When You’re Not Quilting…

June 27, 2014
Free Motion Quilted Tea Cup

Free Motion Quilted Tea cups001

Today is Open Line Friday

     Anyone asks

     Everyone answers….

Fire away with your questions and your answers.  We would love to hear from everyone!

Free Motion Quilted Tea cups003



I have an important blogging question…a few people have written to me to say they’ve had trouble subscribing to my e-mails and/or have not been receiving The Inbox Jaunt in their email every day.  I am working to fix this with WordPress, but was wondering how widespread the problem.

If you are having any service problems, please leave a comment!

Free Motion Quilted Tea CupsI’ll start the kettle boiling…

When you have a little leisure time  AND you’re not quilting…what else do you enjoy?

Free Motion Quilted Tea CupsI’d love to hear!

Taking time for tea,


PS…All information, images and tutorials are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, share and Pin with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!



  • Julie

    Oh, my goodness! There’s gardening, guild events, canning, camping with a group, traveling, shopping and various chores too numerous to mention!

  • Just two more weeks of school here! Then 6 weeks of summer holiday and then back to school! Yes, our schools close much later and start much earliers than yours!
    At the moment. I am very busy with getting my house ready for sale, so i expect to have to do a lot of housekeeping this summer to keep my house looking like it is from a design magazine.
    But first, I need to finish up all of the paint work around the house… Pfew… Almost done!
    If i have spare time i love watching some sci-fi shows on tv and playing with the plants on my balcony.

  • In the summer you can find me in the garden……:)

  • farmquilter

    When I am not quilting is like to read quilting blogs, ride my horse, read and travel.

  • Paula from Alaska

    “When you’re not quilting…” I’m not sure I understand what these words mean 😀

  • I read books and blogs and my Bible. I spend time with the grandchildren. We’re planning a family trip to the Detroit Zoo over the week-end of July 4th. My husband & I own a small town bakery, so I also decorate cakes and cupcakes for customer orders.

  • Sitting in the garden, drinking tea, looking at other quilters’ quilts. Love this tea-time quilt Lori!

  • Read blogs! 🙂

  • Denise

    Spending the next few weekends visiting my sisters lake house so no sewing machine. I decided fishing is the quilting of the lake.

  • Fighting with my teenage daughter! hahaha Acutally that only this week – next week it will be fine. I also like to swim and go walking. I take my doggies with me. I like to sew clothes and read, do puzzles and a small about of gardening. Oh and cooking – well, more the eating part of that. 🙂

  • Sheila

    When I’m not quilting and the weather cooperates, I can usually be found out in my gardens. During the Vermont winters, I can be found knitting or reading when not quilting — and when my grandchildren aren’t visiting!

  • I love knitting, gardening and reading. I’m the church librarian, so that ties up some time, as does the computer (there are SO many great quilting blogs out there!). I try to make cards in my very limited spare time too.

  • DebrafromMD

    I love to knit and read.

  • I enjoy growing organic vegetables (especially tomatoes, ground cherries (Peruvian cherries), and hot peppers) in my greenhouse & garden. I try to start a dozen or more varieties of heirloom or open pollinated tomatoes each year. I also like to do other artwork (other than fiber), like hot cast bronze and hot or warm glass (lampworking). But, mostly I enjoy hanging out with my wonderful cats and catering to their every whim.

  • Hello from NM! Retired and have lots of projects to work on. Almost finished with a Red work Christmas Stocking with lots of tatting. I love to tat in the evening and sell small crosses and angels at our local quilt shop. Love to embroider (silk ribbon & BDE) for a crazy quilt. We have a small garden and flowers. Keeping the weeds out is a big problem this year as we have had the “beautiful” Rain. Been in a drought since 2006. today I picked 2 qts of cherries, zucks and made muffins. Just finished a BOM from local shop and is ready to machine quilt. Been practicing machine quilting using some of Lori’s patterns on a placemats.

    • Sue Cox

      Linda, I’m so happy to hear that the rain has finally returned to your area. I’ve said often that our constant rains would do so much more good out west. We’re soggy in the Smokies (not flooded like the Midwest, tho.). I hope you continue to receive “beautiful rain “.

      • Linda M

        Thanks Sue!! Living in Ketchikan, AK we got over 150 inches per year and came to NM to dry out but too dry at times. Looks like the Monsoons will be coming through this year.

  • I spend time biking,exercising, cottage and currently travelling in beautiful Croatia.

  • To keep my hands busy, I knit, embroider etc. I love to read, especially mysteries. In summer my garden calls on a regular basis, and I also love cooking, baking bread and other goodies. We attend live theater when we can, and when south in the winter, I also add swimming and biking. I still try to sew every day, and get very cranky if I have too many days in a row without sewing!

  • When I am not quilting, I am working at my part-time job at a quilt shop and helping other people plan their quilts. Some weeks it feels like I do more helping others plan awesome quilts than I get to actually sew and quilt myself! I love spending time with my two amazing grandchildren – Ellie and Luke. And I spend quite a bit of time working on my website – I sell patterns to create snow skirts for added winter warmth!

    Just had 3 weeks of family company, so I need to find my my sewing room again! But back to work again today and tomorrow and …….

  • Mary Grass

    When I’m not quilting I’m thinking about quilting and what I will make next! I start my day with your blog, Lori, and that gets me cranked up for the day! Actually, we have a large house and yard so that takes up a lot of my time, but also I’m addicted to my
    Words with Friends” game on my iPad.

  • Carol in SD

    If I had my choice I would spend each day quilting. Otherwise I dream of projects, mess with flower gardening, take pictures, embroider by hand, volunteer at church, travel, frequent thrift stores, cook new healthy recipes, watch quilting arts tv, watch grandkids, etc. etc. I am never lacking for something to do and the day doesn’t have enough hours in it. Times goes too fast! Since last week we have a son and his 10 year old son and 2 dogs living with us after moving home from Alaska; so there is a new way of living for now until they find their own home. Are there others living this new way of life after kids have come back home too? Oh, 14 grandkids and 1 great to visit! Everyone have a safe and a great 4th of July and take time for yourself with quilting whenever you can!!!

  • WordPress.com Support

    The wave would work perfectly over a seam and it adapts well to being stretched and squashed.

    As for the photos: feel free to use them for personal use— Id love to see the results— for commercial purposes, please contact me to work something out.

  • terri414cb

    Read, read, read. Since I’m a teacher, I don’t get as much reading during the school year. I’ve already read 6 books this summer! I also love the SF Giants (baseball). While I watch the Giants, I work on Family History or reading/replying to blogs.

  • I just found your site and have had no problem checking in every day for a few weeks now. Aside from quilting, I have been doing some genealogy sleuthing, but my other main hobby is painting. I started with watercolors and am now branching out to acrylics. It is also fun to combine what I have learned from painting and quilting into making art quilts and I hope to do more of that in the future. I love to paint flowers and wanted to know if I would need to ask permission to paint a picture or make an art quilt using your flower photographs.
    I have only tried meandering a few times. I have been doodling the wave free motion and have recently finished a 1600 quilt which is the kind used in the Jelly Roll races. The wave would fit in each horizontal strip, but I was wondering if the motif could be made taller and larger and spread vertically over two rows. Would the seam between the two rows affect the free motion quilting?

    • Joann Feltus

      I think it would work just fine. I have seen a jellyroll 1600 quilt done that way using a woodgrain pattern and it looked great. I’ve just finished a jellyroll quilt, but I quilted each strip and used a bunch of different patterns.

  • I read your mail on Bloglines. No problems there, thank goodness!When I am not sewing/quilting, I am trying to keep up with a teen getting ready for college (he was wondering WHY we needed to go with him when he goes in Aug. Thinking he will be happy we brought our credit card!!). I am teaching a 9 yr old friend to sew, she is making a small backpack. Two other small sewing/quilt groups…guess I don’t do much other than sew! lol I like to swim every day and LOVE to watch baseball (forced to watch soccer…see above teen son!)

  • Love those pictures. For now, I cannot get past the garden. I have some plans for a new flower garden on the other side of the driveway. Perhaps that is why it is raining so much. It might be carma from my husband, who really doesn’t want to spend the effort digging out the grass. Have a great weekend.

  • Susan

    I was getting your emails regularly and then they just stopped – so I tried to resubscribe but it told me I was already subscribed. Then I started getting the emails again. Weird.

    • WordPress.com Support

      I wonder if it is a WordPress bug that one of the updates fixed?! Others are still not receiving!

  • Floy H

    First, I’m new here and I am getting the emails just fine. When I am not quilting, you can find me at the computer mostly on Pinterest looking for new ideas for LA quilting. I found your site and many of your patterns there and I am a big fan of your designs. I like to read and have tons of other interests. Recently I have started journaling.

  • donna

    Hi from sunny alberta! (so far) couldn’t imagine my mornings without your blog, I have no problem with it. I love to play with polymer clay, rughook, needlepunch, sew bags,and lots of quilting. Gee-ya spose thats why I’m tired in the evening?

  • Helen B White

    I garden (can’t keep those hands clean, always forget my gloves). In the morning while watching the news I knit.


      I always look forward to summer for reading as much as I want. We have several elementary school age children in our neighborhood & during their summer vacation I help them (boys & girls) make a quilt. We’ve progressed from doll & mug projects to a “lap quilt” this year. So far, all fabrics are cut for chosen patterns & we’re reading directions. These children have become very proficient & really enjoy their creations.

  • Sue Cox

    My hubby and I are retired, so we don’t have to rush around to jobs. Our children all live in another state (both literally and figuratively) . We live in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. I, too love gardens and have perennial gardens around our house. This year (since I decided to quilt a special bed quilt for one of our daughters), I have been more focused on it than my garden. We’ve also had a lot of rain so the WEEDS have succeeded in overtaking everything! My garden is beyond help. My irises haven’t bloomed at all and the lilies are blooming only in spots. Sigh…..
    I’m on the internet!!! I pay a lot to have wifi, so I USE IT!
    We’re watching our wild birds and their babies come to our front porch feeders. They’re so funny and cute.
    (Sorry, I do ramble on….)
    When I’m not using quilting for my creative outlet, I take pictures, do cross stitch, dye fabrics, play Facebook games, and chat with my sweetie and our kids. Oh, and (whisper) watch television …
    Gosh I feel so lucky! 🙂

  • No email problems. I too stay on the iPad just a little too much.

  • Helen

    When home I enjoy gardening and dyeing my own fabric. I usually multitask and listen to audiobooks or podcasts while pursuing those pastimes as well as when quilting. I really enjoy spending time with friends and traveling as well.

  • Ramona

    I spend too much time on the computer as well. Some days I wish it was down so I could get something done. LOL But my other hobby is embroidery. I love incorporating embroidery with my quilting.

  • Ha! I have a toddler, so my free time is spent trying to keep him out of trouble. I also run half marathons. (And sometimes manage to train for them!) I’m not having email issues with you.

  • Martha Henrichs

    Reading. This time of year, lots of time in the garden trying to keep the weeds under control and way too much time on the Internet!

  • My non quilting hobbies are gardening and baking cakes. I could either all day. I also read. It’s all done to the soundtrack of classic rock xx

  • Lisa A

    Reading usually, now that it’s summer–finally–working in the garden too! Riding bike, surfing Pintrest.

  • Jen B

    I read, all the time, even when I’m quilting. I just switch to an audio book instead!

  • Rose Landon

    When not Quilting I’m gardening, walking, reading,knitting, watching Grandsons play Baseball (yes I like it!). I also like to travel and enjoy time with friends and family.

  • I spend way too much time on my computer! I also enjoy cooking, time with family and friends and volunteer work in the church, local school and community.

  • right now with the summer season….love to garden ….veggies are okay but love my perennial garden and my kitchen annual garden….every year I tell my self the zinnia’s will be my next quilt……someone please buy me a winning lottery ticket so I can give up my day job…..happy 4th of july

    • Bad news, Dee…you will not have any more “spare” time after you retire. I’ve been retired 7+ years and my sewing room just keeps filling up with more UFOs. Can’t seem to get caught up!

      • Genie Clement

        I have more UFO’s since retirement as well. LOL I quilt and do embroidery (on my beautiful Bernina) most days. I read a great deal. I knit for our Prayer Shawl Ministry. I attend quilting and embroidery classes at my favorite quilt store along with my buddies. I go on a quilting retreat once a year. I watch Netflix and do my hand work. I listen to classical music as well. I am a widow and live in a condo with my beautiful daughter who is a published author. Our largest bedroom (the master) is my studio. My job is to keep dogs quiet and calm when deadlines come around and go to breakfast for something special when I need to be a serious sounding board. Compared to some of you I lead a very quiet life.

  • Deep Breath!!!! I love to garden, can, dig in my flower beds, ride my spyder, ride my horse, ride my mt. bike, shoot my shotgun, shoot my new camera, fishing, boating, hiking, play in my woodshop, leather craft, paint pictures or walls or old furniture, have skipping races with my niece Audrey, spending time with my daughters and the rest of my family and friends and most of all lately all I really want to do is sit and rock my beautiful new grandson Charlie. 🙂

    • WordPress.com Support

      I’m exhausted just Reading all you do, Ness!

      • I forgot a few things but the seasons change it up a bit! But Patricia was right…I am up early and the first thing I do is grab a cup of coffee and open Lori’s blog to see what’s cookin’ in the sewing room, shoot an email to my dearest friend Peggy and I’m off for the day! 🙂

    • OMG what a ot of activities! Oh, if I were younger and had your energy! I love to garden, too, but with 46 acres to care for and about 5 acres of lawns spread about, I keep very busy just maintaining the place. We have a vacation rental house that I also keep maintained.

  • I paint watercolors, read and take walks. Also, I practice designs on my Longarm machine and read books about quilt designs.

  • Cathy


  • LumaLu

    I currently have house-mates; my son and his wife and their 2 adorable children (i’m biased). I spend a lot of time with them, playing and reading books to them, drawing/coloring with the 5 year old and trying to teach the 1 year old to walk. It’s difficult to sew every day. Shirley, maybe that’s why I get cranky! I am also training for a 5K. And I also spend way too much time on the computer.
    I do not have a problem getting your emails.
    Lori, I really enjoy your tutorials! Thank you for sharing your skill and expertise! I just love the teacups!

    • Patricia

      I just had this vision of a wave of people across the world (as the sun rises) opening email from Lori, getting our fix for the day……..and on to other endeavors.

      • WordPress.com Support

        What a lovely thought! You made my day!

  • sillyandrea

    When I’m not working with WordPress all day, I’m sewing things for the granddaughters, running my adults kids around, spending time with family, going on walks with the hubby, reading, watching Netflix and generally keeping busy.

  • rosemarazzle

    Rosemary b here:
    Well, you know I am taking care of “the twins” at the apartment one mile from my house. They have a “care giver” for a few hours in the morning but she is not very useful, but that does let me get some things done in the morning. I take them to doctors, they have all new ones since I uprooted them from Annapolis MD, spend the afternoon with them, clean their apartment because the caregiver …. I think she lives in a barn…. and I take them shopping for food.
    Life is better here for me and them. Annapolis is full of people in a hurry.
    Loudoun County is a lot more open spaced and close to the mountains.
    So, once mom and dad move into Ashby Ponds (and Erickson community, go ahead google it) I think I will worry less. I know they will have assistance at a push of a button, and loads of friends. I will only be 5 miles away, but I plan to be there often as usual.
    So, right now, my free time is filled with racing around.
    laundry, cleaning, shopping, quick 35 minutes at the neighborhood gym when I have the energy.
    I am not having much free time. I squeeze in my sewing quilting in the evening, or maybe for an hour in the morning. I play a little bit of piano. I like to play hymns, classical and some jazzy fun songs.
    I try not to spend a lot of time on the nets. It is a bad habit, so I just try to allot 30 minutes in the morning and 30 in the evening…. of course that does not include all of the silly emails and texts from my wonderful married daughters and my newly acquired amazingly adorable sons.
    Happy Friday everyone. Tomorrow I am driving out to Annapolis to clean up and throw away (discretely and stealthily) mom and dad’s house before the packers come in July

    • rosemarazzle

      wow, I wrote a novel :-/

      • Sue Cox

        Wow, you really have your plate full.
        You sound like you are handling everything in stride. God bless you for the efforts. Does quilting help to clear your mind? It seems to work for me, and my plate is no where near as full! Good wishes to you! 🙂

  • Shirley McIntyre

    I have no problem getting emails…..so far! I spend way too much time on the computer, I find it steals my time ! I do try to sew every day, or I get cranky !

  • In addition to other forms of handwork, my favourite pastime is listening to classical music; live as often as possible, and otherwise on the radio, CD or mp3. Fortunately the two can sometimes be combined, although I don’t knit or sew during concerts!

  • Hmmm I find the Internet takes quite a bit of my time lately but I do learn quite a bit regarding sewing and quilting. I love to walk, shop, and visit friends. I sew most days.
    Bunny ps have no trouble getting your emails from word press.

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