your wonderful ideas with us. Grateful, Vivian. Pumpkin soup anyone?

  • Ellen

    When I have made fabric pumpkins, I’ve used broken branches and pieces of wood (the older-looking, the better) in place of stems. They look pretty good, as well! Looking forward to seeing the velvet pumpkins. Do we get a “teaser” photo, at least?

    • Support

      Great idea! The teaser photo is next to the magazine

  • Rebecca

    Congrats on being published in the magazine. How exciting!

  • I know I’ve been “out of the loop” for a little(?) while but YOU have really been a busy gal!!!!! Many “Congrats” on all the well-deserved recognition your talents are receiving! You inspire so many to push through to the next level with a “you can do it” approach that I so admire. Look forward to that ‘new addition’ reveal. Blessings, bloggy friend…….

  • Pat Meinecke

    Today’s banner photo is fabulous for the month of October! Think I’ll try something similar and send to my two young grandsons to put over their front door. Their mother is a violin teacher and her students would love it!

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