What Will Your Quilts Say about YOU?

January 13, 2017
Vintage Sewing Notions

Vintage Sewing Machine, Singer, Toy Sewing Machine, Amish Quilt, Quilt

Good Morning, Quilters!

As the winter settles in for a prolonged stay,  January is a time for introspection. It’s a season more conducive to thinking than to action…

Perhaps it’s a good time to spend a moment thinking about our quilts and setting goals.

The experts on goal-setting say–“Begin with the end in mind.”  

What does that mean in terms of our quilting projects?


Perhaps a little time travel is in order…

Imagine it’s the year 2117--and a family member has just inherited a trunk of your quilts.

What will YOUR quilts say about YOU?

Do they say what YOU want them to say?

Vintage Sewing

Over the next several Fridays, I will offer a few other ways to think about quilting.

Perhaps you could add a few journal pages to your Quilt Notebook and write down your answers.

Please share YOUR thoughts, ideas, concerns…

As our New Friend, Kelly Ashton would say:  “Quilting is not a matter of life or death–it’s more important than that!”

Happy, Thoughtful Stitching,


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!





  • Kay Holm

    That is a question I have been pondering and for me it makes me want to tackle more difficult quilts. I want people to notice the time and depth of the effort and the unending quest for improvement.

    One question about your picture: what batting are you using in this quilt? It looks so very “fluffy”.

    • WordPress.com Support

      Wool batting. I applaud your thougtful approach.

  • I have scrapbooks set up for as far back as I can remember – but I’m not really good at keeping them up-to-date now that I have a blog – because the day-to-day and week-to-week progress is posted there. I also make a “Scrap Card” with a small strip of each fabric sewn to it – to put in the scrapbook along with diagrams/notes, etc. And then there’s the FPP Scrap “Heart” from the scraps of each quilt – they are now collecting in a plastic tub/bin to be made into a “someday” memory quilt. If you want to see exactly what I do and how I do it – check out my blog. alefthandedquilter – dot – blogspot – dot – com. It’s FUN – and I talk a lot – ;))

  • Be sure to label your quilts with a permanent pen or embroidered Date….made by…..made for….and any other pertinent info.

  • A friend and I set up goals at the beginning of the year and then we encourage each other and cheer one another on towards those goals. We both had health issues in 2016 so not all goals were accomplished but I really think more were accomplished than would have been without being accountable to the other person.

    My quilts would say that I love colour and am a little weird, in a good way. 🙂

    • WordPress.com Support

      Love weird! Love color! And love the idea of an “accountability partner”!

  • I hope they would say “she loved us enough to make something special that we treasure.” My quilts are gifts from the heart and when someone wraps themselves in them, I want them to feel as if I’m giving them a hug.

  • What I like to do at the beginning of a new year is make a list of all my UFO’s. Then I decide which are my top four. Each month I work on all four, one per week. As I finish one, then I add the next top one from the UFO list. Every once in a while I will sneak in a new one. There are just to many beautiful patterns out there and I just can’t resist.

  • Kathie Banks

    I’d like my quilts to represent my creativity, my strong sense of color and my daring…so even though they aren’t ‘perfect’ each will say, “She had fun making me!”

    • WordPress.com Support

      Im sure future generations will Love your quilts!

  • I too like the “quilt notebook” idea. And, it definitely must be included with the bequeathed quilts. I so wish my grandmothers quilts left to me, had included her thoughts & ideas as her eyesight waned. The last 5 quilts were made when she was almost totally blind & there are many mistakes however, these 5 quilts are more enduring than those made with her perfect sight. Grandma Jeneva persevered by feel, memory, & love of fabric (often used shirts, dresses, feedbacks, & bits of lace that she had Tatted earlier in her life). None of the other grandchildren wanted any of her creations & I was The Lucky One. Often my 2 children & I take them out for display, refolding, & storage, always marveling at her talent. Do Not try to always be PERFECT in your work, believe me, It is of no consequence as the lucky recipients will treasure your work with tear filled eyes as their hands travel reverently over the loved, & flawed creations. My children & are are so very grateful to Grandma Jeneva & the love & perseverance she continued into a very dark world.

    • WordPress.com Support

      What a great treasure you have!!!

    • Your grandma Jeneva would be so delighted that you share her love and her legacy through her quilts, and that you are passing her love down to the next generation

  • I think my quilts will say – Bless her heart, she sure did try…. LOL.

    • I laughed out loud, too! Hopefully my quilts say the same thing – ;))

    • Maureen B. In B.C.

      That gave me a laugh-out-loud moment. I’d love to have tea with you, or perhaps a glas of wine. We could have some laughs. Too bad I’m way up in Canada and you’re way down there in California enjoying way better weather than I am.

    • WordPress.com Support

      Lol!!! But personality is more important than perfection!

  • I never thought of a quilt notebook. Today will mark the start of mine. Thank you.

  • What a terrific, thought-provoking post! It made me think how often I’ve wondered about the quilter when looking at a historical quilt. So, in time travel (to 2117), we should also include our Quilt Notebook in the old trunk.

    • And maybe make my label more comprehensive.

    • Ashley Lertora

      YES! and say why you chose the pattern and colors and who you planned to make it for.

    • WordPress.com Support

      Nice to hear from you Teri! Cant wait to hear tour answer.

  • Regarding goal setting – As a knitter, I also spend some time in Ravelry – an online knitting site. There are several groups forming around the idea of “17 in 2017”- and I like the idea and how it could be applied to several areas; 17 quilitng projects completed in 2017; 17 new quilting motifs in my repertoire….. 17 pounds…..

    • I like this idea – 17 in 2017. I think I need something less time consuming than 17 quilts. More like 17 blocks! lol

  • Michele

    I have been studying a wonderful watercolor book and it really has me thinking about what I want my quilts to say. If the quilts are a gift, I hope the message is “You are so special to me”. I want myy quilts to have a positive, happy feeling – we all need that! I have made a few “art” (wall) quilts, and they reflect the beauty of the natural world.

    • WordPress.com Support

      What great messages!!

    • Sharon

      What is the name of the watercolor book?

  • Marta

    Mine will say, ” Be gentle, she stuck me a lot!” Seriously, I hope mine will say that the seamstress was careful and tried to make no glaring mistakes that would offend the eye. I would hope the threads/fabrics/colors I chose have held up well. I hope they will say, “That century was fun, Let’s begin the next one with high hopes.”

  • I love the question about 2117. Will think about that…

  • scrappychris

    You got me. Went back to your ideas about a quilt notebook. Just added to my to do list to buy a nice journal/scrapbook and start writing…and taking pictures!

    • WordPress.com Support

      You will be glad you did!

  • Karen

    Lovely photo! This was my first sewing machine.

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